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Posts posted by JustinCredible

  1. These threads are becoming laughable. Genuine holidaymakers do not normally need to get three consecutive 60 days tourist visas, especially not from the same consulate! The only people this will have any effect on, should not be on tourist visas in the first place.

    Here, here. How many of you whingers have tried to get "back to back" tourist visa'a for your wives / girlfriends in your OWN country.

    Don't knock Thailand, GET LEGAL.

  2. Pfff... maybe this Maxnet is only making me really paranoid, but in last few days I have been thinking this same. My main income comes from online poker, but with this Madnet I cannot even connect any poker server or if I can connection is not stable at all. :) Unable to play anything. I'm going to upgrade my Indy (4/0.5) package to premium tomorrow, but of course it would be nice to hear before it if there is more rumors that this kind of blocking is true...

    Same connection problems with me. All was fine until about 2 weeks ago and now it drops out every other minute!! I don't think that they have blocked it, but the problem is the same as all other Maxnet international connections --- CR#P..........

  3. This is just a heads up as there is no further information available as of this writing. A very reliable source informed me this week that new Immigration Offices will be opened in Thailand before the end of the year. The only two that were confirmed were Udon Thani and Khon Kaen but I suspect that other offices will also be opened throughout Thailand in larger cities. In the past there were was a one day a week office in Udon but it closed a couple years ago.

    Hopefully this will be good news for people who do not live close to a Immigration Office and need to report or have other business.

    The headline reads "Khon Kaen and Udon Thani Offices confirmed". What am I missing? Although many of us in Khon Kaen hope and pray that this is correct, where is it confirmed?

  4. Hi

    There is one that i no of in Pattaya :) and one in Korat :D and myself in Buriram. :D

    Are you planning on going to Chiang Mai? Went there a couple of times and in the middle near Burger King is a English bar but they had a bloody Delia Badge on public display.

    And one in Khon Kaen :D

    Did you read the John Wark autobiography Binnsy? :D

  5. As a result of this additional charge I have started using a company in London to send money out to me.

    My bank (RBoS) currently charges 5 pounds per ATM transaction, PLUS a Rate of Exchange Charge based on withdrawal amount. 20,000 Baht costs me about 8.37 Pounds. Now the 3 pound charge from Thai banks is just taking the p*%&.

    The company that I now use advertise in the Pattaya Mail. They charge a flat fee of 10 pounds per transaction to Thailand, up to 3000 pounds. Above 3k it is FREE.

    I have set up a DD from my UK account to the company and it takes 3 (THREE) days for the money to reach my account in Thailand. Dependant on the current RoE I might have the use an ATM 3 times per month in ordert to transfer my total Pension, costing me 16+ pounds per transaction, over a 3 day period (48 pounds per month total). I am now getting the money in one hit for the cost of 10 pounds.

    I should add that the RoE from this company is a littlr BETTER than my Bank.

    If anyone would like details of the company and facility please PM me and I will gladly forward all that I have.

  6. If he is British (likely that or American) all they have to do is stick "left arm tattoo mother heart” in the police computer and bingo... that will narrow it down to only a few. Could be done in less than 5 minutes.

    Ahhhh, so he comes to Thailand because he has a Police record?

    That might apply to you, but not everyone...... :)

  7. THAIVISA: how about a legal opinion on this???

    We all know volunteer work is illegal here without a WP. However, what constitutes work?

    For example, food preparation is a job reserved for Thai people whether paid or volunteer. I understand that. But adding some Nam Plaa to my bowl of Kwiitiyo is also food preparation. Can I be arrested for this?

    Technically, from a legal perspective the way the law is written I believe the answer is "yes"

    Any foreigner opening a bottle of beer by himself (whether he is paid or unpaid) is engaging in drinks preparation and is also subject to arrest depending on how the law is interpreted because he is working and doing a job reserved for Thais.

    Until I hear otherwise from a lawyer or someone who can explain the law, I think you "probably" won't have problems being a kammagan unless you have an enemy but you "may" be breaking the law because the law is very unclear and if you have an enemy you very obviously can be subject to arrest and the expense of hiring a lawyer. TIT

    I guess that "Moderating" a "Forum" would be classed as working as well. Best you guys don't upset us too much..... :o

  8. Aussie "Writer" Jailed - Strike ONE

    Aussie "Police Basher" Jailed - Strike TWO

    Next "Aussie in the news" for being Jailed - Strike THREE and they are ALL OUT...........

    Shouldn't take long for another one.......

    should that "three strikes and your entire nationality is discriminated against" apply to where-ever you're from too? tell us, just where is that?


