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Everything posted by Maxbkkcm

  1. Which place offer the real experience these days?
  2. Lost their smile in what ways? Less genuine than before ?
  3. would say it was better before more authentic and quiet or is today better?
  4. How did we get there? Where the trashiest people ever can move freely, travel abundantly? How do they have means to do all sorts of things? I always associate money with some work ethics ect. Apparently its not. Also, how in an expensive world, inflation and so on. Where supposidely the economy is in shamble? I call it lie. Can so many people afford so many things , travels included. Shouldnt be the opposite? More people consume and do more than lets say 15 to 10yrs ago. Doesnt make any sense to me.
  5. Sounds harsh. Lets say they didnt self reflect to go beyond their primitive instinct.
  6. Non westerners heritage yes. Original westerners nope, they pass this stage. By self reflecting and improvements. Used to be in the past but they evolve.
  7. Then Rod Stewart of 1985…
  8. You will see this behaviour in any overpopulated countries and non westeners. Because its much easier to stand against an oustider, a foreigner. Than standing for things that really matters. This is one example of why non westerners country will never progress
  9. Solution number 4 ban both. And be merciless about it. Its time to end this poison as well as all the drugs. And to do it fully without mercy.
  10. You really think that way about ozzies? But how you explain that Australia achieved wealth, great infrastructure, and functional country. On par with the UK, Germany ect Even though it was build by ex convict. How do you explain that ?
  11. Pack mentality. No individuality. The group prevail over the individual. Thats why there is no critical thinking. Opposite of the West.
  12. Because western countries care and made the choice of quality of life. Others didnt. We have free will.
  13. Who's up for an IRL and share a coffee in Bangkok or Jomtiem? By reading your posts I learned a lot through your knowledge of Thailand and Asia in general. I thought this can be beneficial to expend on conversations further. If you're in Bkk or Jomtiem, you can send a DM. Cheers,
  14. They already implemented at 7/11
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