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Everything posted by hotsun

  1. Whats to know? Be a thai politician, make friends with china, you take their money, they take your country. Thai politics
  2. The cyclists here insist that its safe. What to believe. Maybe only safe on paths where theres no cars
  3. Europes modus operandi is to keep their people focused on ukraine and america while they invite in the muslim hordes
  4. The left can try to silence dissent, Elons got their back though. All non socialist british people are welcome in the US, you can criticize our government all you want
  5. Im assuming you are thai. Dont worry, Thailand is irrelevant on the world stage. Everyone sees what Thailand is doing, but not many care as much as you think
  6. Is it as bad as it sounds? Central bankers are as evil as it gets “The new Liberal Party leader arrives with a colossal task at the top of his to-do list: defend Canada from Donald Trump.“ why werent canadians interested in defending canada from justin trudeau?
  7. Seems like you are in a small minority. Im not seeing anyone here posting about what theyd like to see get better.
  8. If the US collapsed and the world became more nationalistic as a result, i damn sure wouldnt feel comfortable about living in thailand where everyone else is struggling to get by
  9. Im looking at the threads going on and theyre all predictions about the markets crashing, US unemployment skyrocketing, societal collapse. Do these people think they are insulated from that?
  10. The majority of posters here want trump shot, US market crash, US destroyed, without thinking about what thats going to do to their situation in whatever country they are living in. Seems like most here cant figure out what has left their home countries worse places, and how thats making the rest of the world worse as a result. Is western politics a case now of being careful what you wish for?
  11. Im pro Ukraine as long as Europe pays for it and not me
  12. Trump derangement has no cure
  13. A beta desire to be validated, is the only thing that can be proven about you. And political beliefs that indicate you are a failure with more than just women
  14. Your intense desire to one up people on the internet, not an alpha trait. You are taking advantage of third world girls and bragging about it is pathetic. And then have the fortitude to tell these old retirees how they are supposed to be successful with western women, which you have no experience with
  15. You know what. Ill take that over being an internet alpha
  16. Asian males are objectively better at being women than women. Asians are androgynous thats why guys in thailand pretending to be alpha are actually just beta lefties
  17. Iran doesnt need to be a country either, if the US really wanted it so
  18. If i were i wouldnt be as pathetic to need validation from anyone here for it
  19. Democrat males havent gotten laid since JFK was president
  20. A leftie telling other guys how to handle women. You have got to be <deleted> kidding me
  21. i know that lefties have no testosterone. How can you claim to be otherwise
  22. If im ever horny, i just think about women pooping, bam not horny anymore
  23. If you saw these japanese commercials im seeing, youd agree. They know how to do makeup better than women
  24. In terms of feminine, asian men are better than the women. In terms of masculine, white women are better than the men
  25. My only thought today was while watching some japanese advertisements was how the men are more attractive than the women now. No comment on western women
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