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Mad Mustang

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Everything posted by Mad Mustang

  1. Send him packing, disrespectful dangerous and arrogant especially with previous chances
  2. Just another night in Pattaya. No Thai bouncer is ever going to lose and if they are the whole pack will descend. Still seems very hard for Brit wanna be tough guys to understand.
  3. Doesn’t look very French to me. Should be permanently banned. No excuse for that
  4. Delusional lefty garbage 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  5. Go Elon. I would rather see his success than the likes of the crooks running Vanguard and Black Rock. And the fact that time has proven that much about the so called pandemic and the resultant jibby jab was significantly BS should wake lots of people up. Harris is little more than a disgruntled butt hurt lefty.
  6. That’s what happens when you open borders to so called tourists who arrive full of disrespect and with $5 in their pockets. Bigger numbers, more trouble, less disposable income. Another success story from TAT.
  7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  8. Well California is pretty much a dump now. Best she becomes the leader of it.
  9. Lefty dribble. Trump aced it, get over it.
  10. Sabai Sabai. Maybe in another 10 years time. Thailand 😂😂😂
  11. Since Trump utterly defeated the drunken cackling hag the <removed> of the lefty loonies has become increasingly amusing.
  12. Yay some vile scum off the streets. Enjoy your holiday in the big house.
  13. No sympathy but what a stupid way to ruin your life. Nothing but misery in his future. Then again the crap he was selling creates a lot of misery too. Ah the balance of life.
  14. No care anything, just want rich Farang and when the love die you still take care my family OK. Meh Thailand
  15. The circus goes on, the headlines will keep popping up and nobody will be held to account EVER
  16. Ha ha ha. A vote for the lying lefty cackling hag is a vote for the demise of the USA. But then again when I lived in LA for 3 years, there seemed to be a great shortage of common sense. Regardless of who gets in it seems the good ol USofA ain’t so GOOD anymore. End of empire time perhaps
  17. Seems there are still a few Americans left with more than one neuron in their grey matter.
  18. It’s Thailand, for farangs only 3 things matter for a wonderful relationship. Money money and money, god help those who run out of it. The sad truth is that like in most countries ALL men or in Thailand farangs, are simply walking ATMs. If you keep that at the forefront of your mind, you won’t be a pauper when the illusion of love wears off. At least Thai women are feminine and great at acting the part.
  19. Well it is Thailand after all. Why would anybody expect common sense on the road?
  20. Seems the only peeps who knock the Elite visas are those that can’t afford one. Best thing I ever did. I have a few companies here and according to my accountant this has all yet to be thrashed out and god knows how long that will take. Smart people get residency visa in Dubai then set up a company there and send all profits there 0 tax. There again if you can’t afford to do that you’re going to have to move to Cambodia or cop it on the chin. Maybe you should have never moved here to begin with. Their country, their rules, their laws.
  21. The sore loser brigade bleating again. Good luck America
  22. Meh. - give it another 2 or 3 years of tooing and froing.
  23. Well I got one 3 years. If you fly in and out a lot it’s well worth it just for the fast track immigration alone. Never taken longer than 15 mins to get from the plane to the limo. It makes life here much easier.
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