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Bangkok Black

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Everything posted by Bangkok Black

  1. I am having a go at growing Duran from seed. The seed has come from Durain I have bought from roadside sellers. So after enjoying the fruit I saved the seed pods, placed them in a container and covered them in water until they started to shoot then planted them into a small pot. They are now about 6 inches high and with small leaves. This has taken about 2 months. I think I am doing well so far. I water them well twice a day and keep them in a semi-shady area. The question is at what height shall I try planting them at the small holding/farm my wife owns? Do I need to plant them in a shady spot? Will I need to treat the soil first? Any tips are welcome.
  2. I recently got a bedroom set from Index Living Mall. Came as a dresser, wardrobe and bed but no mattress. There was a choice of mattresses available, and the staff went straight to the "might as well have been made from concrete" style of Thai mattress. But I was like, Hell no, and went for the softest Index had on offer, which is a foam/memory type and nic and soft. Even with a "semi" soft Thai mattress and a soft mattress topper, it's still too hard for me. I just have to have a soft mattress.
  3. As far as I know the agent is doing that bit
  4. do a google search on MBK. I am Prachin Buri so also out in the boonies
  5. Massive shopping centre in BKK. It is world famous. 5th floor is the passport etc services.
  6. Now I have made an appointment at the UK embassy. So can get a copy of the passport. The translation dude said once I have that he can take that, and copy of my birth certificate to MBK to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get stamped. Phew!!! Then back to local office and try again !!!
  7. More detail, The woman also showed us an example of the certified copies needed. Ths was from some Japanese dude who had done the same to get yellow book and i.d card. I noticed this dude had used MBK centre for this as on a receipt it had MBK on it. Has anyone used MBK before for this service? I think that's 5th floor.
  8. Update, Went back to the government office today with my wife. Ended up seeing the same woman as the first time when we got sent away. This time she seemed in a better mood and more helpful. I was armed with all I had, passport with visa stamps, work permit book, Thai driver's license and UK, residence certificate, bank book, and my laptop as I could if needed log in and show her my TM30 on the immigration website. The wife had the house book, marriage certificate, i.d card and anything else she could think of. The woman didn't ask for TM30 but scanned most of what I listed. She then did some reading and listed what was needed for us. I need to book an appointment with the UK embassy to get certified copies of my birth certificate and passport. She gave us a contact for translating said documents into Thai. So that's the story so far. Next step embassy website........
  9. Broadcasting it? 555 Its all over facebook
  10. Click 160 sounds great at first and am sure they ride nice. But it seems to me that Honda putting the bigger engine in to try to compete with the Yamaha Areox and NMAX. With a 160cc engine, the extra weight and looking extra chunky it seems to be trying to be a bike it's not.
  11. Stupid how?
  12. Apart from Facebook marketplace and Locanto where to Thai people sell their scooters online? There must be others, right? Or if not, then where/how do Thai people sell scooters apart from second-hand dealers and auctions? Do some do trade-ins when buying new?
  13. I do a sort of hybrid version: a part OMAD, part fasting, part whatever diet. I tend to eat from say 12 pm to 3 pm one meal. That's actual food. Then maybe in the early evening, something light to eat.
  14. 1st page is the house details like you said and ex-husband, then at the bottom of the same page, it says he died and the date. Next page (2) is the husband and once again on the same page the date he died. Page 3, is my wife Page 4 her son Page 5 The mother in law
  15. Yes hence me saying we will go again to ask/ try to get both but not say "what do you need" instead let them tell us/
  16. 1st page is the wife's ex-husband (he died) The wife is on page 2. The wife says the house is her and ex-husband's sister.
  17. I will check and come back later
  18. She is in the blue book, The address the woman saw was in my passport
  19. Ah right, so the blue ones do not need to be in there, ok good I did wonder. I got about 5 pages of those now 555. One of the white bits I think is the reminder of the next date for 90-day reporting. As for embassy copies of the passport, the woman on the day didn't mention anything about that. so next time I go with the wife I won't mention that and see what happens.
  20. I used my laptop. Question though, How to print out from the website? Anyone done this?
  21. Wow, my first thread went off the rails it seems ! An update, I went to the local office to ask what they needed. Woman, there looked at my work permit and then my passport. Now, in my passport, there are a few bits of paper stapled inside, all done by immigration. Some white, some blue. I think some are receipts and some reminders. The company I work for that got the work permit used an address in Bangkok. This address is in my passport on one of the bits of paper. The woman sees this and then says "Can't do" as I am registered in Bangkok. So I went away and contacted my company. Now I did forget that my TM30 I did online and it's for the correct address (not Bangkok) and falls under the local office. Since then I used an agent in Bangkok to get a Thai driver's licence for a car and motorbike. To get this the agent got me a residence certificate. This is at the correct address (not Bangkok) So, I think I will go back to the local office again with said residence certificate and TM30 to try again. I will say when me and the wife went in the place was usually empty, it is usually full of people. One woman was watching videos on her laptop and seemed slightly annoyed when a couple walked in. I got the impression they don't get many farangs with Thai wives asking for pink ID cards and yellow books so it could be the old "I don't know what I am doing to just give an excuse and get rid of them" line.
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