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Everything posted by TinyTimmy

  1. which do you mean ETA or TM6? I said ETA, but same thing applies to the TM6. Anyone spending a second thinking about it is over thinking it. The TM6 was just a slip of paper that the IO gave you. Why worry about it?
  2. You guys who keep asking about the ETA are really over thinking this. It will be no big deal. Lots of countries have similar systems and many people don't know about them until they checkin for their flight. They usually take about a minute to complete on your phone.
  3. So they are hiring guards for charity? You must be Joking. I've spent more than 2 years of my life in Phils. I wouldn't walk around Manila at night except in a few busy well guarded areas.
  4. If you think Manila is safe, ask yourself why do they need armed guards everywhere. Every mall and bank in Manila has a guard with a shot gun or assault rifle. Many hotels, restaurants, and even Starbucks do too. I've never seen more guns except in Jerusalem.
  5. I didn't even say or suggest the economy wouldn't survive.
  6. Trump is just trying to get revenge on everyone he hates, especially anyone he thinks has been disloyal to him. There is no other strategy or planning than that. He couldn't care less whether or not he destroys the US economy or even destroys the entire country in the process, but that is not really his intent. It's all about revenge.
  7. Yes, Trump is so very bigly popular and powerful!
  8. Why was everyone criticizing Thai on this thread? The plane turned around before it even got to Malaysia, not even half way to Singapore. So much hatred towards Thais here for no reason before even looking at the OP.
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