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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. This lovely photo was in my email. Since no one bothered to answer, I'll ask again: Why is this news?
  2. It's worse than Thai Street Food.
  3. May I ask how this news is in any civilized country? It's not.
  4. I'm glad you said it. Or did you?
  5. Utter nonsense. Suvarnabhumi Airport (BKK) in Bangkok, Thailand, has runways equipped to handle instrument flight rules (IFR) operations, typically at Category I or higher levels. The specific IFR levels for the runways at BKK are as follows: Runway 19L/01R: Category III B ILS (CAT III B) Runway 19R/01L: Category III B ILS (CAT III B) Category III B Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) allow aircraft to land with very low visibility, down to a runway visual range (RVR) of as little as 75 meters without requiring visual contact with the runway until just before touchdown.
  6. Thank you. My list is growing.
  7. Where are these "underground" businesses?
  8. You are in a bubble. I owned and Audi 5 in 1985. It was crap. Ten years later, Audi wasn't crap. I would be happy to have an Audi.
  9. Add to it checking for LP gas.
  10. A few seconds could have been added to the survivor list.
  11. I emailed my vote for Donald Trump. Harris and Biden make me want to puke.
  12. I am a tire watcher. What? You don't look at tires before getting into a Grab or a Bolt? You should. You might be surprised by what you see. I have seen too many bald tires on too many vehicles. I don't get into these cars. How about your children? Do you inspect the vans that take them to and from school? I did. I was surprised the van had four bald tires in the middle of the rainy season. I made the van owner and driver buy four new tires. Would you let your children get on a big bus powered by LP gas? Too many times trips, my son got on a bus like the one that burned today. If you think your school will do the right thing, think again. Trust but verify -- Ronald Reagan
  13. He could have lamented the loss of his friend.
  14. This isn't a one-off. Parents should go with their children before letting them board the school van or bus. Check the tires. I did for my then 9-year-old. All four tires were bald. It was a Christian school, so I told the director to act like a Christian and make the van owner get new tires. They did. They did it reluctantly, but they did it. It was the middle of rainy season too.
  15. So now the drunk Brit is doing sensible things? How convenient.
  16. It's probably showing threads with no tread.
  17. Just because a teenager says something doesn't mean it should be ignored.
  18. Sure it was. He denies any responsibility. That was in the article.
  19. If the drunken British LOUT has a some money, I hope the Aussie's family takes it all. Make the bastard a pauper. When he emerges from Thai prison, deport him with nothing in his pocket back to Britain. Let him die with nothing on the streets of London. Or do some of you have sympathy for him?
  20. It means that you should go to www.spinrite.com It might resurrect your drive.
  21. His best friend is dead at his hands. No remorse?
  22. Kebob Places and McDonald's are his gotos. He would rather order delivery than sit at a nice restaurant and possibly deal with the British. We had a favorite restaurant, but many times, some Brit man sitting by himself has inserted himself into our business or conversation. He never acknowledges them, and neither do I. With that said I've had many delightful conversation with British. But put a beer in hand and they become something else. My son never wants me to speak English. I typically respond in Spanish now and pretend I haven't a clue what they say.
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