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  1. Sensible wife 😊
  2. Yes, Maersk, Israeli military and Greta Thunberg. No mention of HAMAS at all.
  3. Yes, there are many operations by both sides. Has been going on for a hundred years.
  4. Only terrorists fire missiles into buildings containing innocent women and children, in order to get to their target, regardless of the 'collateral damage'. People are people.
  5. That's not what started the war. The war has not ever ended.
  6. That's your opinion, which happens to be quite biased, as we know. Others are of the opinion that the real terrorists are on the other side. Plenty of topics on the same subject.
  7. Exactly right, but we don't have the same people in mind.
  8. That's not what started the war. We all know what started the war.
  9. Tens of thousands of innocent women and children. Two wrongs doesn't make one side right. As much as you would like everyone to believe that.
  10. AFAIK, decarbing takes place with heat, so heating the herbs in olive oil will have a similar effect. Just allow it to cool down before intake 🙂 Personally I had good results with simply mixing it with yoghurt way back when, but often it's not particularly clean stuff. If you want to DIY, my suggestion, if you have any heating implements at home(even a microwave) is to buy a takeaway soup(anything with a bit of fat in it), crumble your herbs within and reheat . I think this is the traditional local way. Though don't quote me on that.
  11. That's your opinion. Mine is that she was protesting Maersk involvement in the killing of tens of thousands of innocent women and children. It's okay to have different perspectives. It's just that you want to insist that yours is the only one that should stand.
  12. You are right. Just depends on who you see as the terrorists. She holds a different opinion than you do and she is willing to stand up and be counted. As opposed to, say, being an anonymous keyboard warrior. That's the thing with free speech. I guess she is channeling Elizabeth Beatrice Hall: I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Our women are often more brave and daring than weak hearted men.
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