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Mukdahan Mark

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Everything posted by Mukdahan Mark

  1. Does that mean the government has no proper record of when people left / returned to the Kingdom? Handy for avoiding the 180-day tax rule if so!
  2. I think it's a cunning conspiracy to lull farangs into a sense of belief that loud exhausts are OK (because the majority of Thais have them) then hammer them!! But hey were all loaded so who cares right?
  3. I agree that there needs to be a clampdown on excessively noisy bikes (and cars), BUT just targeting farangs who are responsible for probably less than 2% of the problem is ridiculous. Like everything else that targets farangs, it's just another corrupt, money-generating taxation scheme.
  4. Pattaya is getting more and more unruly every month! At this rate of escalation we will think the Bronx are a safer bet to live than here. The firearms situation for a small city is getting ridiculous. Unless the authorities make a concerted stance, Pattaya is going to become a joke (or a much bigger one)! Already it has become unsafe to be out on the streets at night. Where is it going to end?
  5. You have to pay for one of those!!
  6. Does anyone know if the tax figures Thailand will use are going to based on honesty, or will there be requests to the country of origin for the individual's income tax figures?
  7. Do others find comments like this just so constructive?
  8. Recon the take away here is be careful where you park your car! If you are obstructing something important perhaps?
  9. It appears that this is the new government initiative. The Embassies are following suite.
  10. Does anyone use an esim as there regular data connection? I have found only 1 company (KKDAY) who sell them, nothing on Lazada. Would really like to find out more! Cheers
  11. Surprised nobody mentioning that Jonathan Haze (?) guy who wrote Midnight Express, almost a mirror of what he did (except it was hash not smack!
  12. Update!! Thai Embassy in Laos is soon making it pre-pay for visa applications with application submitted on line. Is this going to be a trend for all embassies soon?
  13. FTI Worth noting that Savannakhet Thai Embassy no longer does walk in visas, you have to book an appointment now! Allow a week in advance to be safe, also turn round time stated ism 48 hours!!
  14. As you can pick up the 12month sim's for very reasonable prices it pays to consider having a couple of cards from different providers, especially if like myself you are moving around a bit.
  15. Retirement "Financial evidence showing monthly income of no less than 65,000 THB (£1,500) or having the current balance of 800,000 THB (£18,000), e.g. bank statements, proof of earnings - Applicant's recent official UK/Ireland bank statement shows your name, address ( Screenshots are not accepted). For monthly income of last 3 months no less than £1,500/ month. " Marriage "Financial evidence showing monthly income of no less than 40,000 THB (£1,000) or having the current balance of 400,000 THB (£10,000), e.g. bank statements, proof of earnings - Applicant's recent official UK/Ireland bank statement shows your name, address ( Screenshots are not accepted). For monthly income of last 3 months no less than £1,000/ month." The above are from the RTE London. Is it correct that you are able to use income that is generated overseas when coming to show evidence of income for Marriage visa extension? I was told the income had to be shown coming into the Kingdom.
  16. I wonder if her insurance will pick up her bill for treatment? Could be called 'self inflicted' me thinks
  17. Not fair to call all Chinese vehicles unworthy! They lead the field in many areas!
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