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Hatari fan

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  1. Another of Starmer's promises bites the dust.
  2. Why would any sane person want to block sending 260 criminals that have entered the country illegally out of the country
  3. The UK is getting crazier for every day and the police seem to be leading the way.
  4. Great advert for Islam that the prisons are full of Muslims.
  5. That's the problem with Islam most Muslims are peaceful but you don't know which take the Quran literally.
  6. I have been coming for many years and have had various visas but the sixty days on arrival suited me as it did many others. It didn't entail the hassle with the sixty day visa online and with one border bounce you could be here six months.
  7. To call mistrust or dislike of Islam Islamaphobia is ridiculous when we see on the news daily of Islamists killing non believers in both Europe Middle East and Africa, it is obviously not a phobia it is a rational fear.
  8. I think alot of retired people that are here for the winter will probably stay for a shorter period because of the change. With the sixty days on entry they could get thirty days extra by doing an extension do a border bounce get sixty more days plus another extension which is six months. Now it will probably be thirty days on entry plus thirty days extension or sixty days visa plus thirty days extension a border bounce thirty more days plus an extension which will be four months without a visa or five months with the hassle of getting the visa.
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