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Everything posted by CFIAM

  1. Produce the evidence. No one is going to trawl through someone's posting history to back up something someone else wrote. He needs to prove it or remove it.
  2. No, it isn't, as working life in Thailand was more flexible forty years ago. He wasn't behaving badly, the Israelis were. In fact, I used to 'work' at a guesthouse. Welcomed by locals and foreigners alike. We are discussing unacceptable behaviour.
  3. No. My guess is that he is avoiding being called an anti-Semite as some people are wont to do when confronted with their behaviour.
  4. Can you produce evidence of this or is this just a vicious and nasty libel?
  5. Indeed, but this thread is about Israelis.
  6. Life was more relaxed back then. You should try to relax too.
  7. You need a wok for stir frying. It's a popular method of preparing food in Asia.
  8. Pick out? It's current news. Would you prefer that everyone ignored it?
  9. Not a bad choice. My only caveat would be the 2GB of RAM. This doesn't look bad at that price point: https://www.aliexpress.com/i/1005006325602819.html
  10. They are expats. Calling them tourists is just a way of minimising their behaviour. As if they were just boisterously passing through. No, the behaviour is embedded.
  11. But what does anything you have written to do with this thread? I'm not at all muddled. It's more that I have no idea as to why you brought it up here at all. Here we go on established facts. Things that have actually happened. Not people's opinions on when they can pull out their old tropes in the hope that one will stick. So who here is a Jew hater? Let's just get to brass tacks shall we? This is a usual tactic, to throw mud and hope it sticks.
  12. No, just saw one of them being denied as we went through. I didn't know of any blanket policy then.
  13. It's a 1100 baht box. Perhaps the extra was for the setup with channels etc. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007103647426.html or else a nice profit for the lady. Rent and bills have to be paid 😊
  14. I don't know who you are talking about. Just some general scribble about some imaginary people. We are discussing Israelis. If you have some information about Jew haters here, then let's see it.
  15. I'm saying that this thread isn't about EMPLOYERS. He mentioned it as an aside, but it doesn't detract from the other realities on the ground and especially this topic.
  16. Your defence of them and the indefensible makes his claim seem accurate. Prove otherwise.
  17. Stop Trolling. English is not his first language. Such underhand behaviour.
  18. This reads like a lot of excuses. As a backpacker, I have not ever seen the kind of behaviour against Israelis that you appear to have fabricated. Backpackers would welcome everyone, to their tables, to their homes. It was normal. The Israelis would behave differently. They would take everything for themselves. In hotels they would take all of the towels meant for hotel guests and put them in their rooms. They would use the gyms and help themselves to orange juice and fruit from the fridges and when it came to pay, would argue they thought that the food and drink were free and try to renegotiate the entry price of the gym, even though the price was up on the wall. They changed the whole policy of places like Samui, in which you would be left alone to take whatever you wanted by just entering what you took into a book. Your room, your food, the gyms. Everything was use first and pay later. There were no cameras. Just trust. All that ended because of the Israelis. Now you have to pay first for most everything. 'People jeering them because they were from Israel' didn't cause that behaviour. You just pull out the victim card. But that's old and tired now. Most everyone can see through it. All of that stopped because of the Israelis.
  19. Why is this so hard for you to accept? Do you think everyone is just making it all up to upset you?
  20. No sign of any article there. But let's be honest. Anything part of the beach south of Pattaya Klang is a no-go area. It's a zoo. You'll have Indian types urinating in the sea, the beach literally peppered with freelancers on and off the beach, vagrants sleeping everywhere.... I feel icky just passing through the area. So Indians sleeping on the beach don't even make a dent on the reputation of that end of the beach. It's just not pretty.
  21. That is really nonsense 😊 No reason to be on the beach after midnight? You do understand that not everyone chooses to broil themselves under the sun. That a beach can be a peaceful place to relax. So the people who work until midnight and want to go to the beach to relax should be barred until 5am? Why 5am? Why not wait until the tourists wake up and have their breakfast at 9am? There's always someone wanting to impose their rules on nature.
  22. It certainly wasn't due to anti-Semitism. It has always been a behavioural issue.
  23. Everyone can see it. That, after you read the article and knew that it was not just an isolated incident. Who is lying and being disingenuous here? Hint: It's not me.
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