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About Robert_Smith

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  1. Air rifle. They are quick and make excellent target practice. bob.
  2. Nah. Mrs Smith and the rest of them ALWAYS swallow. bob.
  3. I can't tell you what happens to a man's brain during sex - but I can tell you what happens to a woman's face at the end of it! bob.
  4. ....so should the happy ending. I always show respect with a generous tip. bob.
  5. ...tell that to your current despot leader 😄 bob.
  6. Nothing. bob.
  7. Of course they don't where you live - you live in Myanmar for christ sake! there is no free speech there! bob.
  8. Read the full report and you will see why. Can you even be bothered to? bob.
  9. ...So the west too must resist and fight back. bob.
  10. Most western people view free speech as a fundamental human right... What planet are you on, Simon? bob.
  11. ...in fact I was blaming the 'herro, welcome'.... 😄 bob.
  12. Robert_Smith


    ....What time are you blocking short-Timer? bob.
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