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  1. That ship has sailed my friend. If it were me I wouldn't pursue it any further and part on good terms
  2. While you're at it, can you transfer a mil into mine as well ;-)?
  3. Are there any positive things that can think of?
  4. At second thought nevermind. I don't have a beef with him.
  5. How about maggots all the way....since you're on the same wavelength. Oh by the way you need to switch up your username. Makes me think you really are a Kamala Harris fan.
  6. Rather superficial if you ask me. Try digging a little deeper. You might be surprised at what you might find
  7. Try reading your history books again sport. In case you can't read, the Americans and the Russians both saved Europe
  8. Typical MAGA or more appropriately maggot way of thinking. If you are unable to think for yourself, then leave it to the people with some intelligence sport
  9. You've got your assignment now get cracking
  10. Please do yourself and the world a favor by trying to make sense and also stay on point
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