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  1. She'll call you clarke gable if u want mate - as long as you keep paying her! Just ask her.
  2. UK Govt will push through assisted dying law soon Shame it can't be made compulsory for the dregs but it's a start I guess.
  3. Raynor isn't the chancellor but her pre election promises are worth about as much as the guy who promised "Don't worry I won't <deleted> in you" when he got her preggers as a teenager 👍 What is it with boomers assuming that everything hell anything politicians say is true? You guys are far too old to keep falling for the same BS
  4. Exactly. 4x2 Ish media pushing white guilt and gimmigration In group preference (aka racism) is NORMAL - it's why chimps don't hang around with orangutans etc in natural settings but whites are expected to ignore all that and bend over for everyone else so we can 'virtue signal' 🙄
  5. My mistake - Bidens cabinet was just under 70% jewish BU Key positions ALL Jews (Treaury, Defece, Health etc. Would post the graphic again but someone obvs doesn't like inconvenient truths so would prolly delete it again. x
  6. 15 of Biden's 25 cabinet roles -Apologies I meant approx 70% - But yes, your hero works for the 4x2s as does Trump Again, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in case u have a brain and eyes to see:
  7. Obvs a CNN fan then - I rest my case... Banking, Tech, Media, your GOVT They know as long as they feed you sugar, fat and dumb TV & unlimited hardcore prawn you'll never work it out I think it's terrible to have your country run by jew-all citizens but fair play to them really. If yanks are too laxy and dumb to work it out poeple are gonna take advantage hence ISRAEL First. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
  8. Agreed. No need to platform freaks or give degens special protected status. That sort of behaviour should be mocked mercilessly so there's less chance of it being 'passed on/onto/into/all over young innocent children
  9. Because they don't like seeing men doing unnatural things purely because they were abused as children. Why not just keep that degen <deleted> behind closed doors? Sodomy is an act of violence (NOT love) imho.
  10. Reps & Dems are 2 opposing RELIGIONS Choose one and enter the red OR blue echo chamber telling you the other lot are the source of all evil. Never the twain shall meet. Because the Al Gore Rhythms are set up to keep you online you will be fed whatever confirms your biases. Divide to conquer. Fan fact: In reality BOTH of these allegedly different parties are 100% Israel First as you can see from Trump's picks and Biden's cabinet 👍
  11. Juicy Melons too Those are some juicy melons 🍉.mp4
  12. You should be fine. Longer term they'll probably look to crack down. I believe that letting boat people in is for this reason and not only to suppress UK wages. Blair was pushing for digital IDs 20 years ago - they're a pre cursor to CBDCs and HIGH electronic surveillance. No one wants them though so let say a million undocumenteds in - let them rape a few kids and other stuff and wait for the public outcry. Then have the public (nudged by the media) to DEMAND digital IDs. I think that's their game plan but will take years to get right (esp considering most gov workers are useless spastics and most contractors happily rip the gov off).
  13. Were they UK pensions that you moved offshore? And where did you move them to - Jersey?
  14. Also see Kemi Badenoch - very mid level talent - if that, plus young and inexperienced. Do we really believe she's the best on offer or was she put there to fail so Staliner can continue to gut the middle classes? She has the truth on her side but can she overcome a a very cunning and slippery establishment lawyer in Queer Staliner?
  15. You didn't SEE anything. You were told and cos came out of the the TV or some other boomer vision: newspaper etc (your Gods) you beLIEved it. It's called a news broadCAST because it puts a SPELL on the feeble minded. E.g. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/infamous-war-worlds-radio-broadcast-was-magnificent-fluke-180955180/ 6 May 2015 ... The broadcast, which aired on October 30, 1938, and claimed that aliens from Mars had invaded New Jersey, terrified thousands of Americans
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