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factual monk

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  1. Pattaya aka sin city... so... keep it rolling baby... Enjoy until you get caught, or into a brawl, or drugged, or mugged, or lose gold, or punched, or hit by a vehicle, or... whatever... list is endless... So all farangs, Chinese, Russians, Indians, Arabs, European, Latins, Australians, Asians, Africans... blah blah blah... Keep coming to pattaya... enjoy the life as per your choice and also be ready to face the consequences in case you get involved in any of acts deemed improper... 👍 👌 🙆‍♂️
  2. They got the treatment for their misconduct. Whether, it's a working lady in bar/ street or a normal woman... nobody can touch a woman inappropriately... Every person deserves respect...
  3. Nothing wrong in stripping to prove your innocence... against allegations. We all at times are asked to strip open our bags during travel... (happened with me at Bali airport few years ago) and even clothes... yea... she did with everyone around her... may be she felt offended much... Atleast she is not guilty of stealing the money...
  4. R.I.P... Wishing you peace... 🙏 you came with dreams to stay but sadly it ended in a tragic accident.
  5. The main issue is of corruption... once the Auth are able to address that, all the things/ issues will automatically get resolved. It will take time but it's for thais to decide now... whether to be part of corruption & negligence or set things straight...
  6. Policeman is smart... he didn't retaliated... the motor bike guy will get booked for atleast 3 to 4 charges... assaulting Policeman in uniform, damaging government property (police car), causing disruption to civil order and causing traffic blockage...
  7. disappointed as only Thai's were involved in this... no Russian, Chinese or Indian involved... many who love to rant against these country folks left with nothing much to comment on... 🙄
  8. Heartfelt condolences on this tragic incident. Loss of life is always heart breaking. God bless the souls of the deceased children... and give strength to the families to bear the pain... 🙏
  9. Very true... went to Big C ... it's all full of older people who are luckily being accompanied by the younger lot for shopping... once the elderly will finish with the money the elderly will be forgotten till the next month end... But also saw few buying household items like a new fridge and TV... and grandparents enjoying the food in malls... a positive side too...
  10. I feel the lady equally party to it... seems she is working at coffee shop and guy is the employer... bad way to push... he could have asked the tourist politely... and the tourist would have moved but no way he can push him like that...

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