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  1. I wont drive my car before F1 begins and a month after. 🤔
  2. Canadian officials: Just bring your wealth here, no matter what you did or who you were/are.
  3. He is just an employee. He does or he says what comes from top. If he was not there someone else was, but the same policy.
  4. TIN will be needed when you want to get your CD anccount interest tax that is "withholding" by bank as "Income tax". Perhaps you won't need one.
  5. I told her many times that is not a good idea to tell others, especially important detail since some just want to use information to damage others when the time comes. But after 10 years I see only a little improvement
  6. That right, my gf tells all our life details to other Thais, but everything becomes secret about her own side when it's the time to share with me. I'm sure she would share my ss# with others if she knew that. I guess this is the way. Not the 1st time.
  7. What I understand is: just give us all your financial information and then we decide what you pay us. 😂
  8. I understand that everyone case could be different, but have you tried Harnal Ocas ? A box of 30 tab. about ฿900.
  9. I never owned any type of hybrid, but 1st you need to make sure (if the dealer is confused) that the symptoms are really related to old batteries (contact Toyota customer service, if such service is available in Thailand). If not, look for the problem else where.
  10. I got the withhold tax back till end of 2023. I stoped filing after 2023 and not going to file anymore. Not worth it. Just get what ever they deposit to my account as interest. Less hassle, less dealing with different attitudes.
  11. I used Schneider for my house (safety 1st, ฿1k or ฿2k not important. How ever I believe all brands work the same way, more or less.

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