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Everything posted by CK1980

  1. Oh god here he goes again... Seriously, what happened to you in Benidorm dude? It's ok if you don't want to talk about it 😂
  2. Agreed. It does paint a horrific picture of society. This monster is probably the tip of the iceberg. Makes you wonder what degenerate scum are walking among us unnoticed..
  3. First hand experience from applying through London Embassy (e-visa), I just provided a digital copy of my bank statement. They accepted it no problem. The extra info they asked for from me was a letter explaining my situation and why I was applying. I just wrote a short very polite letter saying how much I loved Thailand and wanted to stay on a more long term basis rather than keep using the tourist Visa system, as my work fits perfectly with the DTV conditions it seems like the obvious choice blah blah blah.... Happy days. Approved within a few days. May depend on your particular embassy though.... Good luck
  4. They have been here since the 14th century, a lot longer than you have, and are part of Thai culture. Get over it. How about you don't come here, then your narrow mind won't be so offended. Better option for everyone.
  5. Ah yes, just read that and the guy was renewing at Phuket immigration, so don't know what the 'Only can be done in Bangkok immigration' is all about. Seems you can do it at any immigration....
  6. Yeah, again, there is so much conflicting info. Multiple sources say that to extend DTV within Thailand you MUST renew at Bangkok immigration HQ, you can't do it at any other immigration office regardless of where you live... Don't understand why this would be the case but hey.. There are also multiple reports of immigration being very disinterested and making it difficult, putting 2 week review stamps on so you have to go back again..... and in any case, going through the process and providing all the paperwork again seems like a pain in the **** compared to a weekend trip to a bordering country. The issue was if this was considered a legit way to get a new stamp, or whether this may be used as a reason to deny entry back in. But it seems it is completely legit, even confirmed by the Thai official in the video on the OP and backed up by many with experience in these things. Seems the only reason to renew in Thailand is if for some reason you can't do a border run. I'll try it and not worry about it anymore. I'll put a post up here once I've done it to report how it went.....
  7. Got it, yes that makes sense. So really the only benefit of doing it near the expiry date is so you maximise the 180 day period. Thanks for the advice everyone, I'll book my mini break to Ho Chi Min City! Hope this helps others with the DTV as there is a lot of conflicting information and scaremongering out there!
  8. Yes, I am in Bangkok, but I hear that is a big hassle to renew in Thailand and much better to go for a little trip across the border. Hope this helps others in my situation. Thanks for the advice.
  9. Excellent, thanks. Yes I am visa exempt for Vietnam, so even if my current stamp still has a few days left on it they will give me a new one at BKK immigration on the way back. I just need to make sure I leave Thailand whilst the current stamp is valid. Perfect.
  10. You are way off with so many things here. The DTV is certainly not designed for 'tik-tockers' or 'social media people living out of a bag', who I also can't stand by the way. There are many people working remotely who have nothing to do with that. I work as a consultant and can work fully remotely for companies outside of Thailand, it is perfect for me and many others like me. You don't need a Thai bank account, just proof of income and 500k in any bank account. I don't know what you mean by 'one and done' or 'stringing this new visa + education visa' ? You can renew your DTV180 day stamp by leaving the country and returning again before it expires.... Or if you really need to stay in Thailand for the whole year you can renew in Thailand. Not rocket science. Check this video for a detailed explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfy6zvvekkE There are a lot of scaremongers who will tell you that you are screwed with this visa. It is best to ignore them. I know things can change quickly and you never really know who you will get at the immigration desk, but I'd suggest not to wrap yourself up in cotton wool, this is a valid long term visa with multiple entry, you just have to leave Thailand once per year. This might change if they decide to alter the conditions, but for now if it suits your lifestyle then go for it.
