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  1. My wife and I are “Westerners”, we are actually coming to Thailand to escape the “Opinion Police”. We live in an area of North Carolina where retirees from the NE USA and W USA left and brought the issues they were escaping from. We loved it when we came here years ago because it was so laid back. I hope we’re not moving from one problem to another. We have lived many places and have learned “While in Rome, do as the Romans do”, we plan to acclimate and let others live their life.
  2. I’m a believer that most dogs are as good as they are treated. However, Pit Bulls have too many strikes against them that eliminates this premise. My wife and I have had an encounter with two loose Pit Bulls that attacked our leashed dog. I don’t have animosity towards the breed, but believe the risks of ownership overshadows the rewards.
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