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Posts posted by teddy_bare

  1. I can't understand why ppl come to live or stay in a country that makes their blood pressure rise and particular view of this, that and the other is so radically different from the LOS. Remember you are guests and remember how guests (immigrates) are treated in your country (i don't mean their rights, i mean how they are seen and treated by Joe public).

    Yes, your country is probably more advanced in many ways. But one of the beauties of the LOS is the simplicity of life and the ppl. WHAT do you expect!? If you want equalivant service, manners, work ethics, respect etc to your homeland, stay in your own country and stuck it up.

    As educated individuals we should be able to rise above the rabble of moaners. We should be able to educate those around us. Beside as some of you have noted, some tourists do get it blatantly wrong, as do some thais. Take away their nationality and they are humans. Humans come in all shapes and sizes as well as with and without common sense and manners.

    I expect ignorance from simple ppl, but i also see so much from supposely educated, sophicated, travellers and long term visitors to this country.

    Yes i get annoyed at thais, but i have the decenancy and understanding to release it in an acceptable manner.

    Although not a Buddist i can see the attraction if it makes ppl chill out a bit more.


  2. i don't understand why many commenters try to place their views of right/wrong moral/immoral etc on to the thai TV culture. Soaps are they same the world over. They are a release from the sh*ttiness of life. The fact many say the dont/didnt watch corrie/eastenders just illustrates their lack of knowledge and understanding.

    Whilst not a great fan of soaps, they serve a purpose. Most people can separate soap life from real life. Does Life reflect Art or vice versa? Who cares.

    Soaps are the new religion. They keep the masses and the stupid subdued in front of the TV!!

    Like one poster said, whilst the wife and kids are sat on the floor gazing without distraction at the TV, he is off out. And what does he do perhaps? Watches footy with his mates and bemoans every aspect of the country he chooses to live in.

    I too, get upset with the same stuff, but found a "mai pen lai" attitude has lessened the blood pressure and probably added years to my life

  3. Checkpoints = Extortion

    I have been driving my motorbike around central Bangkok for a year now but these past few weeks have been the worst so far. Getting trapped on those midday checkpoints particularly over the weekends, Sundays in particular, and being extorted by these damned "ping-pong boys"!!! These "highway robbers" always start setting up checkpoints around the Sathorn-Narathiwas area.

    Once these traffic police starts to know that you are a farang, oh boy, negotiation starts at 500 baht depending on your violations. My 1st violation was a missing left-side mirror (after being stolen at a carpark) and the officer, which has a ready-made english flashcard of offences, kept on pointing to me my violation as - "Vehicle not roadworthy --- THB 400". The 2nd one, 2 weeks after, was "driving at the right side of the road" and stupidly missed seeing the checkpoint ahead before I prepared myself for the next U-turn. Both negotiations ended up at 200 baht.

    Both these checkpoints happened on a Sunday at around midday so it may be worth taking note of. I would assume these robbers are planning a lunchtime weekend party as I noticed them manning the checkpoint in full force :o

    You seem unlucky. I have been caught in the same areas twice in 2 days. both were for driving on the overpass, instead of going thru all the traffic and lights option. Both times i showed them my UK license and said i dont understand thai, but understood i couldnt ride on the overpass. After some huffing and puffing they waved me on my way. I then said in perfect thai Thank you very much and see you again :D

    BTW, my bike has no left hand mirror and the tax/insurance discs are in my bag on my back. Lucky for me they tend to be one dimensional when it comes to checking things.

  4. really surprised there was no traffic in Soi 3. It's usually jammed with taxis and easy to cross (it you're brave). I drive a lot thru out thailand and i have found some of the driving styles although not always safe are predictable and allows me to drive like an arse.

    What amazes me is that there aren't more accidents in Bkk. I avoid at least 5 per day!

  5. mate i learn to motor cycle in PHUKET!!!! Death capital of the world. I now ride daily in Bkk. something happens everyday, but i have managed to minimize them by being careful. If a vehicle is indicating one way it may actually drive the oppose way. Soi dogs will walk out in front of you! people will drive the wrong way down anything that constitutes a road. Don't forget your previous driver training, but don't expect anyone else to know it either or apply it. Never speed towards stationary traffic as they change lanes with the minimum of looking. Just cos i thai does it, doesnt mean you should. They believe in reincarnation!!!! lots of thais die every year in motorcycle accidents and a few tourists too. but lots of them are drunk and/or young boys.