  11. Hello everyone. I need some advice on doing a border run. Forgive my ignorance in advance, I’ve not done one before and there seems to be a lot of conflicting info… So, I have a DTV which needs a new 180 stamp in it soon. According to Google I must renew it at immigration in Bangkok, but so many people have advised against this and it seems the best way is to do a border run. I also found this YouTube video with an official Thai immigration guy basically confirming that a border run is a legitimate way of getting a new 180 day stamp, although it is from a few months ago. Might be helpful to others wondering if they can do a border run to avoid the hassle of renewing in Thailand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfy6zvvekkE So I’ll do a border run as it seems the most convenient way. My question is really about where to do it and the timing side of things.. I will need to leave Thailand before the expiry date to avoid an overstay, but in terms of coming back through Thai immigration, does the stamp need to be expired to get a new one? If my stamp still has a couple of days left on it will they give me a new 180 days or will they just let me back through on the original stamp which is still valid? I’m wondering if it is best to time it so the stamp expires while I am out of the country then get a new one upon arrival back in Thailand? I might be over thinking this… My second question is about where to do the run. I guess the destination country is irrelevant as long as it has visa exemption, lets say Vietnam for example. It is the way back in to Thailand which is where the new stamp will be issued. I was planning to fly from BKK to Ho Chi Min return, anyone have experience of getting a 2nd 180 day DTV stamp at BKK? I got my original stamp there with no questions asked so was assuming it would be ok? Any advice would be great, thanks!
  12. Yeah brilliant idea. Raise the price of alcohol and indiscriminately target everyone (including Thais) who like to enjoy a drink. Genius. By the way, what happened to you in Benidorm dude? 😂
  13. Who's we?... Might not be grammatically correct but they are called quad bikes. QUAD BIKE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary Cambridge Dictionary https://dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary › quad-bike https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHKSkEtoNP4KqoMyJH1Wa1R_0oUvgWgKcZXsrqjyEwg_iUfy1hqcFY5YM&usqp=CAE&s QUAD BIKE definition: 1. a motor vehicle similar to a motorcycle with four wheels 2. a motor vehicle similar to a…. Learn more.
  14. Grow a sense of humour dude. What you said was stupid. I called you out on it. I stand by what I said that you had no information but made wild comments about mental health and that the guy deserved it without knowing anything about it. Typical keyboard sleuth.
  15. Calm down Gottfrid 🤣 Oops, I've upset the psychic psychiatrist 🤣
  16. I don't think anyone asked you.... Maybe you are the masochist if you hate Thailand so much but are reading and posting on here?
  17. Hard to draw any conclusions, but yet you can tell he deserved it, and manage to make a psychiatric assessment and diagnosis when you have no information whatsoever 😅 Genius. Maybe he just didn't have medical insurance and realised he could strap himself up and avoid the bill? Who knows...
  18. Cheap British/Russians/Indians etc. have turned Phuket and other similar tourist trap dumps upside down, but I think it is short sighted to suggest that the whole of Thailand has been ruined and there is no culture or beauty left. Thailand is a BIG country and it's not hard to find many beautiful unspoiled places. Broaden your horizons, don't go to Phuket, Koh Samui etc.. and if in Bangkok don't go to the tourist areas. I live in Bangkok and go for days on end without even seeing another falang, and I'm not even that far from the centre. I just got back from the North East of Thailand where I did not see another falang for 2 weeks. I often visit my friends in the South on an island that hardly even has hotels on it, yes there are tourists, but they are polite and mild mannered. If you go to Phuket etc. what do you expect? It's like going to Benidorm and then complaining that there are trash tourists there, and then suggesting that that the whole of Spain is like that. Use your noodle, avoid the places that are overcrowded tourist traps and you will find as much culture, beauty and environmental beauty as you want. It is the same in any popular tourist country in the world.
  19. Yes. It's obvious if a place is a dump full of obnoxious tourists. Choose another place to rent. My place is actually pretty over the top with security, and they enforce it. And that's fine with me, it's quiet and well run.
  20. Then don't live or travel in places that you don't like! They have been banging drums and making noise all night in villages for hundreds of years or more! Then a falang comes in and cries about how inconsiderate they are!? No wonder we get a bad name. That is so entitled. Of course it is tolerated by Thais because it is what they do and that is what they enjoy. Why should they change their ways for you?
  21. Exactly. People bang on as if the whole of Thailand is engulfed by marauding trash tourists, but in reality this only happens in concentrated areas. Why would you want to live in those areas anyway? And then complain? It is exactly the same in any tourist destination in the world. They attract people who don't give a monkeys about the locals. Just don't live in those areas. My condo and surrounding area is great. Respectful neighbours, quiet.
  22. You've been watching too much Breaking Bad 😂
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