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Everything posted by AndreasHG

  1. Out of topic: clear symptom of Biden Derangement Sindrome and aterosclerosis progressing steadily. You live in the past and still fight yesterday's battles.
  2. The only potential threat posed by foreign investors is to the social stability of the Kingdom, and the relationship between the local haves and the have-nots. The Thai “haves” want to continue to control the economy and have access to cheap labor, such as cheap nannies, cheap maids, cheap drivers, etc. That is why they want at least 51% Thai ownership of almost all businesses.
  3. That nation of goat herders kicked the ass of Russia long before kicking the American one. This is the official toll of the Russian military campaign in Afghanistan: 14,453 Russians killed (total), of which 9,500 killed in combat 4,000 died from wounds 1,000 died from disease and accidents. Plus 53,753 wounded and 312 missing. This is the official list of Coalition casualties in Afghanistan: 3761 Coalition soldiers killed (3,621 deaths as part of the Afghan operations, plus 18 CIA operatives, 59 U.S. and one Canadian soldier killed in other countries while supporting operations in Afghanistan, 62 Spanish soldiers returning from Afghanistan who died in an air crash in Turkey). The United States lost a total of 2,459 military personnel in Afghanistan, plus 18 CIA operatives. Of this figure, 1,922 had been killed in action. An additional 20,769 were wounded in action. As usual, Russia didn't spare human lives, thrown in the battelfield as mere cannon fodder (Russian rulers always enjoyed the bloodbaths suffered by their unfortunate subjects). Russia suffered four times greater casualties compared to the American led coalition in Afghanistan. This is no surprise: it's a tradition since WWII, in which the Soviet Union lost from 8.8 to 10.7 million military personnel (the number vary according to the source), while the Allied lost 1.2 million soldiers, while fighting both on the Western European front and on the Pacific one.
  4. Have you read the article? Do you understand that the Biden administration is concerned and disagrees with the ICC ruling? Or do you just keep repeating the same anti-left slogans (some of which I might agree with too) like a broken, atherosclerotic record? For your information, this is an excerpt from the article:
  5. I either rent Avis or Hertz in Thailand, with full insurance coverage. Never had a single issue.
  6. Typically partisan: being right even when wrong...
  7. This post didn't age well.
  8. Really? A Republican nominee, named by a Republican president, struggling to be approved by a Republican dominated Senate? What's wrong with you guys? What is deeply pathetic is your lack of respect for opinions different from your own. Your inability to tolerate dissent, your violent verbal reaction, are fascist or communist traits (the choice is yours) and are clear evidence of the unbearable weakness, of the indefensibility, of your political position. There is no need for complex arguments or to resort to insults to highlight the incoherence of totalitarianism. Irony is more than enough to bury certain opinions in the garbage heap of history where they belong. Because let's be clear: it's in the garbage heap of history you and Trumpism are headed.
  9. I don't. I am not the one who named Gaetz attorney general. But I am sure who named him performed a proper due diligence and knew what he was doing. Aren't you?
  10. LOL. You both lack objectivity. Partisanship robs you of the ability to objectively evaluate the situation. Trump's first choice for the job was Matt Gaetz, the former representative for Florida's 1st congressional district, as well as former drug user and former seducer of minors. Given Pam Bondi is only Trump's second choice, and I believe for a good reason, her professional profile must be a notch (okay, just a tiny notch) lower than Gaetz's. Which positions her exactly where she is and deserves to be. Serving POTUS at the very best of her limited (compared to Gaetz) capabilities. She is blonde, busty, and very accommodating.
  11. Indeed. Blonde, busty and willing to please her boss... ...exactly the kind of professionalism required for this highly paid job.
  12. I guess he alludes to the "enemy from within." That is, any American taxpayer who disagrees with the puppeteers pulling the strings from the WH and Fox News.
  13. Thanks. At least you acknowledge that I have a real chance to not look foolish on here. The chance that a cynical and dishonest nature, due to an unfortunate combination of DNA, sadly denied you.
  14. I agree with you, and I never meant to justify sexual harassment or, let alone, sexual assault.
  15. Democracy has never been questioned in Ukraine. And the Ukrainians are brave soldiers, who sacrificed themselves for the territorial integrity of their country. But just like the Finns in the Winter War against Stalin's murderous armies, the Ukrainians also have to deal with the fact that the enemy is vastly larger and willing to sacrifice many more humans to add land to the landmass they already control. And just like Finland after the Winter War, Ukraine will eventually prosper, with a growing economy, close ties with the EU and a robust democracy. Russia, on the other hand, will remain the cesspool it has always been. Only a little bigger this time, and depopulated by a few hundred thousand young people sent as cannon fodder to the front.
