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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Nobody said a job is guaranteed. But if you thiunk you can just cut 30% of the workforce without a major reduction in services and resultant chaos you're living in lalaland. The whole point of this exercise is to destroy government, not making it run more efficiently. The right wing love to call stuff what they are the opposite of.
  2. That's my position. I am not trolling. It's hard to like wowsers and haters. I know you can accuse me of hating and it's true. I hate people who hate on any minorities. With a passion. Get used to it.
  3. I'd prefer that they were replaced by a world police force to root out corruption and international criminals.
  4. I really don't know how they cope psychologically with living in Thailand, if any of them do.
  5. Who knows. I'm not riven by hate so I can't guess their motives. I guess it's a religious thing.
  6. That's not their concern, they just hate transvestites.
  7. ChatGPT says that laptop will support Linux Mint.
  8. They don't want transvestites in any bathrooms.
  9. Her remarks should not be controversial. We know school shootings would be far fewer without guns. We know that infant mortality would be far greater without mortality. For the GOP it's corporations before people.
  10. So, we can agree that Ukraine should not surrender unless Trump makes their position untenable? Putin should stop his illegal invasion and war crimes?
  11. The reasoning you seem to apply is that it's all Ukraine's fault for not surrendering.
  12. Look at any soi street sign in Pattaya. They carry a number and the "parent" street and a name of the soi, precisely as indicated in the story.
  13. The Health Advisory and Recovery Team (also HART or HART Group) is a British pressure group opposed to COVID-19 mitigation measures and COVID-19 vaccines https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_Advisory_and_Recovery_Team
  14. When did the SC overturning the actual vote count constitute "beating"? That success led the SC to embark on its Project 2025 mission of destroying democracy.
  15. Show me a meme I posted, ever.
  16. Apparently not you unless you are out to troll.
  17. Well he just picked another quid quo pro candidate.
  18. So? Ukraine needs help against an invasive pest.
  19. In March 2016, CREW discovered that the Trump Foundation had broken the law by giving an illegal $25,000 contribution to a political group supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Charitable foundations like the Trump Foundation are not allowed to engage in politics. Even more problematic was the fact that the contribution was given as Bondi’s office was deciding whether to take legal action related to Trump University. https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/the-trump-foundation-pam-bondi-scandal/
  20. He should suddenly stop doing his job? Leave quietly? Are you kidding me? Jeez.
  21. Yes, it tells us that taxpayers fund government spending.
  22. Putin escalated the war, Biden responded to 10,000 foreign troops being recruited to fight for Russia.
  23. I never liked him anyway. He's too wishy washy.
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