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Posts posted by DaffyDuck

  1. Someone who writes "what history learned some of us." shouldn't criticize.

    No, I was giving a quick reply to a poster who used a simple error in dates as an excuse to not defend foolish posts about Prayuth being elected by the NLA, Yingluck asking for but not receiving military assistance, and other indefensible nonsense.

    It's quite obvious that you were clearly admonishing someone for his 'crime' of not being a native English speaker, and essentially asserting that he doesn't have the right to participate in your debate if he doesn't speak English.

    Your full quote (since you are so concerned about being quoted accurately): "Someone who writes "what history learned some of us." shouldn't criticize."

    If the debate had been about English proficiency, you might have had a minor case, but as it wasn't, and seeing as how you forbade him to participate solely based on his English proficiency / mistake, you have no wiggle room.

    Your attempt to backpedal and rationalize your statement is just sad. A simple "hey, sorry, I didn't mean this" would have been the appropriate, mature way to conclude this snafu.

  2. Some are consistently pointing to the past to avoid discussing the present. The OP is all about the present and the future, yet the junta supporters can only discuss the past.

    Is that why YOU and other anti-military folks keep consistently and repeatedly bringing up the Army's actions from the past, 1976, 1992, instead of acknowledging the actions and behavior of the present?

    So far, myself, rubl and others keep attempting to focus you and others on the present, to which you and your red friends consistently deflect to the past. Every single time.

    Projecting. It's what you do.

    • Like 1
  3. Lovely tinfoil hat you're wearing, englishoak. The truth of the matter is far simpler, and has been laid out multiple times by others in this thread (and others) and doesn't involve some muzzled discussion subjects that can't be talked out. Of course, babbling on about invisible hand conspiracies makes for a better narrative and undoubtedly makes you (and the other tools) feel an importance you otherwise might not have.

  4. I've been wondering about long stories based on a functioning democracy and non-corrupt politicians. Somehow those don't seem to have much to do with topics here. Here we discuss Thailand.

    I guess these folks aren't really familiar with Thailand, or maybe they are talking about some utopian place with the same name. They probably have never been there, is my guess.

    Funny you should say that Daffy, I know you haven't got the slightest clue when it comes to Thailand, how else could you possibly believe the current junta is trying to stop corruption. These are people from the military, and no, they aren't this rich because they married a rich wife any more than they got money due to a land sale.

    The military has always been one of the most corrupt organizations in Thailand, and they are currently ensuring this will continue for quite some time.

    None of which has anything to do with THE PRESENT, of course.

    Yep, like I thought - he probably doesn't even know where Thailand is on a map. It's very similar to debating politics with libertarians.

  5. Is there maybe hope that some of the RedShirt mouthpieces on this thread will listen to their master's command - probably hoping too much, there:


    Don't Oppose the Junta, Thaksin Instructs Redshirts

    BANGKOK — Thaksin Shinawatra, the de facto leader of the Redshirt movement, has reportedly advised his supporters to refrain from interfering with the missions of the military junta

  6. I've been wondering about long stories based on a functioning democracy and non-corrupt politicians. Somehow those don't seem to have much to do with topics here. Here we discuss Thailand.

    I guess these folks aren't really familiar with Thailand, or maybe they are talking about some utopian place with the same name. They probably have never been there, is my guess.

  7. ^ lovely to see this bit of ethnocentrist, elitist attitude from you. No surprise really.

    Not everyone is a native English speaker - kinda like those Thais all around you. I guess they shouldn't criticize, or have opinions either... and it'd be just a small step until you'd deny them democracy for not speaking 'the master language', English. Right?

    I guess we just got to see your true colors.

    I have consistently defended democracy. What have you been doing?

    Doesn't seem that way - considering you are consistently ignoring the issues brought up and pointed out to you, in the prior regime's abuse, manipulation, and subjugation of democracy ... like, having a criminal, hiding abroad, set up puppets and attempt to run the country via Skype while financing and supporting violence against Thai civilians.


  8. ^ lovely to see this bit of ethnocentrist, elitist attitude from you. No surprise really.

    Not everyone is a native English speaker - kinda like those Thais all around you. I guess they shouldn't criticize, or have opinions either... and it'd be just a small step until you'd deny them democracy for not speaking 'the master language', English. Right?

    I guess we just got to see your true colors.

  9. I pay for this room 24 hours and I use what I want 24h.

    I also have no respect for business owners, why should have ?