    Fact: The average life expectancy of males in Thailand would rise by 10 YEARS if the Government could reduce the road death to zero.

    anyway, happy riding """"(:o@

  6. I started learning to read and write thai about 4 months ago. i bought a children's school book and sat in various coffee shops. Over a Coffee Latte i would ask any thai who happened to be near me how to pronounce each vowel sound. I then wrote it down as i would say it in english. i asked over and over again with different people just to check any variations. the staff become very helpful and good friends. Futher childrens books help me practising my reading and translation. i can't say i understood what the text said but at that point i was more interested in learning to translate the sound of the words. next i did the tones (very hard).

    i am now reading, copying and translating a Cartoon book with the famous Doeraiman and his side kick Nobita. get seen reading this and the thais will flock to you to help. They all know the character and think it's cute you are reading it.

    Anyway my thai language ability has improve more in 4 months than the 3 years of talking Bar thai. someone told me "if you learn to read thai the speaking will become easier" it is so true.

    Good luck in your learning


  7. Gee that will be interesting if they decide to go ahead and protest. Remember what happened the last time? The army opened fire.

    I doubt that this would happen at the present moment. And i very much doubt that the claimed 30 000 people will appear. It would be a major success for the group if they could attract 1000 participants. Even 500 would more than double the number of participants of their last demonstrations.

    Next year though is a different matter.

    offer free somtam, and they'll get 100,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Why nobody is questioning Israel on having nukes.

    Why Israel can have nukes and other countries not?

    Why Israel can use phosphor bombs on civilians?

    Why Israel can use cluster bombs?

    Why most of US newspaper are owned by Israeli people?

    Why most of Israeli people get angry when the so called holocoust is questioned?


    why not....... and why do you have so much hate in you?????

    by a non jew

  9. This is simple, nearly everyone in the childhood was scared of the dark or ghosts at some point in time when they were younger. But after been left awhile or made to go back to bed by your parents and just sleep through it makes you not scared after awhile.

    Thai's usually live in a smaller house and with many family members. They dont really have to deal with it until they get older.

    My gf also used to be scared of ghosts etc when I met her, i just told her she is being silly and went out with the boys, I go out with the boys nearly every weekend, at first she used to have the lights on but now she isnt scared of them.

    Sometimes when im pissed i joke with her by stareing behind her looking scared and yelling ghost, it used to scare her and was fun, but now it sux and doesnt work any more.

    My Advice is, just let her deal with it and she will get over it. Just like everyone got over it

    i admire your helpful antics regarding the Ghosts. Ask her about the ghost called Pbob. Apparently, many reported actually happenings with this one :o

  10. We need to find a friendly foriegn journo and get every incident into a tabloid.

    Now this may sound wierd but........

    I bet we could find a journo for the sun or news of world that would put this in for a small fee (corruption Thai style), if we club together, put a quid or two in each, I bet we can get a few stories in print.

    things will change very quickly when it gets into the international media!

    I tend to agree. You have to humble these people. Take away their livelihood. Make sure that all inbound tourists know what slimy little pieces of excrement these guys are. Make sure that they know not to be taken in by the smile.

    Embarrass them on the world stage, so that the number of tourists decline. Perhaps then the powers in control might exterminate these dregs of society.

    Tips for tourist in Phuket

    1. Airport Limos are a rip off.

    2. Walk 100m outside and get a meter taxi

    3. Ride the Limo bus to the dodgy Tourist Agent who will insist you can not enter (your final destination) unless you have booked a hotel (guess what) they will book one for you! helpful people and at only 200% above the real rate.

    4. Never use a tuk tuk. Ask the hotel if they can provide a car pickup. Give the money to one of the staff's relatives rather than these tuk tuk criminals

    5. Dont walk on the beach alone at night, the Katoy's will get you

    6. Walk alone on the beach if you like Katoys

    7. Try booking a hotel near the centre

    8. Try walking

    9. Dont think you can photograph the colourfully dress young men in Soi Katoy for free

    10. If you take a girl back to your hotel, make sure you have agreed a price and what you are getting. don't encourage mediorce performance. if they dont perform as indicated reduce the final payment.

    11. Go drink in the Kangeroo Bar on Soi Bangla. Full of divers and pretty girls (behing the bar).

    12. Dont ring the bells in the bars unless you are rich

    13. Stand next to rich men who are near the bells in the bar

    14. Stand between the bars as you can step left or right and get those free bell ringing drinks

    15. Motor bike rental gets cheaper the futher you go away from the beach

    16. Sand and motor bikes are not friends

    17. If the motor bike side car is indicating left, he will turn right

    18. If a thai sez "maybe" expect it not to happen, but don't get upset they are trying to let you down nicely.

    19. Dont go to Samui

  11. I've always wondered if the modesty comes from being teased about body parts as very young children. I don't know about other parts of Thailand but where I live it is very common for Thai men to tease a young boy about his willy, attempt to pull his pants down in public etc. I guess its supposed to be lighthearted but I, personally, have never found it funny. :o Just humiliating for the child.

