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  1. You panicked and grabbed your brake instead of progressively pulling the brake lever. You don't know how to ride. Then again, you made this all up.
  2. They can start by having their flights leave on time.
  3. Says the person from a country who can't defend itself.
  4. BTW, the Axis powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan. Russia was aligned with the Allied powers. This is a bad analogy.
  5. Did something like COVID happen?
  6. You Biden voters gave us this:
  7. I've been using the At Residence Suvarnabhumi Hotel.
  8. There is a bill floating around in congerss to remove the cap. But, congess never looks at long term solutions to deal with issues. They will wait 9.9 years to address the issue.
  9. It’s the impossible questoin.
  10. Name a Democat who does not lie all the time.
  11. If the SS funding issue is not addressed, benefits will be mandatory cut in the future.
  12. Yes, more Dems need to be run out of goverment.

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