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Everything posted by BruceWayne

  1. TBF given people a home and feeding and watering them in return for picking one of the lightest materials known to man (cotton) is not that bad im(alledgedly)ho. It grows quite high so don't even need to bend over. Just say. Worse ways to make a libing imo
  2. The war is only against white 'western; countries - everywhere else is sacrosanct. Maybe they were never forced to expel certain tribes way back when so there's no vendetta against them but idk allegedly imho.
  3. Prins Thomas makes wonderful dancing music tho
  4. Supposedly but a LOT of them are suspiciously pasty and even ginger - like sicilian albinos. Fact that you're not allowed DNA kits in that country can also be read into - allegedly imho https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/want-to-fully-understand-your-family-genealogy-not-without-a-court-order-585230
  5. Is anyone surprised UK Govt won't give pension rises to male viagra boomer crew? It's an easy one to sell to the UK public who suspect we ain't here for the temples and culture. This is why it'll never change - not that it'll stop the inevitable threads every few months
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