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Posts posted by keenok

  1. troll!!!!!!!!!!!!! if this is for real and you know where this kiddy f***er is and your holding out for for more cash , then you ARE THE LOWEST FORM OF LIFE ON THIS EARTH. are you quite willing for more kids to be abused in the meantime while you wait for the reward to rise .where are you now ,ill pop round and personally rip your balls off and force them down your throat !! YOU ARE SCUM

  2. have visited a friend before a few times in klong prem.i presume the procedure is the same. arrive early fill in a request form with his details and your own passport info,then wait.the officers at klong prem were always helpful towards me ,unlike IDC,once he was transferred there waiting to be deportrd ,my visiting was much less pleasurable.check out this website for some infohttp://www.phaseloop.com/foreignprisoners/prisoners-thailand.html.although some of it may be outdated it will give you an idea.

  3. while i certainly hope that the rule will only be applied to visa free entry ,it is clear that there are more than 1 interpretation of the rules.(as is always the case in thailand)therefore i beleive it will be up to embassies ,consulates and individual immigration officials to apply the rules as they see fit.telling the goverment department that they have got it wrong will not help in my opinion.does anybody have experience of overturning the decisions of consulates or other officials in this way? i would be very interested to know.

  4. VK apartments on 3rd road are nice and clean with AC, at around 6k per month

    And what rate is the electric charged at?

    always be aware of this hidden charge, cheaper rooms quiet often charge much much higher rates for the eletric to make up the bill at the end of the month.

    agree rocky ,but shouldnt make more than a thousand difference unless you are a very heavy power user (i.e.aircon every day)my power comes in about 1200 a month now ,which i think is very expensive(8 baht per unit)but i do have the pc going 24 7 and the wife is always cooking (at LEAST twice a day).we used to pay about half this in bangkok ,but an extra thousand is livable when im not paying so much for the rent.

  5. Money can do anything (money+money=ELITE???).... and can stay unlimited time in Thailand. I wonder if there will come a time when the Thai government will also give a 5 years Non-O multiple entry visa to expats with Thai family. My point is that family should be more important that this so called elite people with loads of money in the pocket.

    dont forget toxin dreamt up this scam,money is more important than everything in t(oxic)land

  6. UK passport


    Wants to stay total 35 days

    Are extensions on VOA still available?(Phuket)

    How long extension if available?



    shouldnt be a problem,will probably have an extention of 10 days but the stamp will probably say "extention refused must leave by" in other words extention refused in theory but given in practice

  7. i remember talking to a friend about this a few years ago.i felt i had lost some of my freedom as i couldnt travel as much or as often as i used to.he felt he had given up his dignity(voluntarily) as he was living with a girl who sold her body for cash.he knew she was a whore but he loved her.but it did have an effect on his self respect.although he was happy initially(he was getting plenty!)he knew that it was about money. they are no longer together ,shame because i quite liked her ,she was good company.

  8. personally i agree with the last poster,you should not have backed down because he carries a stick.if i had been in your situation i would have understood his annoyance.i would have offered to pay somebody to clean it(i would not have done it myself as he probably would enjoy that)however as soon as somebody(anybody)threatens me with violence (especially when my wife or gf is there with me and therefore also threatened)i would have given him a lesson in street violence he would not of been keen to repeat.perhaps this is just my english working class upbringing,i was taught to face violence with violence when required,but never be the instigator of trouble.sure things are different here, but you have to stand up for yourself wherever you live in this world.i would have sent my gf away straight away,if anybody is going to be subject to violence it will be me.personally i think you did the wrong thing.

  9. i transfer money over once a year,enough for the year and never been asked about it.perhaps is different banks,different rules .im with kasikorn ,never had any problems with them.

  10. .leave your wealth offshore,rent a place to live .whats so bad about that ?? if you are talked into buying land /property for your wife/gf or her long suffering family,you only have your self to blame if you get ripped off. many farang are ripped off here and many do not and have a happy life ,but remember THIS IS THAILAND ,THINGS CAN CHANGE QUICKLY,(including the attitude of your wife) IT IS THAT SIMPLE.

  11. as has been said already the end of december will be a bad time to apply for a visa.but i disagree about it being a bad time to travel.i do not know what your personal situation is but if i had your" visa history "shall we say, i would be looking to take a holiday of a few weeks or even a month, to 1 or more asian countries,taking some time out and seeing what eventuates in thailand . this would give the embasies and consulates time to calm down after new year which undoubtedly will be bedlam! i do not personally beleive anybody will be turned back at the border if trying to enter without a visa(i.e. 30 day on arrival)im sure the very least would be 7 days to sort out your affairs.anybody living on tourist visas (including myself)must be prepared for the possibility !!! it is a matter of being prepared NOW not when time is up !!!!

  12. thank you all so much for good and detailed information . i will head up there tomorrow and sort things out. i can speak thai ,no probs there ,and if i could get to udon that would do as i am familiar with udon,nong khai and laos,my problem is im not familiar with pattaya!!thanks again guys for taking the time to help me out with some info

  13. can anybody tell me if there is a direct bus service from patters to nong khai? i know the bus terminal on sukhumvit road has services to other destinations than bangkok,but not sure where ,and which class of travel.i prefer the vip (24 seat)overnight service which leaves from mochit,but thought i might save some time as am currently in pattaya.any info would be great ,thanks.

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