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Everything posted by rckmc

  1. You take Pfizer made Centrum? Dont you know they want you dead by now?
  2. Great place for Russians who stay up all night long working not caring one iota about disturbing anyone or the numerous chair draggers and imbeciles who sneeze with all their might on the balcony numerous times a day. If you like San Quentin VT (any of them) are the places for you. I could add to this but what for, obviously some people are numb to it and belong there.
  3. You can have it mate, all yours! And FU too!
  4. Well there was British Celts, then British Anglos now British Syrians, Indians, Pakis etc. Do you know what you are? Almost forgot Jews.
  5. A local bar I used to stop by and have one or two when I first got here a few years ago was always at least a happy place with well known music or maybe any number of sports on the TV (golf, rugby, football (both of them) etc) and you might even meet someone with an upbeat positive outlook in the present tense, now I walk by this place and its Russians all individually staring ahead with a cell phone in one hand and a look like deer in the headlights. Makes me physically ill.
  6. The contrast between smiling friendly Thai's and dead stare, unfriendly Russians is a train wreck waiting to occur. Im not going to be around when that happens RIP Thailand! As far as currencies go, obviously its all by design to usher us into a new system without our approval of course. Ill let you guess who is behind it all and it isnt the British Crown as they say (which once consisted of Celts).
  7. Move to south Jomtien and you can live in the slums of old Stalingrad. I agree this place is no more. It was good for saving some money for a while but now its a sad story that nobody wants to read.
  8. Hard to tell what "British man" means nowadays.
  9. Exactly how Thailand will end up joining BRICS.
  10. He spooged in a Sukumvit potted plant under the neon skyline.
  11. Ive been coming to Pattaya and other areas of Thailand for 40 years and Ive never seen a place get so screwed over by one people, Russians ever. Not to say I dislike every single one of them, but the majority seem to be very stupid people who have to be told everything, dont speed, drive on the left and walk on the left, say thankyou to someone who holds the door for you, dont cut in line, be aware of people around you, quiet down that overly loud motorbike, its constant gnawing and when you finally lose it and tell them they give you that incredibly stupid look....its just too much!
  12. I wouldnt stay at Arcadia (either of them) during high season even if they paid me.
  13. Theyre freaking everywhere nowadays!
  14. I think its the usual crying in pain while stabbing in the back game.
  15. Im sure the Kosher Nostra is completely innocent.
  16. I notice a lot of Thai women are dating Russian men. One playing the short game and the other playing the long game. Not a good match up.
  17. Yes, Im sure they want to make Jews into soap and lampshades too. Gimmee a break!
  18. Yep all Zio clowns who will start WWIII for you know who. Bibi is their God.
  19. I can see by many of the comments on this thread that the Israeli Hasbara troll army has been here.
  20. You cant take an hour drive and be back in civilization however.
  21. Both exactly the same but they play the long game in PI.
  22. They save face and I have my values too.
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