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Everything posted by JustMyOpinion

  1. Your reading comprehension is severely lacking... what does this have to do with MAGA? 41 teenagers recruited by the Jihadist terror organization
  2. Wait for the overturning of the verdict due to the lawfare being used by the democrats... rule of law under the demos has become... whomever controls the venue controls the verdict... has nothing to do with the truth.
  3. No substance to that... and doesn't even know why he hates everyone and everything... go figure
  4. "YouTube news viewers recognize that the platform is not without problems. Critics and observers have raised a number of concerns about news on YouTube, ranging from misinformation and political bias to the control YouTube has over its content creators, both in terms of their content itself and their financial relationship with the website." PS... and we all know where google stands in the political spectrum... Youtube is owned and operated by the largest liberal left censorship company in the world... no matter how many times they get caught they keep right on doing it.
  5. No... you do not seem to be that sharp... why do you hate everything and everybody?... asking for a friend
  6. I think it says... "don't do the crime, if you can't do the time"
  7. No... I watch Youtube... but I certainly DO NOT give much credence to the content... it all has a bias and slant depending on who is doing the posting... and NONE of it is vetted
  8. The Green Giant is powerful... it's the reason that participation trophies adorn liberals bookshelves.
  9. You get your view of the world from youtube... explains it all... tiktok too???
  10. I have been living in Thailand for 30 years... what possible curiosity remains? I just am amused at the number of Americans who want to destroy their country because they have built up an overwhelming hatred of one man and half the population of their own country. My posts may or may not reflect how I really feel or believe but they do point out the hypocrisy whenever I can... it amuses me while I have my coffee.
  11. Your premise is totally flawed... you cannot ask the liberal lefties for substance and policy because they have none... they are just anti American... I hope that they get what they want... it will serve them right... 55555
  12. Seems fair when trump haters do it to trump and to half of the citizens of the USA though... right... go cry me a river.
  13. Starting with the animals' owners who openly display disregard for the safety of the animals by letting them roam free... right???
  14. 7 Ways Americans Avoided the Draft During the Vietnam War... https://www.history.com/news/vietnam-war-draft-avoiding The liberal left are ok with all seven ways except for trump claiming a medical exemption... it's not about not serving... it's about their hate... Joe's asthma cleared up right after TET... amazing recovery. Politicians have come under fire for their use of medical deferments to stay out of the Vietnam War. Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden avoided the draft through a combination of student deferments and medical exemptions (“bone spurs” for Trump and “asthma” for Biden).
  15. While it is not as prolific as it is in the west, good leather can be found in Thailand... but be prepared to shell out the baht... I just paid 70,000 baht for a single recliner and 80,000 baht for a double recliner... both imported leather and assembled in Bangkok... Lazyboy leather is middle of the road... just be sure it is genuine Lazyboy.
  16. So you will stop commenting on other OP's that have nothing to do with the USA... right??? Good... It will be a welcome relief.
  17. Sorry for you that your mind is so small as to not recognize it for what it is...
  18. And yet the scale heavily leans toward the nasty vile rhetoric from the liberal leftists... go figure.
  19. I do not live there... but god help USA... god help UK... god help Australia... and god help all the "woke" countries seems to be the mantra these days
  20. Instead they should elect the war machine... right? Try this on for size...
  21. The liberal lefties just can't help themselves... this delay will backfire and give trump more exposure to the sympathy voters... it will paint the libs badly
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