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  1. The poll in question has a very strong and respected record. I just don't understand the MAGA brain. Constantly dismissing any facts or realities that don't align with the cults views is a road to nowhere. Where are you all heading if you cannot accept truths. Brainless zombies doing their best to lead us all into a dystopian Hand Maidenesque future. WAKE UP!
  2. I'm quite sure the US can handle an extra 10 people (illegal aliens are people too aren't they?) What happens if China sells all of its U.S. Treasury holdings? A big nothing. China has already divested itself of half a trillion dollars in Treasuries. Furthermore, during this period, the Federal Reserve has trimmed its balance sheet by $1.3 trillion, yet the system continues to operate smoothly. Given this trend, China could potentially minimize its holdings without significant impact.
  3. 🤣🤣🤣 The "white is black and black is white" is MAGA schtick. Let's test that theory shall we: Who won the 2020 election?
  4. Are you suggesting that if Kamala wins that the election is not fair?
  5. How do you know they lie? If you can work it out why can't others? Trump has his own media platform. There are hundreds of rightwing You Tubers, Tik Tokkers and Influencers that can get the word out For christ sake, you've got the world's richest man and his personal plaything - Twitter on your side Until you man up and face reality, you are simply going to keep on losing time after time after time.
  6. Let's be honest, it doesn't really matter how many media organisations I list and whether they are part of the legacy media or not - as far as you're concerned, only news that aligns with your views is true and any news that doesn't align with your views is fake news. It is a truly bizarre world that MAGA lives in.
  7. They're already there mate.
  8. Impossible to argue against such intellectual brilliance.
  9. 24 years of service rising to the top rank possible - certainly stacks up well against the bone spur crybaby.
  10. Yes The Hill says so. So does: USA Today NBC News Financial Times Reuters Bloomberg Business Insider Etc. etc. etc.
  11. Is the above an example of your high quality debating technique? January 6 resulted in 7 deaths - hardly something t be proud of. Sounds like you pretty clearly received the message Trump was dog whistling about Liz Cheney. Tulsi Gabbard is an opportunistic grifter with alarming links to Russia - I'm guessing she joined Trump because she heard they were accepting garbage.
  12. Edge of defeat = winning. The margin of the victory may well surprise us all - we'll see on Tuesday. Perhaps you'd be better served spending your time working out why Republicans lost as opposed to why the Democrats won again.
  13. When Harris wins it will mean 16 of the last 20 years the Democrats have held the Whitehouse. The Democrats aren't the ones who need to be doing a bit of soul searching and navel gazing. The truth is, Trump has wrought such destruction on the Republican Party that they probably won't have a realistic shot at the Whitehouse until 2032 (perhaps even 2036 against President Walz).
  14. If he were gay and he does become the VP - do you think that there is something wrong with that? Homosexuality is found I over 450 species, homophobia in only one...guess which one?
  15. You have zero understanding of the changing demographics in the US do you. It's all downhill from here on in for the Republican Party in its current iteration. Racism, misogyny and religious fundamentalism have been beaten back into the dark recesses where they belong. AOC will be president before any of the fools you've listed.
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