    Oz. And I think that it would be only right. There are too many A****les staying in this country. Anyway - what about you? Worried that it might happen?

  9. Unless the UK law has changed since I came to Thailand, a debt to a Bank / Credit Card company / HP company is a Civil matter, UNLESS you took the loan and immediately defaulted on the repayments, when it would become FRAUD. As long as you made some regular payments it is CIVIL.

    Assuming this to be the case, the Courts will not do anything other than issue a County Court Judgement against you, that will stay on record for 6 years.

    The debt collector will NOT be able to get any other type of rulingfrom the Courts. Believe me, I know several people in Thailand (Brits.) whp have worked the Credit Cards, Defaulted Bank loans etc. and not had the slightest problem even when returning to the UK. The company is trying scare you. Tell them you have no money, you cannot repay them unless they reduce the debt by 75 per cent (they might even do that) and then accept 20 GBP per month. They will moan and make other noises for a while and then disappear.

    Do not worry about them.

    PS. It will not effect your Passport renewal either, unless it is proved as Fraud.

  10. If I purchase an Airline Ticket, whether at a shop or via the internet i have a pretty good idea that I am going on a journey. If the journey takes me out of Thailand I know that I have to get a Re-Entry Permit before departure. Why do people leave it until they get to the airport? Surely you do not spend so much time whinging on TV that you cannot get to an Immigration office.

    I conceed that some people book flights litterally last minute and this closure will pose a real inconvenience

  11. I have been on an "Extension to Stay Based on Retirement" for 4 years now. Last August I went to Immigration in Korat with a request to change to an Extension based on Child Support. They were VERY anti processing this as it "Involved too much work" and told me to stay with the Retirement option. They also pointed out that when my child reached the age of 20 years OR got Married, I would HAVE to change my Extension of Stay again, and in 20 years time the "requirements" (money) could well be a lot more for Retirement.

    I then suggested changing to the "Married" option, and it was pointed out that in the event of the Death of my Wife, or Divorce, I would also have to change back to Retirement.

    The Officer ar Korat put forward a very convincing case for me stay on the Retirement option - which I did, pointing out that I would "probably" be "Grandfathered" in the event of and future changes.

  12. Bar owner found dead in Thailand

    Thai police Lt-Colonel Sompon added: "He had clearly been drinking heavily and had to be helped to his room by guest house staff."

    Staff had helped Mr Stewart to his room in the early hours of the morning and was not seen again until the maid found him, still fully-clothed, during the afternoon.

    A post mortem to establish the cause of death has still to be concluded.

    - BBC / 2008-12-30

    Could it not be the case that the injuries were inflicted prior to his return to the guest House? If he needed to be helped to his room it would not be out of the question that he was involved in a "ruck" prior to returning to his room. It seems that the guy had a tendency to fight after a drinking bout.

    I think that the Police have done all that they can. Let's await the outcome of the PM.

  13. Could I suggest that in addition to getting the water tested yourself, you get your wife to ask for 2 or 3 of the dead fish so that you can take them for testing as well.

    I understand that there is a vetenary section within Khon Kaen University - sorry I don't know where, but I am sure that they would welcome the challenge of identifying the cause of death

    I hope that this gets resolved amicably and quickly. It must be a real worry to you.

    Justin :o:D

  14. The wife says she heard on the news that a lot of shops are now refusing to take 1000 baht notes. Never been easy getting rid of them up here anyway.

    We thought we had a dodgy one this morning. The Kings head watermark looked different and the metalic strip was only visable on one side. We gave it back to the supplier who replaced it without problems because he reckons its just an older note.

    Printers of fake banknotes are liable to life imprisonment. Deliberately using the fake banknotes, meanwhile, is punishable by a jail term ranging from one to 15 years.

    But self-protective vendors will risk being punished too if they reject a Bt1,000 banknote without verifying whether it is real or fake.

    "Banknotes are legal tender for all debts, public and private. If you are not allowed to use your banknotes, you can lodge a complaint with the police," Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner Maj-General Amnuay Nimmano

  15. Abhisit needs to hold a coalition government together for a least two or so years, hopefully longer. I think he has the smarts to do it and can quickly acquire the savvy required to manage the feat.

    Thailand needs to keep those voters in the North away from the polls for a good period of time so Thaksin can't buy another election. Thaksin will flail for sure but likely finally fade. Only then could there be some regrouping of Thai society and some desperately needed peace.

    Ahh, REAL Democracy - You can only vote if I say so type Democracy.

    You are insulting a great number of intelligent, wealthy people with such a loose comment "voters in the North".

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