  16. We should collectively care. In 1991 Ukraine had the world third nuclear arsenal stationed on its territory. Giving in to international pressure, Ukraine agreed to renounce its nuclear power status, and to join the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, in exchange for assurances regarding the respect for its sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. Co-signatories of the agreement (Budapest Memorandum) were the United States, Russia and Great Britain, with endorsement from France and China. Of the three signatories, only the United Kingdom has supported Ukraine with consistency and admirable courage, through several conservative premierships and a labor one. France also has bravely supported Ukraine, despite not being a signatory of the Memorandum. The Biden administration, on the other hand (and it's my opinion), has been too hesitant and duplicitous in supporting Ukraine, despite the USA clearly accepted the role of being the main guarantor of Ukraine sovereignty against any Russian pretense or aggression. Please note that the Budapest Memorandum provided Ukraine with assurances with regards, among the others, to: 1. Respect the signatory's independence and sovereignty in the existing borders. 2. Refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the signatories. 3. Refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind. Nowhere was agreed that Ukraine shall never join NATO or be part of the EU. In fact, being independent and sovereign gives Ukraine the right to choose its place on the international stage. Russia had no right to object nor to start its criminal war against a sovereign nation.
  17. Here is Marco Rubio's 2016 press release on the topic: Rubio Campaign Press Release - Donald Trump Proudly Outsources Jobs To China, Mexico & Other Countries | The American Presidency Project And yes, also Trump's 'God bless the USA' Holy Bible was printed in China, according to a number of sources including Fox61 Yes, Trump-branded ‘God Bless the USA’ Bibles were made in China | fox61.com
  18. Trump is just a poor, unlucky president. Possibly the most misunderstood president of all times. His first term was characterized by COVID. The Chinese virus that took the United States by surprise and caused confusion and immense damage to the nation. For his second term, only God knows what the Chinese have in store. Let's hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
  19. Be fair: Jimmy Savile was not Egyptian, and sexual harassment is a major public threat against women in the whole of North Africa, not only in Egypt.
  20. Poor Vlad. His conventional weapons have proven such a disappointment on the battlefield that all he has left is to brag about his nuclear arsenal, in the hope the world takes him seriously.
  21. He came to the wrong country. Thailand has zero tolerance for sex crimes committed against women and minors. Mohamed Al-Fayed and Jimmy Savile were much wiser when choosing where to commit their crimes.
  22. Two years ago, I opened my bank account with Bangkok Bank. I was in Thailand on a 90 days "O" non-immigrant VISA. I went to the branch located in the basement of the Exchange Tower in Asok. The documents required were: 1. A photocopy of my passport page with the picture, stamped and signed by my embassy consulate (I believe the purpose was to make sure my embassy knew I was in Thailand. They don't want to open bank accounts to people listed on the FBI "Most Wanted Fugitive" list). 2. The original of my passport and a second document (driving license or ID card, as proof of identity). 3. My apartment lease contract (as proof I planned to stay in Thailand for at least one year. They don't want to open bank accounts to tourists trying to save a few bucks in fees, by using a local bank account for payments while on holidays in Thailand). To open the bank account, I also had to deposit a small amount of money and in cash only (no transfer from another bank, no credit card, etc.). No, you don't. Why overcomplicating your task? I am a happy Bangkok Bank customer since then. I use the Bank app and I only visited their branch once in two years, to change my debit card from one issued on the JCB circuit (the one they issue by default) to a Mastercard one, plus twice for the retirement VISA renewal. For the VISA, Bangkok Bank has a branch conveniently located in the Immigration Division 1 Government Office in Bangkok. With regards to the App, it's at least on par with the apps offered by other banks I dealt with in Western countries.
  23. The risk with this approach is that you see the trees but miss the forest. Every politician has, or had at some point, some good ideas. That's the reason Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, etc. still have fans today.
  24. If you don't mind, I take the fifth. After all, Trump took it over 450 times to avoid self incrimination...
  25. Jan 6, 2021 is evidence that yours is just wishful thinking. Another indication is the unusual high number of admitted and investigated drug users and abusers among his top picks. And yet another is Trump's first term, when the federal fiscal deficit exploded, and the seeds of inflation were firmly planted in the American economy. Don't get me wrong: I wish you and the USA the best. And I appreciate exchanging opinions with people whose optimism triumphs over experience and evidence.
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