    That's a lovely attitude of entitlement you have there - I bet you also expect the prices to be the lowest, but would prefer 'free' and business' to cater to your every whim?

    Specifically that last sentence of your quote is the relevant portion.

    I would generally use a different term than 'entitled' to describe people like you, but I fear the forum rules don't allow me to use it here.

    • Like 1
  10. Most of us also wonder what drives this anger and bitterness towards the Thailand Elite program and its members, as well as the surrealist baseless negative comments coming from these posters...

    For many of the haters it is politics. Who was PM when the Thai Elite was started?
    You are right, in part.

    It is about politics, indeed, and at "that time", some foreigners were feeling like the PM was their enemy.

    But... Don't we hear the same complaints ("the government and the Thais hate us") from exactly the same posters and this exact moment, with the present government and present PM?

    I think it is more about lack of funds and jealousy.

    Seems to consistently be the underlying reason - look, everyone ought to realize that Thailand is more enjoyable (or, really, only enjoyable) if you have money - consistent in the way Thailand and Thais appreciate money.

    This is simply a service and level of comfort granted by a larger initial outlay of money - as it has been shown that, overall, there is little difference in price between perform inconvenient visa runs, versus the Elite solution.

    • Like 1
  11. Since the above is part of the rules, then effectively any disruptive comments from tbthailand, sjaak, JPEG, thailiketoo, Thai at heart, heybruce and others like them should be removed - their comments, continuously, skirt the edge of exactly what you point out above as being essential rules - disregarding the fact that it has been pointed out repeatedly by other posters that these disruptive commenters de-motivate conversation and discussion.
  12. So, what I take issue with is the lack of interest by posters to comment on the topic. Just like you now also start to state.

    I have observed comments from regular commenters pointing out that the constant spamming on these sort of threads by the anti-Thai, anti-Thai posse has effectively turned them off from interacting and wanting to engage in commenting. I have no doubt that many other members abstain similarly, without commenting on it.

  13. I specifically asked you "How much WOULD you have expected to have been achieved after 7 months, considering how broken you consistently claim the system is?"

    Truly a good question but not the topic and if it was the topic not answerable given the current guidelines of Thai Visa.

    It *is* the topic, since you made the topic your complaint of NOT ENOUGH having been done in 7 months - it, of course, comes as no surprise that you instead choose to run away, deflect, and attempt to bury the subject.

    The question can be very easily and intelligently answered without any violation of TV guidelines, and you know it. Alternatively, you could choose to take your answer to PM, which you would also categorically refuse to do. As usual.

    Makes you wonder how much you people are interested in real discussion, and truth, or just in carrying the Thaksin Torch, doesn't it?

    Stop editing my posts to change their meaning please. Play by the rules and everyone will get along better.

    I wrote, "Truly a good question but not the topic and if it was the topic not answerable given the current guidelines of Thai Visa.

    I would like to know what changes have been made to the FBA in the past 7 months as that would be easy to determine and change but again it would be off topic.

    So my answer to you is that anyone could answer your question but it would be off topic and outside the new Thai Visa Guidelines which are "Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed."

    You wrote, "It *is* the topic, since you made the topic your complaint of NOT ENOUGH having been done in 7 months - it, of course, comes as no surprise that you instead choose to run away, deflect, and attempt to bury the subject.

    The question can be very easily and intelligently answered without any violation of TV guidelines, and you know it. Alternatively, you could choose to take your answer to PM, which you would also categorically refuse to do. As usual.

    Makes you wonder how much you people are interested in real discussion, and truth, or just in carrying the Thaksin Torch, doesn't it?

    Answer to your post. 1. I did not write, "your complaint of NOT ENOUGH having been done in 7 months"

    2. I can't change a topic at will.

    3. This topic has never been about Thaksin and I believe a number of posts were removed for trying to turn it into another anti Thaksin rant.

    4. Why don't you try and get back on topic which is, "US calls planned Thai poll delay to 2016 'unwise' "

    5. I for one am tired of you trying to turn every post into an anti Thaksin diatribe he has been gone for 10 years, get over it.

    I take note of your desperate consistency of avoiding to answer any questions asked of you. I think everyone reasonable can, at this point, guess your rather transparent and dishonest position.

    For the record, your comments are not "edited to change their meanings" - they are shortened to focus on the portions that are being addressed, to avoid polluting the forum with miles upon miles of quotes. Shortening and focusing on essential content of quotes is a normal forum practice. Of course, you know that - you claim something malevolent is being done is part of your dishonesty.

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