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  1. I believe it is all about you. Where ever you are. 1st world, look, manners, education, work location(how many contacts everyday), family. 3rd world thicker wallet is the greatest factor.
  2. Are they really going to space ?!!!. Their suits look like cheap ones in cheesy space movies.!!!
  3. what is the currency exchange rate ? I guess currency exchange rate is lower than Wise. $5+currency exchange rate difference. To me the only advantage of using debit is the speed, in case of emergency needs.
  4. I'm not sure if changing address with SS will lead to residence address change. It's too risky for me since my bank told me that they will close/lock accounts if there is no US residence address (I guess they monitor credit reports)
  5. Change of residence address (to outside the US) will result in losing my US bank accounts (at least my US bank accounts, not sure about all US banks).
  6. I'm just wondering if he was a Thai teacher what would happen. Once in a while we hear/read in news that of course not only holding hands and hugging. And police usually don't do much even if there is a rape case. "It was just a misunderstanding"
  7. Things have changed around the world by smart phones. No more sitting in net cafes for chatting over night. Too many apps now and no need to rush. They pick the best match or best milky ones. Less attractive girls hanging around, they find what they want in their smartphones. 20 years ago the only way to get know a man was staying with him for a while, but now they want to know everything before even 1st meeting.
  8. Things have changed around the world by smart phones. No more sitting in net cafes for chatting over night. Too many apps now and no need to rush. They pick the best match or best milky ones. Less attractive girls hanging around, they find what they want in their smartphones. 20 years ago the only way to get know a man was staying with him for a while, but now they want to know everything before even 1st meeting.
  9. Perhaps it will blow while going back to Earth on autopilot, however cabin pressure wont be needed.
  10. 🙏 How about exchange rates. Do you know if they offer pretty much the same rates or different ?
  11. I thought rules have changed and it is possible to use any existing savings account for SS direct deposit. And if it is not possible to do this with bkkb, how about SCB ?
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