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  1. Here is a list of Western companies still doing business with Russia. https://leave-russia.org/staying-companies?flt[147][eq][]=9057 I don't know why the Western governments allow this to happen.
  2. That's BS. The US has spent trillions since WW2 defending the Euro zone. They need to step up.
  3. The US has spent trillions since WW2 to keep the peace. It's time for the other western nations to step up.
  4. Prices have increased. Even if you make more money, you are still paying more. You just make more.
  5. After reading about these crimes, this is a well-deserved sentence.
  6. So what? You still pay more for less.
  7. These alliances that you cherish so much are costing the tax payer a pile of money. Such as NATO.
  8. There is no such thing as a loophole. It’s either legal or illegal during tax season. I’m sure sure tax season comes around you try to minimize your tax liability.
  9. if you want to argue that the rich pay less then you need to define the rich.
  10. You don’t know what you are talking about. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/cpiw.html Jan 2021. 255.296 Jan 2025. 311.172 311.172 - 255.296 =55.876 55.876/311.172=0.2188. Or 21.88 percent. Which means under Joe Biden prices increased by 21.88%. Which means your purchasing power is reduced. One poster rebuttable was the market went up. So what? That does not change the fact that your purchasing power is down. Posting data from the fed does not change the fact that people’s purchasing power was reduced by 22% under Joe Biden. You need to stay in your swim lane. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/personalfinance/2024/06/20/americans-buying-power-shrinks-more-report/74141192007/ Over the past five years, 97% of occupation’s salaries have failed to keep up with inflation, said personal finance platform Moneywise, which analyzed data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Federal Housing Agency (FIFA) and Redfin to find out how salaries have kept up. It found average salaries have fallen 8.2% as home prices rose an average of 56%
  11. Got any data to back up this point?
  12. Shall I do the CPI math for you?
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