It's more like an assault than a slap. Many sadist #unts like this hurt Thai children daily. Many Thai *unts do the same. They should be tried for assault and put in prison.
No mercy.
Did anyone come forward to accuse him? So, it is more bravado.
The pussy grabber was Biden. Tara Reade came forward to tell the world how Biden assaulted her when she worked for him.
To level ad hominem attacks, you should at least write with proper grammar. Did you never go to school?
Your sentence shows a massive disrespect for the English language.
You need help with facts.
Biden stole documents as VP, which he wasn't allowed to have. Prove Sedition. Is Trump Charged.
No, he isn't. Go ahead and prove sedition. Do you always bandy about with words you likely don't understand?
You can all stop denying her relationship as Willie Brown's mistress. There are hundreds of articles substantiating the illicit relationship.
This is only one of thousands.