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Everything posted by AndreasHG

  1. Hezbollah customarily using muslim civilians as human shields, and none has anything to say, especially from the pro-Palestinian field. Iran supplies the Hezbollah the weaponry to hit Israeli civilians but, with regards to the Hezbollah's infrastructure defense, it expects the Shia Lebanese population to volunteer their families and themselves as human shields.
  2. I haven't seen much backbone on display, from the likes of David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak. Did I miss something?
  3. Don't take Rolex, please. Rolex is the epitome of a bad example, when it comes to value for price of wristwatches. Designing the Trump watch took no more than one day at most. Its components, starting from the wristband, look like standard, machined parts, available off-the-shelf ($3,900 in 18k gold on eBay 18K Yellow Gold President Watch Band Strap For Rolex 26MM Datejust President | eBay). The tourbillon timepiece manufactured by Olivier Mory retails for CHF 23,100 ($27,400), has an original (albeit ugly) design, and it is certainly not manufactured at scale (Maëlstrom - Skill Watches).
  4. This article sounds a bit like BS to me. The EU has long time ago established a common medicine market. If Denmark intends to import medicines from Asia, firstly it has to obtain the EMA's approval (it's the European equivalent of the FDA's approval), which not only pertains the pharmacological composition of the medicine, but also the compliance of the manufacturing processes and of manufacturer's organization. Secondly, once the medicine is approved, it becomes available not only to Danish consumers, but to all consumers within the area where the EMA's approval is legally binding (the EU Member States as well as in the European Economic Area (EEA) countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). The process is quite straightforward: Authorisation of medicines | European Medicines Agency (EMA) (europa.eu)
  5. Really? Produce for the domestic market? Are you aware that Denmark is part of the EU and any medicine sold anywhere in the EU can be sold in Denmark? Wholesalers must not receive or buy medicines from non-EU/EEA countries (third countries) nor handle intermediate products (laegemiddelstyrelsen.dk)
  6. Interesting article today on the Financial Times on how the Hezbollah, by providing military support to the Syrian regime of the al-Assad family, and by helping to crush the popular uprise in the country bordering Lebanon, became permeable to the Israeli intelligence agencies. The Hezbollah evolved from a homegrown terrorist organization, whose adherents were handpicked from members of closely related Shia tribes, to regional power broker, enlisting ever-increasing numbers of fighters without adequate vetting, becoming arrogant and careless in the process. Furthermore, to support the al-Assad regime, the Hezbollah had to interact on a regular basis with the notoriously corrupt Syrian intelligence services, and with the Russian intelligence services, whose every move is closely monitored by the USA. The Israeli intelligence agencies had therefore countless opportunities and time to infiltrate the Hezbollah, draw a detailed organizational chart, and carefully select sensible targets. The suffering of the Syrian people at the hands of the Hezbollah has not been in vane. If many Hezbollah leaders faced the divine justice this month, it is also thanks to the sacrifice made by the Syrian people.
  7. LOL. Is defeating the Nazi an invention or an original conception? Really? How much vodka did you already gobble today, Ivan? By the way, without the US aid (the so called Lend-Lease to the Eastern Front) the Soviets would have been crushed by the Nazis.
  8. I agree: they are not fakes, although their design is clearly inspired by the Rolex Oyster, the only watchmaker that undemanding watch enthusiasts really appreciate. It's just a lie that they are the best watches made: the components, starting from the heart of every fine watch, the movement, used in making them are "cheap", at least when compared to similarly priced timepieces. Even the dial screams of "cheapness" and poor craftmanship. And its's also a fraud: 200 grams of 18k gold cost around $13,000. One hundred diamonds priced from $10 to $30 each, $2,000. The Olivier Mory Tourbillon movement $1,200-$1,800. Add $2,000 of other components and assembly (and I am generous), and you have a $18,000-$19,000 USD sold for $100,000.
  9. The Swiss movement shown in Trump's watches website is manufactured by Olivier Mory's BCP Tourbillons, known for its affordability (BCP tourbillons equipped watches retail for as low as $7,350: Chapter 4.7 Onyx Tourbillon C. Lémanic | BA111OD), 105 hours power reserve and manual winding. Pay attention to the fine prints in Trump's website: "Trump Watches are intended as collectible items for individual enjoyment only, not for investment purposes. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product". Definitely not a nice watch, at least not for a demanding collector.
  10. All goods are classified into Customs Codes. You may learn what they are here: HS Code Definition | UPS Supply Chain Solutions - United States Thailand customizes the HS codes, adding additional digits after the harmonized code. See here for more info: PowerPoint Presentation (bot.or.th) Import duties are calculated based on the CIF cost, the HS code specific to the imported goods and the country of origin (only if a certificate of origin has been issued by the exporter).
  11. You can read here the changes to the VAT regime enforced by the Thai customs: Thailand makes key interim changes for collection of VAT/excise tax on Low-Value Goods imports | EY - Global In a nutshell: "LVGs [i.e. low-value-goods] [...] are defined [...] as goods valued at not more than 1,500 Thai baht". The "import of LVG into Thailand is specifically exempted from duty" and "from the 7% VAT". However, from "5 July 2024 to 31 December 2024" "the import VAT exemption applies only to LVG valued not exceeding THB 1. For goods valued over THB 1 but not exceeding THB 1,500, import VAT shall be levied and collected by Thai Customs". These goods are still exempted from Import Duty. My guess is that UPS is charging you the 7% VAT. It is not yet clear what will happen after 31 december 2024 (TIT).
