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Harrisfan last won the day on March 8

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  1. Why do you care?
  2. Pattaya is crowded
  3. Fair point. They should be able to win easily otherwise sign a deal done.
  4. Skipped school? More educated than most. They are mostly eastern Slavs. Similar people like Scots and English. Draw up new border all over. Ukraine is a made up country.
  5. Lots of Russians love him. Not the same as Hitler and Mussolini who were hated at war end. Eastern Ukraine should be Russia. Draw up new border. War over.
  6. I don't care about the Brits. They paid back the Lend Lease loans though. Ukraine was part of USSR. Same basic Slavs, little bit different. Not the same really. It's like England vs Scotland.
  7. Ask a Thai at hotel or travel agent.
  8. Up to them but they can fund any wars.
  9. Too late now. Trump can't run again
  10. He doesn't understand English or polls.
  11. How can I be wrong today based on unknown future polls
  12. I paid 200 baht for somtam crab and 199 baht for clams
  13. No its 70% lefties. Work out your own method.
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