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  1. Thus, you don’t know. This is low hanging fruit man.
  2. You are free to define these terms for everyone’s education.
  3. From The Economist Joe Biden is more responsible for high inflation than for abundant jobs The main effect of the president’s economic policies has been to boost prices https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/05/11/joe-biden-is-more-responsible-for-high-inflation-than-for-abundant-jobs
  4. Let's look up Karl Marx's view on tariffs. From ChatGPT Karl Marx had a nuanced view on tariffs. His stance was largely influenced by his broader economic theories and the context of the economic and political situations of his time. Criticism of Capitalist Tariffs: Marx was critical of tariffs when they were used in capitalist economies to protect the interests of the bourgeoisie or capitalist class. He saw them as a tool that could be used to manipulate trade for the benefit of the capitalists at the expense of workers and consumers, leading to higher prices and less economic efficiency. Support for Protective Tariffs in Developing Economies: On the other hand, Marx acknowledged that tariffs could play a role in protecting infant industries in developing countries. This view aligns somewhat with the ideas later formalized by economists like Friedrich List, who argued that developing economies might need to implement protective measures temporarily to build up their industrial base and compete with more established economies. Political and Economic Context: Marx’s views on tariffs cannot be fully understood outside of his overall critique of capitalist economic structures and his advocacy for socialism. He believed that while tariffs could sometimes be justified within the logic of a capitalist economy (like protecting nascent industries or retaliating against economic aggression from other nations), they ultimately perpetuated the inequalities and inefficiencies of capitalism. In summary, while Marx was generally critical of the capitalist use of tariffs for protectionist and nationalist purposes, he recognized that under certain conditions, tariffs could be a necessary tool for economic development in less advanced economies. His ultimate goal, however, was a move towards a socialist society where such mechanisms would be rendered obsolete by the planned and equitable distribution of resources and production. Joe Biden put tariffs on EVs from China and kept all of Trump's tariffs in place.
  5. After years of this supposed “genocide” the population seems to be growing. Gaza's 2024 population is now estimated at 800,636. In 1950, the population of Gaza was 63,444. Gaza has grown by 22,449 in the last year, which represents a 2.88% annual change. These population estimates and projections come from the latest revision of the UN World Urbanization Prospects. https://worldpopulationreview.com/world-cities/gaza-population
  6. Nope https://www.state.gov/the-kremlins-never-ending-attempt-to-spread-disinformation-about-biological-weapons/ Russia, like the Soviet Union before it, has pushed false claims for decades about biological weapons in an attempt to create mistrust in the peaceful global efforts and public health institutions that counter biological threats. Since the February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia’s disinformation and propaganda ecosystem has increased the volume and intensity of its disinformation about biological weapons in an unsuccessful attempt to deflect attention from its invasion of Ukraine, to diminish international support for Ukraine, and to justify its unjustifiable war.
  7. Joining NATO is voluntary. Counties are joining NATO became they don’t want to live under the thumb of Putin.
  8. Why did NATO expand? Was it became counties wanted to be protected from Putin? The Civil war in Donbas was egged on my Putin. Russia soon annexed Crimea after a highly disputed referendum. In April 2014, Russian-backed militants seized towns in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region and proclaimed the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) as independent states, starting the Donbas war. The Biological research labs are Russian propaganda. Please provide evidence. It’s not Putin’s business if Ukraine joins the EU. Counties around Russia want nothing to do with Russia.
  9. It’s not simplistic. It’s the truth. Putin started a dumb war of conquest.
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