  12. Nothing to do with chocolate. The history of the Moka Pot may be found here, and it's interesting: Moka pot - Wikipedia And of its predecessor: Neapolitan flip coffee pot - Wikipedia
  13. Poor maintenance is possibly the cause of the failure. The state of trucks in Thailand is disastrous. The vehicles are often extremely old and there seem to be no technical checks, to ensure that the vehicles are kept in good condition. I saw firsthand a (smaller) truck experiencing a breaks failure in Bangkok, at a traffic light, and wrecking two cars in the line next to mine in the process.
  14. Farage pushed the Conservatives to the right. And now that the Tories are firmly positioned in the "bigots" and "extremists" field, he is ready to take their place at the center of the political spectrum and relegate them to the fringes. A real masterstroke. Who would have thought it from the most underrated clown in English politics?
  15. Not to mention the crowd of perfectly fine, law-abiding, God-fearing Americans who attempted to "stop-the-steal" on January the 6th, 2020. A truly representative sample of the average Trump's voter, the same voters Trump proudly calls "basement-dwellers".
  16. What is surprising is that, among the advanced, and sometimes also the not so advanced, democratic countries, this issue is unique to the USA. It is not easy to understand why French, Germans, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish, Italians, Polish, Indians generally have faith in the fairness of their electoral systems, while so many Americans don't trust theirs. When faced with a serious problem, it is common practice in the USA to come out with a bipartisan solution. The fact that this issue has never been addressed leads one to think that it is not a real problem. Not for the Dems, who prefer to guarantee maximum accessibility to the ballot boxes. And not for the Republicans, who benefit from an effective propaganda theme, which they know has no real impact on the outcome of the elections. Both parties see no benefit in changing the status quo, despite the fact that it generates distrust in the electoral process, a situation unique among advanced democracies. The only real beneficiaries are social media. The inflammatory posts published by both sides on "rigged elections" often go viral, generating millions of lucrative clicks.
  17. Meloni, unlike Trump, has followed a coherent political path, firmly located on the right of the political spectrum, evolving from neo-fascism, which she enthusiastically embraced as a young woman in the late 90s, to her current social conservatism. Her priorities have always been Italy first, Europe second, and the rest of the world somewhere far behind. Unlike Trump, who loves bombastic proclamations, disdains details, has no strategic or even tactical vision, confuses real leadership with playing as a leader in a TV-show, does not care about concrete results, and is grossly unfit to lead the United States of America, Meloni is all action and little talk. She is focused on tangible results, and she is ready to pragmatically pursue them, working with anyone, no matter their background or political opinions. As published by a number of media outlets (Politico, BBC, Time Magazine, etc.) Meloni still enjoyes an approval rating above 40%, "improbably high for an Italian PM two years into the job". Not a small feat, considering that, since the end of World War II, Italy has had 69 governments, at an average of one every 1.11 years.
  18. I bought from Shopee a Xiaomi Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 Lite, and I am happy with it.
  19. And also pity the amateurism of the Hezbollah and the Ayatollahs who sponsor them.
  20. At present, it seems as if every man seen carrying a weapon in the vicinity of Donald Trump is automatically regarded as an assassin. Does anyone know? Is the Second Amendment always suspended in Donald Trump's proximity? Is the Second Amendment still strictly enforced only in American schools and daycares?
  21. There is a chance he understands it. But zero chances his loyal base do. They leave in a world where magic things happen. Magic like the Chinese paying for the import duties. Or magic tree money not feeding into inflation. Magic tree money like the one printed using the tool below:
  22. This guy is a clown. He has been Communist, then Padanian separatist and now Italian nativist. The only thing he constantly stubbornly refuses is doing some honest work. Matteo Salvini - Wikipedia
  23. It's ironic that the USA contributed to the nuclear disarmament of Ukraine in favor of Russia, while Russia supports the development of the Iranian nuclear arsenal against the US and its allies. The USA signed the Trilateral Statement on January 14, 1994, in which Ukraine committed to full disarmament, including strategic weapons, in exchange for economic support and security assurances from the United States and Russia The US is also a signatory of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. Signed on 5 December 1994, it provided security assurances to Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, relating to their accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, endorsed by three nuclear powers (Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom) while China and France gave somewhat weaker individual assurances in separate documents.
  24. What are farangs resident in Thailand, if not one of the spearheads of world globalism? I am fine with right wings governments, as far as they don't win traction in Thailand. The Khmer Rouge showed us that, what happened in Nazi Germany, could also happen in South-East Asia.
  25. 1. I agree: the help of a lawyer is not necessary. Nevertheless, I am glad I asked for support the first time I applied. With regards to extensions and 90 days reports, I managed them without any help. 2. I do not understand what you mean by embassy "letter". To open the bank account, I had to provide a photocopy of my passport, with the stamp of the Embassy Consular office and a signature. Is this a "letter"? 3. Siam Legal did not assist me in opening the bank account. They only assisted me for the VISA application.
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