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old wanderer

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Posts posted by old wanderer

  1. I made the mistake one time and refered to my wife as my "Lovely Mia Luang" when introducing her to some Thai friends....boy did she come unhinged......Ususally she is pretty quiet, but as she explained to me with a very pointy finger in my chest, If she was my Mia Luang, then who is my Mia Noi????

    Glad she straightened out my Thai....Now she is just my Mia.....

    Got to watch those sensive spots....

  2. :o Very intresting thread:

    I work for Boeing in CA at this time, and should transfer to Singapore in a few months. As I understand this thread, I will get my foreign residence exemption, BUT I want to withdraw 6 million baht from a 401k. If I understand this my 1st $82000 will be exempt, but I will have to pay at 28% to 33% tax on the 401k withdrawl..... :D I had counted on about a 15% tax libility when I schemed up this transfer.

    I am building a home, and buying some land, and with the baht getting so strong, I thought I had found a way to make up for the big diffrence between when I planned these projects and when I was going to pay them off.....

    Do you happen to get a double exeption if you are married?? Or could I find a tricky way for my wife to file seprately for the 401k income and I just file my salery?

    (Wife is Thai by the way but living with me in the USA right now).

    Looks like I better set down with a CPA and for what ever it cost, it is better than donating my money to the USA just so it can support a bunch of illegal Mexicans that have invaded my home city.

  3. I know this quick devaluation is kicking my butt. I signed a land contract to pay off by July next year for 4,000,000 baht, and am starting a home contruction also for 2,1000,000 baht. Since my money is in USD. :o This is not good news. I have substantial deposits on both projects, so hard to just walk away.

    When I structured my payments I had looked at a forcast 2 months ago that predicted the baht at 37.8 in July of 07....(Like the saying goes I guess "you get what you pay for", and this was a free service).

  4. Do not know what your law are up north, but here in the USA I have helped several friends get a fiancee visa. It was good for 90 days where you either had to marry or return to Thailand.

    You need a marrage certificate to get a O visa, so that route will not work for you yet.

    I have a girl in my wife's village that has been on medication for 10 years now, as she returned home to get ready to marry, and went to the train station to meet her man and he never came.....hit her pretty hard. They call her "the crazy lady". Her mother locks her up when we come home, as I am what she dreamed of. (a farang). (Has a cute British accent too).

    Hate to see someone just turn thier back on another person like you suggest. Some people just don't get over it.

  5. Check the calendar and come to Surin during the Muh Lum festival. (My wife calls it Lao hillybilly music). The have a great festival that last for over a week. Tons of village girls around that you might never see other wise.

    In that area we have Thai, Lao, Khmer, and Suwaay people. My wife is from the tribal group the Suwaay (or Kui) people.

    After 4 wives I had to take stock and quick being a trophy hunter, and look at the heart of a person. Worked just fine as we have been married for 10 years now. Hard to beat these people in this region.

  6. This thread has gone over the info several times, but I have a little different wrinkle to ask about.

    I should be transfering to my companies Singapore office in a few months. My wife is Thai and has lived with me in the USA for the past 10 years. We are building a vacation home several hours outside of BKK, and she owns some other property in the area and in Surin.

    I will get a new passport in the next few weeks and apply for a O visa with mulit entries.

    If I fly to LOS most weekends plus spend some holidays there, will this be any problem with 30 or 40 entries in the 12 month validity period of the visa?

    I also travel a lot internationally during the year as a part of my work. I am over 50 years old also, and we plan to someday retire in Thailand.


  7. I have been waiting to renew my passport next week when I get to Los Angeles. I looked at the Thai Consulate web pages, and the multi entry O-A visa is no longer available here in the USA>

    I am transfering to Singapore in a few months, and will make regular weekend trips to BKK as we are building a vacation home about 2 hours out from BKK in the mountains. Since I am married to a Thai, looks like the only game in town for me is the multi entry O visa.

    If they start taking the 3 tourist entry thing in 6 months seriously I would not want to gamble. (even if they do not amount to 90 days, it only takes one jerk to ruin your trip). It is $125 for a year O visa.

    Looks a lot simpler than a O-A visa (and I am over 50 years old).

    Any reason I should not go this route?

  8. Hi moby- could you tell the cost of setting up your ufustruct-had differing amounts told to me--cheers

    It's bit complicated. There's the legal fees, tax, and 'other' stuff.

    I really think you should discuss costs with a lawyer.

    You should get that free of charge. :o

    Intersting and timely discussion. My Thai wife who lives in the USA with me for the past 10 years just bought some property at a mountain resort 2 hours from BKK. We just decided to add 38 rai to our holding next to the resort. When we finish our home at the resort, I will take into consideration your advise about setting up a ufustruct. Sounds like good protection.

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