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  1. maybe you should calm down and have a drink.... πŸ˜ƒ
  2. nah. smartphones and social media are much worse...
  3. What pinnacle of civilization are you from to make such an enlightened comment? Let me guess... πŸ˜‚ I think you have as many braincells left as your namesake.
  4. What are you trying to communicate here? So... you choose to go to Pattaya, then run away from anyone who approaches you for whatever reason... especially if they are transgender?... You are a mess dude.
  5. but obviously HE was the ignorant bustard to fall for it.. They got him hook, line and sinker...
  6. Careful with that hand signal πŸ˜‚ Easy to attract the wrong kind of vendor
  7. Really? I don't think this kind of degenerate fears the gallows. In many cases it might be a quick way out.
  8. You are talking nonsense. This is what you said: 'This isn’t about stopping illegal business or what the media says. It’s about Thailand boosting security after deporting over 40 Uyghurs, which upset the West.' What a ridiculous thing to suggest. And even if it were true how would reducing visa exemption from 60 to 30 days increase security?
  9. The real problem is people like you banging on and on about how terrible Thailand is. If you think Singapore and Dubai are so much better then please go there instead. The DTV is an excellent long term Visa for people who want to live and work remotely in Thailand. Do you live here? Or do you just come on this forum to express your hatred of tourists in Thailand? Why go somewhere that you hate so much? Thailand does not owe you anything Donnie.
  10. Maybe broaden your opinion of the world to more than the Asean Now forum....
  11. How is decreasing the visa exemption from 60 to 30 days going to increase national security? You are talking absolute waffle..
  12. You are getting your cocktails confused. It's White Russians and Bloody Mary's But yes, they do cause many problems and should be banned.
  13. You have an ill-fitting name my friend πŸ˜‚
  14. You are talking nonsense. Criminals from every country hit the headlines in every country everyday. And you think deporting them to Ukraine is the answer? The mind boggles at how basic you are. Well done for being able to type a few sentences.
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