    That said, I've never seen this kind of teasing done to girls, only boys but suspect they learn rather quickly from their mothers to cover up.

    All part of growing up i guess. A lot worst things can happen

  12. My little boy has just started to be modest about his body (he's 5). I'm not sure where it's come from, as he's exactly the same with me, perhaps from school where the children do shower once a day.

    We were at the beach a couple of weeks ago & I was changing him from his knickers into his swimming trunks. It's never been a problem for him before, but this time he was obviously shy & said that everyone was looking at him (which, of course, wasn't true), so next time we're at the beach, I guess I'll have to change him behind the cover of a towel.

    Mine is exactly the same. I have never said anything to him about putting a towel around himself whilst in the house. But if he gets out of the bath and has to go downstairs, he will always put a towel around him if the maid is there. If it is just me and him he doesnt bother.

    If there is a film on TV that shows a man kissing a woman passionately, he tells me " Daddy I dont think I should see this" and turns his face away :D:D

    He is 5 yrs old. Hes just like his old man :o

    There seems an age related thread here. Might be because at a certain age, children futher realise themselves as individuals. The oncoming of shyness(or at least modesty) is surely a combination of self- awareness and social conditioning at home and beyond.

  13. i like the way thai women are initially shy in the relationship, but adapt quickly (if no other family members about). Mine likes to walk about the house naked, much to my enjoyment. when i quiz her about not being shy now, she sez it's my fault. She has be exposed to farang ways!! Exposed yes. makes me smile

  14. Mate

    here's some info that might help.

    Abortion is illegal in Thailand but readily available so dont worry about legalities.

    Where, Soi 12 Sukumvit, near Cabbages and Condoms, and ironically, next to the Dept of Population and Development.

    Big sign saying CLINIC and lots of young girls trying to retain face.

    Cost, 180 Baht for an Ultersound (to confirm the pregnancy) 1800 Baht for the tremination.

    Time, about 3 hours, avoid the weekends.

    Validity, did it all last week with my "shag sometimes nurse".

    If it's a scam just think of it as a tip and move on.

    Forget the comments from most of the posters here. They relish displaying their worldliness and holier than thou attitudes. Truth is they have probably all been scammed at some point but lack the confidence to admit, it let alone share it. Some, i guess, haven't even realised it.

    Send her 2000 Baht and a get well card. Perhaps a comment about Karma may prick her conscious but don't hold your breath. if it was all your fault then you have helped her out.

    As for nationality. i have met idiots the world over, strange how many learn to use a computer.

    I hope it helps

  15. I am Thai but no matter what the news said I think the Tuk-Tuk driver can't do like this to that man..I feel ashamed and very sad for what happened ...Anyway being drunk never bring you any good...Beers in Thailand might be cheaper than all over the world but if compare to your life...it's quite exoensive ..!!!!

    Beer serviced in a bar is the same price here (Thailand) as it is in the UK. The difference is the girls in Thailand are prettier by a long way. Speaking with a welsh accent and being drunk can sound the same. He probably was drunk, but that hardly seems a reason to try to murder him whatever the provocation. Patong residents are used to horny, drunk tourists, that's where they make their income. To stab the hand that feds seems stupid to me.

    Still too much beer often = a problem

    That can also read too much Lao Kow = a stabbing.

    i have seen many drunk and stoned tuk tuk drivers in Patong


  16. if these lowlife extertionists that call themselves phuket taxi drivers want to have western tourists as their customer base then they should start to organise themselves and show some professionalism , they could start by publicising and having fare charts in their vehicles , so that customers dont have to go through the demeaning and one sided bargaing charade every time.

    fares should be standardised. they are just fleecing the tourists for every single baht they can , they are often aggressive and unhelpful , and see foriegners as cash cows.

    its pathetic , its third world and it seriously diminishes thailands reputation around the world.

    all the while that phukets "big cheeses" are creaming off the take from these sleazy operations people are returning home from trips here with stories about being ripped off , cheated and scammed.

    welcome to thailand .

    i lived in Patong for 2 years and the prices are supposed to be displayed on all Tuk Tuks. Not once did i see a price list. i knew the real price but i was always quoted an over inflated price. Tuk Tuks in Patong are run by the mafia. Some one tried to start up a cheaper bus service for routes along the coast. i believe after 2 days the bus driver was hauled out the cab (in front of tourists) and given a good beating. After that no one wanted to drive the bus!!!!!

    Drunk tourists are part and parcel of holiday resorts like Patong. I guess the Tuk Tuk driver has seen it all before, and that night his scam never worked out. BTW The tourist probably only travelled from bangla road back to nani road. A journey of perhaps 1km maybe 1.5km max. So 200 baht is fairly steep.

    It could of been worst, if he'd been in Samui he'd be dead.


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