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Everything posted by 123Stodg

  1. Manchild Tears*
  2. That is factually incorrect. But what is correct is that he will lose the debate on September 10, assuming he's even brave enough to turn up.
  3. She is a song bird compared to listening to Trump.
  4. No, he believes he's running for president. But in reality he's running from jail.
  5. From gobble degook to Yiddish, you're a real wordsmith.
  6. Who uses childish words like that anymore in 2024? MAGA does I guess.
  7. you know it's rough when even hillbillies can't stand to listen to it anymore.
  8. he probably rather imagine them as "ear muffs" if you know what I mean
  9. In your wildest, unfulfilled dreams. In reality she will be shredding him the entire time. Criminal prosecution style.
  10. Trump is the only obsessed one here and his sad obsession is always losing or he wouldn't be running again against a member of the same administration that already beat him in 2020. Some people never learn their lesson and have to keep learning the same lesson over and over again. He's already lost multiple legal battles, businesses, marriages, licensing deals and he's soon to lose multiple elections too.
  11. Trying to put it in, then pulling out, then trying to put it in again, then pulling out again. Story of his life. Never puts in, only pulls out.
  12. She's 59. But so does the 78 year-old elderly, geriatric man. 😂
  13. unable to read*
  14. She already said that if Trump doesn't show up (for the already scheduled debate) that she will still appear at the scheduled debate and it will turned into a town hall. That means it won't be a debate against an empty chair.
  15. Sounds just like all of your posts.
  16. No such thing exists.
  17. The chances of that happening are slim and none and slim just left town.
  18. Trump's team are probably working on a way of muting Kamala's mic the entire time. 😂 Meanwhile, Fox News have already agreed to it.
  19. In the case of the person that you are referring to, I think I would have to argue that it totally does.
  20. Even weirder.
  21. Thats been the Trump playbook since 2015.
  22. Who cares what Trump is offering. Harris doesn't need this debate. Trump does. So Harris get's the home field advantage and gets to choose the place and terms.
  23. Go easy on the self wedge.
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