So those of you that have travelled a bit this year will understand somewhat. This post is to help those who are planning to travel , to try and shed some light on problems . By all means correct me if I’m wrong , also feel free to contribute your experience this year to date .
well , I never thought I’d do a layover flight , but here I am stuck at Hong Kong airport. Why ? Well I had to go to Thailand for a funeral and the only way to get here quick was a one way “ stocking filler “ tickets on Thai Air .
the problem is returning. I searched high and low for tickets back before next Monday. The fastest was $7,400 AUD per ticket . The next best was $3,300 for a flight via Phuket , BUT I was too late by the time I got my credit card out .
So here I go , 3 hours on the PC . Trying to get home . So…. I opted to spend $1700 for 2 tickets ! With the savings I guessed I’d be earning ( saving ) $200 per hour via Hong Kong .
Things are going swimmingly, then we land. To be told I cannot go down the road 3 klm to the motel and I must stay in the airport, it made me think of a Tom Hanks movie . Cannot leave the airport . Not allowed too .
here is the kicker , the booking I made with Marriot didn’t mention that HKG was closed , yet they still took my money gladly . I even called the hotel and they said no problem , we can sort a early morning taxi out for you .
I now realise it’s probably some punk in the USA or Phillipines that is just making things up on the fly .
None the less, I feel it was the person and their website that should have advised me , not the airport staff .
there you go . So I’m out of pocket $300 for the hotel, but I’m still ahead.
I guess the moral to this story / article / whine is to not assume the rest of the world is open like Thailand. Don’t assume the airlines are craving for your custom , as they are becoming over whelmed . And lastly , triple check your iterneary. I got lazy and took someone’s encouragement on the end of the phone . ( after all it was the Marriott, I thought )
I can rant on about the finer issues such as the baggage loss issues with split flights and delays , etc , but I’d only be guessing .
In conclusion, In this current climate
1. book direct flight return trips.
2. Make sure you pay more for a flexible flight as poo is happening out there.
3. If you do book one way , then don’t expect a short notice return flight that’s reasonable .
my experience to date after doing 10 trips this year is it’s only getting more hectic , not better . The Big squeeze is on making up their money by those lost years. Be bloody careful people .