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Everything posted by InThailand123

  1. DO you think the FED will be able to print and borrow in the next 14 years as they have in the last? IMHO thats the main reason the SP500 is up so much.
  2. Market rates, its called free market capitalism.
  3. Estate Agents in the UK arent qualified, they dont have licences and anyone can set up, its hardly rocket science walking someone around a house? "Expats" aka immigrants without a work visa cant open an Estate Agency, in the US, UK, EU, OZ etc..
  4. The sentences being handed out are a disgrace, the only people who support them are lefty fascist fks, who looked the other way whilst Muslims raped white working class girls on an industrial scale. i.e. middle class Labour voters and Starmer, who it seems has connection to the father of the Southport child killer. We truly are governed by traitors.
  5. Could anyone suggest a decent medication for ulcers on a tongue that Thai pharmacies sell. I've finished a bottle of Chlorhexidine i had with me, but it didn't work. Back in England on Tuesday though would like to get rid of them by then.
  6. He's presumably being sarcastic.
  7. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind want to notify the Thai taxman when the chances of him looking for Mr Farang is next to nothing.
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