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Everything posted by On-my-way-Home

  1. I don’t motorbike or motorscoot! 😁 I drive an SUV. Goodluck messing with me!
  2. No God quotes necessary, Chief. Just observation of the state of Life on Earth. Wars galore, 2 world wars already, Famines, Disease, Starvation, Malnutrition, etc., & on & on ……. GOD, if still here, would allow his loved ones to suffer so? No Sir, Big G left already. A larger perspective: So many planets in soooo many galaxies in soooo many Universes - but Life only on ONE planet (Earth)? How dumb is that? Possible/probable explanation is, “wtf would want to visit this sh*thole called Earth?”
  3. No hate here, Sir. I’m having sooo much fun there’s neither time nor desire to hate. One observes & calls it. No hate required. In fact HATE would never allow one to have fun, enjoy life. My happiness would reach Heaven if Trump ended ALL killing & Wars! I’d be celebrating the new era.
  4. Wrong, Sir 😏 I live by the creed, “you are totally responsible for the condition you are in” i.e. nobody to blame!
  5. Peaceful, quiet, so quiet as to be akin to deafening silence. Corollary: With all the Nobel prizes received why oh why is Israel receiving Welfare & Food Stamps from the USA? 😁😁😁 My state California might even give Israel an EBT card for groceries
  6. My type? Here’s My Type. ….. 😎 Morning after recent date with a 24-yr old stunner: she was trying to impress me with her English during the entire date. In bed she leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, “I love your clock” God, do I love it so! My type has soooo much fun! 😏😎👍
  7. YESSSSSS! They have a penchant for taking hold of the upper Finance rungs - then subjugate the masses. Easy to observe for the discerning person!
  8. Yes, ALL Americans, Jewish Americans too! Ukrainian Americans too! 👍
  9. My point? Look what the chosen people did to HIM? What Father would ignore his son’s torment? Hence the absolute departure of the Father. He has long since left the area known as Israel. Israel paying dearly for this transgression will cause us to pay with high odds of WW3 Dump ‘em!
  10. My solution is simple: Dump ‘em! And Dump the other scammer (Ukraine) too! US Constitution offers the best advice: Do NOT get involved in the affairs of other nations and I’m adding 😁😏 Take care of our own FIRST - pour resources into helping our own flourish & prosper.
  11. Your so-called smart people did this … see below
  12. Brains? Brawn too. The absolute masters of chain pulling. The CHOSEN people concept hypnotizes the mighty giant known as America into ignoring my homeless friends sleeping under bridges & elsewhere all over & instead doing this see below 1999, the U.S. government signed a commitment to provide Israel with at least US$2.7 billion in military aid annually for ten years; in 2009 it was raised to $3 billion; and in 2019 raised to a minimum of US$3.8 billion.
  13. It keeps getting better 😏 Told Verizon that their internet data signal sucks compared to putting them on Airplane mode & going with the building wifi. No exageration, their signal sucks $200 credit to my account on the spot will appear on my next bill
  14. Thanks, will check it out 👍
  15. Why post? Its called a CALL. I don’t expect a discussion, although I welcome it, but as you & the other fellow indicated, its incomprehensible. The subject is Technical Analysis of Financial Markets
  16. 👍 & invonceivable, but not unavoidable as in the daily chart below. Stay above the red & green lines and all is well!
  17. Sterling vs King Dollar in daily view.. Solid hammering ongoing. But we watch that monyhly timeframe above. Why? Because Sterling is no slouch! She has been around a looooong time & deserves utmost respect. Its therefore game over only IF monthly buckles! Sit back and watch, but hide & peep as History could be in the
  18. Sterling in yearly timeframe view: note the utter humiliation of the Pound by King Dollar since 1970. If that red breaks, the UK will be a good candidate for a US state.
  19. Sterling: drop below that red line in chart below & the humiliation against arch enemy, the US Dollar will be yuge.
  20. Break that line decisively & Londonistan goes into a bull run https://youtube.com/shorts/cC3lNqYVYT8?si=CtoTpOl7Cpa_nmZM
  21. UK FTSE-100 on critical support rising Trendline. Break this & an avalanche highly likely! Monthly timeframe chart so daily wiggles not so important! Only a deciseive break of this red uptrend line counts. We do not have that BREAK yet! Wait & see!
  22. Current AQI (Air Quality) readings: Los Angeles 31 Santa Monica, CA 20 Chiang mai 87 Chumphon 71
  23. Air quality: Los Angeles coastal area where I reside WAS under 50 & generally under 25-35. All good. Further inland it gets progressively bad. yardstick: under 50 is good, over is not. Some parts if the workd like New Delhi for example can reach 280 = “dyin ain’t much of a livin” I monitor AQi on a regular basis esp. for Chiang Mai esp. when the Burning Season approaches. Last year CM was rated as most polluted city. Not good. I have a solution for all American expats in Chiang Mai: if you decide to leave CM Feb-June, but still want to remain in LOS, deep southern Thailand is the destination. Koh Samui, other islands &/or Phuket, all good! My recommendation is C H U M P H O N (Thung Wua Laen beach) Europeans renting out houses etc. 5-10k Baht/mo. Hotel rec on Thung Wua Laen beach: Nana Resort …. Stunning seafood restaurant opposite, large rooms, can soend 4 months in sybaritic quietness with the AQI under 50 (fingers crossed) 1,300 Baht/nite brekky incl. I would work out a monthly deal with management. God bless the day Providence had me stumble into LOS! I’ve never looked back! She continues to thrill!😁😎
  24. Thanks Gypsy. Just trying to stay on top of all goings on with the Thai Baht which is so important to me & other American expats. My Thai girlfriends wonder about the waxing & waning of my alleged generosity - they don’t kniw that it hinges on King Dollar vs Thai Baht! 😏😁 Have a look at the King Dollar as in the Dollar Index which measures $ strength vs Euro+Sterling+Yen+Swissy+SwedishKronor. ……. King is doing what I on bended knee beseeched him to do - thus far! He has arrived at a resistance level. A minor battle will be fought at this juncture. He might just blast on thru’ or retreat ti suffer some pain & then try to hammer the resistance
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