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  1. Switzerland has meanwhile stricter regulations than lots of other countries. Your imagination of "swiss banking thinking from the 1980s". Above of 10'000CHF, regardless if swiss, foreinger, rich or poor HAS to be declared and clearly documented from where the money comes from. Most of the banks in Switzerland don't accept any accounts from people outside of the EU. The movie industry still loves to use this stereotype. But thats not the reality.
  2. Emmm, what exactly does USA produce at a equal or better quality/price that could be imported to Thailand? Thats the biggest problem of USA. Except weapons and "IT" absolutley nothing.
  3. I'm really no financial expert. But who pays the higher tariffs? It will be the people in the US, not the Thais, Chinese or ... Let's say that the exports from Thailand will drop by 10%. Will that influence the THB? And if so - for sure not 10%. So the looser are the people of USA. But I don't really feel sorry for them. They choosed him, so they have to stick with it - nothing unfair.
  4. Don't take the ones with other colours (strawberry, rasberry)... I buy it in GO Wholesale. Or 7/11 can have it too. Cheers and if you take a sip because of this here - send me a imaginary cheers if you like the bubbles 🙂
  5. Asahi, Leo and Full Moon Malt are my beers. I enjoy the different tastes (and bubbles) depending what I eat or occasion. Full Moon Malt is a wheat beer, rather on the sweet side. And of course not to compare with a german Erdinger for example. But has quite small bubbles... The dark Carabao was dissapointing in taste. Then rather a dark Beer Lao, wich is quite expensive though 65bht for a small bottle. But for a dark beer unbeaten in taste and quality. My personal oppinion of course...
  6. I needed only my passport, my Thai driver licence and a "certificate of residence" to open my bank accounts at Bangkok bank. One in foreign currency, the other one in Thai Baht. Of course the same procedure whith copies which have to be singned etc.
  7. Finally the spare parts were delivered and replaced today. To clarify: The service technicians made there job correct. Anyway - Electrolux lost me for sure as a customer after this experience with the "customer care" (backoffice) and the availability of spare parts for a machine less than a year old. Thanks again for the helpful hints. So for me this topic is now closed.
  8. 1989, Manaus, Brazil: I had a soup and a beer in a run down "restaurant" near the harbour. Costed together 17 Cruzados Nuovo (10 for the beer +7 for the soup). Wanted to pay and laid the exact amount on the table. The guy took the calculator and after tipping and typing for a looong time he showed me on the display 24... I took the calculator and we went through this calculation together... No problem, he agreed and was really surprised that the correct amount was already laying there. From then on he just asked me "how much?" and he didn't have to bother his calculator anymore... Of course I never cheated him. We can't expect that the whole world has the same education.
  9. A big Thank You to everybody who gave good inputs on my question. After bothering them every day whith a mail Electrolux has finally given me a (possible) time line until the spare parts might be available at the warehouse(!). Between 2 - 4 weeks came from BKK headquarters and via Line I got the info that it should be about(!) next week. We decided now to buy an LG washing machine and keep the Electrolux as a spare (if it should be repaired). I will give a last update on this matter when the machine is fixed. Thanks again for your efforts.
  10. Then I would recommend that your company sends it with DHL / FedEx or whatever. Of course there will be at least the VAT on it. But your company would have to pay it anyway. The best option would be if a friend or whatsover could bring the laptop with him / her when visiting you. That would cost nothing except maybe a invitation for a dinner 🙂
  11. Thai Customs in english: http://www.customs.go.th/list_strc_simple_neted.php?ini_content=individual_160503_03_160922_01&lang=en&left_menu=menu_individual_submenu_01_160421_02
  12. Will it be shipped with other personal goods in a container or only a Laptop with air freight?
  13. I worked for a big company (+80'000 employees worldwide) as a lab technician. We also had during corona-times big problems in availability on certain spare parts for certain measuring cells of older models. The message from our management was cristal clear. It is a MUST to inform the customer honestly and straight forward. After 2 weeks we technicians were able to escalate the case to a higher management level. Communication with the customer is half of the job.
  14. For a brand new machine which is still sold by Electrolux and official dealers they cannot provide me a schedule for spare parts? Really? They could pull one out from their warehouse and exchange it. That would be impressive and would keep me as a customer. Or they could say for example "sorry for this, but the earliest will be in 4 weeks". I get only blabla answers or the sound of silence from the spare part department. So I have the option to wait maybe for XXX months, or just buy a different one and dump the new Electrolux. Giving information to your customer and communicate in a honest way is how it should work for a brand like Electrolux.
  15. I hvae doodled on Lazada - Sir.
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