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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. Okay, I understand. It was @MalcolmB's fault that you behaved badly.....due to your high self esteem and intolerance towards "prejudiced asses". Thank you for edumacating me about NP, as before you informed me, I was sure it was just people who took 'selfies'. Thank you for letting me know that I don't know anything like you do and I should look through all of your posts to find out how helpful you are. I apologise that I've only seen your contemporary posts where you appear to name call or just praise yourself. Thank you for letting me know that I was just skimming over your posts and somehow missed everything that you wrote. I hope my reply is somewhat enlightening to you, but on current showing, I doubt it. Why not just agree to disagree and move on?
  2. They cannot refuse. You tell them that you do not want to pay a Service Charge and they recalculate the bill.
  3. So it was you laughing stupidly. Removal from any bill IS an option: https://www.bangkokpost.com/learning/advanced/2407506/restaurants-warned-over-10-service-charge You should have checked before pulling the trigger and it backfiring on to you. Service charges are optional. The restauranteur can only ask for it if it is prominently displayed. But asking does not mean that you HAVE to pay it.
  4. Actually, if I knew that it wasn't going to the staff, I would simply have it removed from the bill and give the same in cash. No one has to pay a Service Charge, displayed or not.
  5. Actually I pointed it out to you just recently, where you were calling @MalcolmB names when they did nothing of the sort to you. You were the one name-calling, but here you are claiming the opposite. You also called them narcissistic....and here you are claiming that you are the opposite of that too. I don't see you helping, I see you only talking about yourself, praising yourself and denigrating others. I am simply writing what I see with no bias. Maybe @MalcolmB likes a bit of a wind up, but the name-calling all comes from you. I expect you will deny and claim otherwise in the face of clear evidence. Let's not make it all about you. You asked and I answered. Let's move on.
  6. Just observations as to how you constantly praise yourself and denigrate others. How you are super sensitive to any criticism and how you label others as narcissists whilst claiming that you are the opposite. All this I noticed within a week of my joining. You certainly could not hurt my feelings 😊 I can take care of myself. I actually think your behaviour is typically American.
  7. Really? You didn't have to tell your kids how to not get shot by the police?
  8. Rubbish! You certainly haven't refuted what I asserted. The cheaper places aren't desirable places to live. You surely jest...or else you've most certainly taken leave of your senses. Yes, I've been to the USA on multiple occasions. The food, in general, was crap. Supermarket food, was crap. marketing over substance. Quantity over quality. To get close to European standards you had to go to Wholefoods. Where did GMO originate? The good ole USA...with Monsanto pushing their crap worldwide. How much would you like to bet? Would you like to start at US$50k? Yes. Was it not clear the first time? Yeah...so join the queue with everyone else here. You aren't special because you were born in the USA. Quit the hyperbole, as it just makes you look ridiculous.
  9. How often have you visited Argentina....or anywhere else for that matter?
  10. Similarly. though I think many in the U.S.A might have trouble buying a machine gun and possessing it freely. Yes, you can be arrested for speaking your mind...dependent on what you say, where you say it and about whom. Your 'freedom' comes at a very high cost. Everything you do, everywhere you go....pay taxes. earn money outside the USA? Pay me. Ridiculously high charges for medical treatment, insurance and excess charges. Ridiculously high rents and living costs. Poor quality food for the average person. Murderous and trigger happy police forces. Certainly not free for all, when families need to tell their kids to comply with everything the crazy ranting policeman has to say, lest they shoot you for blinking. You can keep your 'freedom' that isn't really freedom at all. Your living in Cambodia, far away from the USA says it all.
  11. Perhaps you can explain a bit more about that freedom. As compared to whom? North Korea? If it's so great there, then why are you living in Cambodia?
  12. Heavy shopping. Likely the same reason why she didn't use the footpath; shopping being too heavy to carry up the stairs. She wasn't ambling, but actually going as fast as she could. Just an unfortunate sequence of events culminating in the Chinese driver not seeing her until it was too late.
  13. Would love to read about some of those reasons that you so stoutly defend. I cannot think of any right now. You?
  14. There's the issue. If bills are charged separately for monthly and inclusive for daily, do they hand the deposit back after the month is over and then charge the inclusive daily rate? A rather unpleasant state of affairs. Seems only fair to charge the whole stay at the monthly rate. Convenient for both sides. Greed however, usually rears it's ugly head in these situations. One place that I stayed did exactly what happened to the OP. I stopped going there and stopped recommending it to other people. The new place charged pro-rata.
  15. Your narcissism showing again?
  16. Another one who is unable to read more than a headline? The application payment system didn't work...hence the need for them to find enough cash.
  17. I read it and understood it. You only got as far as the reading... and then have just conjured up a silly story. He was referring to the second part of the journey, for which he wanted them to give him 200 baht. He got at least 620 baht. He was just being greedy and followed up with violence, for which he got instant payback. All confirmed by the article I posted...which obviously you didn't read before posting your ridiculous and unpleasant fantasy.
  18. Alternatively, grab a CAT.6 MiFi for 299 baht(if using Truemove H) or 399 unlocked and regain your masculinity: https://shopee.co.th/(โปร-11-11)-ZTE-Pocket-WiFi-4G-CAT6-รองรับ-2CA-Smart1-พ็อคเก็ตไวไฟรองรับซิม-ของแท้-(มือ2)-i.129230913.26217053035
  19. In your mind. I was more concerned about the rules being imposed on me. Social Media and "MSM'' had no effect on me whatsoever. I didn't accept any vaccine.
  20. https://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/2025/01/03/patong-taxi-river-and-saudi-tourist-make-peace-after-altercation/ All the nasty unnecessary comments. It appears the the App based payment system failed. That's why they had to try to pay with cash instead and had to get to an exchange. The taxi driver tried to take advantage of the situation and even threatened them with violence. Also knocking the tourist's phone out of his hands. Hence them both being fined 500 baht. Some nasty racists on this board.
  21. So you want him to go to jail because they were riding alongside each other? Baiting behaviour is silly. You can do better than that.
  22. You've changed your tune somewhat. You were just insisting that polarisation came from "sore losers"...which is obviously nonsense. Whereas now it's the fault of social media and CNN/FOX and your comments are more balanced. It's all just different pigs at the same trough getting richer and richer whilst the rest just scrabble for the scraps....and pathetically idolising the people who are raping them.
  23. You are just baiting and not really making any sense. It's sad, because that IS an underlying cause of polarisation. Us and them, when really they are you.
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