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  1. I guess it's about those "millions of people" who live in the US from other countries (US citizens & green card) that never worked and never paid tax in the US, but they get paid by SS for living cost in the US. Some of them living in their own countries and still getting paid since the SS is no aware of their actual living location. This is not about those who worked and paid tax in the US.
  2. Another loser, another murder. Everyday news. Some never learn, time to move on.
  3. To remain in power, Auatollahs soon will negotiate with the US. Obviously 🤔
  4. Cycling in this country is a "death wish", seen many in CM as well.
  5. I built a house on her family land ( not a luxury one). I pay for all what are needed for daily life. She pays for all unrelated, even for her personal things. Hotels and restaurants are on me. She owned 2 Japanese restaurants in past, but she is retired now, just like me. We help each other if anyone of us needs help about something (not financially). A few months ago she spent 2 weeks at a hospital and I was with her almost all the time (only went home to get some asleep, out of home 4:30am, back home 4:00pm, sometimes 6:00pm. No daily, monthly, or annual salary. It's something close to a western relationship. We are not together for money, not me, not her.
  6. This is what happened at local tax office yesterday. He asked me if I filed a tax return in the US ? I answered that I was not required to file a tax return and I showed him a copy of ITA. Then I showed copies of SSA-1099, bank statement (transfers) and SSA benefit verification letter. Then he asked me how much is my SS from total transfers ? He only entered baht amount of my SSA-1099 in the form as 2024 income. He said the extra is from your savings account and is not an income from 2024. To make it short, he made some numbers in the form that ended to 0.00 tax. He said if I need to know about DTA I better contact section 4 of RD main office (no one had any information at that office). "He told me that there is a box on the form that will become useful in case if immigration asks for." (I did not ask anything regarding immigration)🤔
  7. A neighbor who was watching here closely ? 🤔
  8. That's better, but you need to shop around. I found my med in a pharmacy near a hospital. It costs 70% cheaper than the hospital pharmacy. Larger pharmacies near major government hospitals could be better.
  9. I have 2 questions for you: 1- Did you have to change your address to Thailand ? 2- Does this change of address will change "residence address" (US address) as well ?
  10. I don't think so 🤔 Since I did not have to do so.
  11. As I understood the 1st meeting at police station is for this purpose. I could refuse it, but as the one at fault I did it.
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