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Jeff Reinstad

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  1. When you click on an article like this, do you also feel your heart race for a few seconds before the pictures load and you confirm it's not you in them? 🫠
  2. Don't forget that in Thailand to activate SIM you have to register it to your name/passport. They know who you are and might decide to cash in on you in the future. Or it might be their plan all along, claiming you agreed to another year extension by keep using their services.
  3. 'Debate porn' is just a figure of speech used by native English speakers.
  4. Ok, let me sum it up: You drink a "couple of glasses" of alcohol every single night. You choose the cheaper alcohol, not what you personally prefer by taste. I’m not a professional in this field, but I think this ticks a few boxes. Maybe you should consider seeking help or advice - no matter what you believe about yourself to be or not?
  5. So in your case it is not about experience. But about getting wasted? Maybe you should try to seek some help or advice on how to limit your drinking?
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 204 seconds  
  7. I lived here for a long time without air conditioning, but during the last heatwave, I decided to buy one at GlobalHouse. Some guys came over the next day to install it. Since day one, it’s been dripping water, and every morning there's a big puddle underneath. As it’s installed directly under our patio door, it’s become a problem. Is this something normal, like condensation, and nothing can be done about it? Or is it something I should complain about that can be fixed?
  8. I feel sorry for him because as a man he has no freedom. Which I consider number one in my life. I'm very grateful that I've reached a point where I'm independent, able to make my own decisions without relying on anyone. If I wanted to, I could buy a ticket to Tokyo, Moscow, London, Paris or New York right this moment. Land there, purchase a house and live happily ever after. In contrast he seems proud of being dependent on his wife's income, which is the opposite of what I would take pride in. To me as a man real pride comes from being independent. He celebrates sucking on wife's income. Kind of sad from man's point of view.
  9. That's kind of sad. Somehow feel sorry for you. 😦
  10. Rural roads in Isaan are full of cyclists without lights, motorcycles with broken lights and pedestrians at the side of roads. All of them are completely invisible. I don't like people driving of accidents, but here I understand that somebody might not want to get life potentially ruined over some idiot that didn't valued his own life 20 Baht to change lightbulb/carry light and just take off. Already have to deal with damaged car which is not his fault.
  11. The problem with defending yourself in public interactions is that usually the person attacking you has nothing to lose, while you have everything to lose. Some random loser in a bar or on the street picks a screaming match with you. He might be overstaying his visa, has just enough money to pay rent for the next week, has no job or career, and if he’s Thai, he could be earning just 250 Baht a day. Meanwhile, you’ve built your entire life. Saving for retirement, making investments, pursuing education, advancing your career, and sending your kids to an expensive school. If he gets arrested, it doesn’t matter to him. If you get arrested, you could lose everything. So usually you keep your head down and walk away, makes you look like a 🐈 in front of everybody. Because you’re not willing to risk losing everything over of some loser. --- Defending yourself in a life-or-death situation is, of course, different, but I think there is only a small chance of getting into such a situation.
  12. Just boil some water and throw it at them from balcony.
  13. You could go with epoxy paint. Stuff is extremely durable, you can paint it yourself and it is thicker than normal paint, filling the gaps and smoothing surface a little bit. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/toa-100-2-epoxy-coating-toa-floorguard-100-part-ab-3785-i4378851938-s17443601159.html?
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