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rough diamond

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Everything posted by rough diamond

  1. Most of them are with the same repetitive Trump/US postings.
  2. I thought it was the other way round in that you had to be a lunatic to be a Trump supporter.
  3. Must have been a very long hangover to have missed the election etc. PS; If YT has been asleep all this time who has been posting under his name? PPS; It might help explain the inconsistency in his replies.
  4. Most people IMO are in favour of being able to drink at any time of the day that suits their lifestyle/wishes for that day/occasion and not to drink all day. PS; Drinking all day everyday is a medical/physical impossibility anyway.
  5. Then move to where it is not 3rd world. Your choice.
  6. If this was not such a serious subject I would suggest it be posted in one of your favourite ladyboy forums.
  7. He would have to come back but I doubt if Bob is capable of altering his deeply ingrained and jaundiced views on ANY subject never mind Thailand
  8. Yes. All the anti Trumpers.
  9. For the better.
  10. Not at the beginning they weren't. Russia invaded Poland 16 days after Germany did in WW11. Russia only became an ally after Germany invaded Russia in June 1941. Note that the USA only became an ally in December 1941 after the attack on Pearl Harbour.
  11. Deleted. No point trying to discuss anything with you.
  12. Do you mean primary school wording or kindergarten?
  13. To go into his bank accounts.
  14. Which is all you do all day every day.
  15. He will if he wants the the first ever 2nd state visit in history to go ahead! It is probably more important to him and his ego than anything else inside his tiny little brain.
  16. Polls are not facts. Especially according to your posts on other threads today. If you have a mind please make it up.
  17. It does not care! It has already boasted on other threads that it's posts to get the most "likes". A sick sick thing.
  18. About your pointless posts so please stop them. You just make yourself look a bigger fool with each meaningless post. BTW if you actually ever get around to making a serious post it will be ignored/disbelieved because it comes from you.
  19. You should count yourself lucky, if you can count, as you appear to fully qualify with your obviously low IQ.
  20. Yes what? Another moronic response. Goodnight on this topic as well.
  21. For a change try to read and understand peoples answers to your repetitive moronic questions. Not all of any one country's defence spending is totally committed to NATO or any other alliance/obligation. It has other responsibilities out with NATO etc, especially the US!
  22. NO. Parts of the US Military are assigned to NATO, other forces are assigned to other commands, https://nato.usmission.gov/
  23. Something intelligent and non argumentative for a change.
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