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Everything posted by Gobbler

  1. Gobbler


    Maybe a 100g gold bar will fall from the sky and hit me in the head. Maybe maybe maybe I am diabetic and have to eat this way.
  2. Gobbler


    I'll bet you don't flinch when buying food off the street. Rancid oils. Temperature is too low, as it is proven by the oil dripping from the food you are eating.
  3. Gobbler


    Most people e,h? The exception that proves the rule?
  4. Gobbler


    I nibble on cheese all day. In the past year, I have shed 30 kilos.
  5. Gobbler


    For example, I can buy fresh herbs from Tops or Villa. What's the difference? Villa give me 30g instead of 15g from Tops for the same price. What, did you think I only cook those steaks in bad oil? I cook them in butter with fresh rosemary and Thyme. I distribute the shopping amongst all the top players. Lately Tops has been terrible, so I am phasing them out, but I will still drain them of bogos.
  6. Gobbler


    Proper cheese is not junk food.
  7. Gobbler


    Makro is fine until the greedy bastards turn off the aircon 2 hours before closing. I shop from my air c-nditioned office. Hell, my son and girlfriend know how to prepare my coffee for the shopping experience. It's normal to get deliveries from Tops, Villa, Lotuss' and Siamburi. I buy the cheapest price for the same items.
  8. Gobbler


    Cheese doesn't make you fat. Stop it.
  9. Gobbler


    It's much easier to find the bargains online. I routinely order 4000b worth of food but only pat 2300 baht. I clean out the buy one get one and use online coupons. Why overpay?
  10. Gobbler


    I haven't been in a food store since 2019.
  11. Gobbler


    I have no clue. It tastes good. My son likes it for his BalaKinase, but he apparently cannot say Bolognese. Who cares, he likes it.
  12. Gobbler


    It is. I never go shopping in a proper store. They bring it to my condo door. Look at the prices. I can buy expensive crap from Tops (steak) or I can buy from Siamburi. The beef comes to me as if it still has legs. Delicious cooked well done. Tender as F&#k
  13. I see, since we aren't allowed to have a True Pay account, now we can pay with a QR code. It's about time.
  14. Gobbler


    www.expatfoodsthailand.com I eat delicious steak 2 x a day. Anything frozen from NZ or AU is tasty and tender.
  15. I have 2 banking apps. I pay all my bills directly from my bank app? Why do I need to walk to 7/11 and pay them? Someone help with this one.
  16. You don't. That's why I don't believe it.
  17. Name your news, but it has to be written at a high level and have good fact-checking. Also it should have a printed newspaper that one can buy or get delivered. I'll start: The New York Sun https://www.nysun.com/ The Epoch Times https://www.theepochtimes.com/
  18. All of you are wrong. Full stop. This 10,000 baht scheme is paid out in credits, not Baht. You get 10,000b in credit which you can only spend in certain places. NO ONE gets cash they can withdraw. She took out 4000b of her own money. All transactions are done through the app, which is a backdoor for Thailand to become a cashless society. Thank the WEF and the muckety mucks who have attached themselves to the entrails of Klaus Schwab.
  19. Was any of this filmed in Soi Cowboy?
  20. This is an excerpt from the Pattaya Mail. A 9mm gun is not an automatic firearm; it is semi-automatic and the difference between the two is huge.
  21. Gobbler


    I just got a delivery from Siamburi this afternoon.
  22. Bangkok Post or The Nation - they were both equal. They are now a shadow of what they once were.
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