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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Since Gaetz didn't need to resign from congress to take up the cabinet post we can only conclude that his reason for doing so was to escape publication of the report. Gaetz didn't have to resign from Congress to serve in Trump's Cabinet, said David Lublin, the chair of the government department at American University. If he returns to Congress now, Gaetz will lose all of the seniority he had amounted from serving since 2017. https://www.axios.com/2024/11/21/matt-gaetz-house-seat-special-election-ag-withdrawl
  2. A lot less than Musk is going to get for the money he spent promoting Trump.
  3. RFK is all over the map on every issue.
  4. X will go the way of Infowars and Musk will follow its founder.
  5. You don't seem to be condemning Putin for his threat of first use. Why is that?
  6. Next election is 2 years away.
  7. Give him a break for not vetting his picks? There would have been no shortage of warnings if Trump had engaged in any consultation at all.
  8. My opinion aligns with medical science. Yours?
  9. "That means that currently any state that diplomatically or materially supports Israel's war in Gaza risks supporting crimes against humanity and war crimes. "It's really quite clear to me that third states should take this as a really relevant piece of information in deciding whether they put themselves in legal jeopardy in supporting Israel's war." "It's acknowledged that if Israel was to radically change its position and demonstrate that it was legitimately conducting an investigation and that there is a real prospect of possible prosecutions, then obviously the ICC process would be halted," Professor of International Law at the Australian National University, Donald Rothwell, told the ABC. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-22/netanyahu-icc-arrest-warrant-affect-israel-allies-but-not-war/104633460
  10. I'm pleased that you noyed that because you didn't mention it.
  11. Khan's decision will also be supported by anti-Hamas "mobs" who support the rule of law and want to see justice for the Palestinian people. You will not that Hamas leaders have also been indicted.
  12. Maybe that's what the Russian leader wants because he's a dead man walking anyway?
  13. That would be almost every soi in Thailand.
  14. Yes, rape exists but transexuals don't increase the risk. Why is that so hard to comprehend? Too much hate? Anyone who follows a girl into a restroom is committing a crime.
  15. OMG, you must feel so vulnerable.
  16. Are the cuts reasonable to still maintain a functioning government?
  17. Trump has boasted that under his presidency, people will be able to get 2 percent APR on a mortgage — but right now it's trending the wrong way, back up to 7 percent, driven in part by bond markets fearful Trump's tariffs will drive up the price of construction materials. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-housing/
  18. What's really amusing is that most of those saying that Ukraine should surrender are the same ones who happily label the French "surrender monkeys".
  19. Sorry it's 50%, not 70%. You didn't say it, the number is common knowledge. Musk aims to reduce federal spending by 30%, while Ramaswamy has suggested firing half of the federal workforce. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/global-trends/trump-and-musk-aim-to-cut-the-u-s-federal-budget-which-american-workers-risk-losing-their-jobs-with-this-reform/articleshow/115451798.cms?from=mdr oh wait, now it's 95%. It seems they haven't done any homework, just plucking numbers out of a dark plac e because it sounds good to the faithful. DOGE, conceived by Musk and Ramaswamy, proposes extreme measures like cutting $2 trillion from the federal budget and firing 90-95 percent of federal employees. As Trump attempts to stack his Cabinet with radicals like Matt Gaetz and Tulsi Gabbard, it’s clear he might privatize essential agencies while cutting others entirely. The irony? Trump is making it sound like Musk and Ramaswamy are leading a new agency, when in reality, their role would be to dismantle the government — and then fire themselves. https://www.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-doge-department-project-150000765.html
  20. 70% are deadwood? And you know this how?
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