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  1. I am in Chiang Mai. Where should I go to buy and have fitted a new set of tyres? Should I buy some and take them to a specialist place to fit them? Can a regular car place do it?
  2. https://s.lazada.co.th/s.tzgk7 The one Ctek recommends for batteries stored for a long time. I'm just wondering what the difference is between it and a 1000 Bt charger from AliExpress.
  3. I went today at lunchtime. I was the only customer. I am from the UK and a self-proclaimed chip geek. I ordered the small cod and chips and mushy peas. I started to read a news article on my tablet and before I had finished my food arrived. This was a little suspicious for me. I still cook chips, when back in the UK, the old fashioned way as my mum always did in a tradtional deep fat fryer with a lip for holding the basket above the oil to allow the oil to reheat before a second frying. I knew the chips could not have been cooked fresh. They were too "narrow" to be real UK chip shop chips and a bit soft. The fish batter was crisp and the cod very good. The mushy peas were OK. Overall for 380 Bt it was OK. It's not so easy to get great fish&chips in the UK so I woudn't expect perfection but I am a firm believer in freshly cut chips cooked to order. For me, the other places I used to more regularly eat fish & chips at, provide better value for something comparable. I would knock of half a star for not having a plate large enough for all the food.
  4. https://www.ctek.com/ctek-magazine/what-battery-charger-is-recommended-for-motorcycle
  5. This was the one I thought I'd embeded in my post but I just read embeded links don't work anymore on this forum. www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007002770297.html Ctek was the other brand I looked at.
  6. Policy practices to mitigate sugar cane burning in Thailand https://ap.fftc.org.tw/article/3596
  7. Not if I leave it at the condo. Are you talking about leaving it on charge whilst connected to the bike? I was thinking of taking to my friend that lives 15 minutes walk and leaving it outside in her car port. If I left it on charge in my condo with no one there I was thinking it could be a fire risk. Also I looked quite a lot on AliExpress and particularly at the brands with the most sales but still there were no clear choices on which charge to buy. This is on of those "bigger" brands.
  8. I've been wearing Real half face helmets for years. A good compromise of price and performance. I'm in Chiang Mai and only studying around town most of the time. https://www.real-helmets.com/
  9. I spend a lot of time, up to 6 months, away from Thailand and usually leave my bike with a friend. Most times they take the battery off the bike. The last time which included the flooding the battery was dead. I bought a high quality FB battery. I watched a YouTube video about how to take care of batteries which said I should keep it on a trickle charger. I might be away for 10 months this time and leave the bike under a covered section at my condo. Is that safe? Should I leave battery at another friends where it would be charged outdoors in their car port?
  10. https://www.facebook.com/TheChippyatTheGate It says delivery on Grab
  11. I just tried it with Surfshark successfully. Do you get an error or a geo restriction message?
  12. Thanks I guess you mean this one as you link was only to an image. https://nocnoc.com/p/Faucets/MEX-ก๊อกผสมน้ำร้อน-เย็น-รุ่น-1/10778864 I think for forum software doesn't like Thai in links as it wouldn't allow me to embed the link and it isn't clickable in the post.
  13. I can confirm I am in Chiang Mai. I went to the smaller HomePro on the superhighway near Decathlon and also Mega near Big C Don Chan. Both had a range of heaters, HomePro had 2 models of tap/fawcett and Mega 1. The condo I stayed in on holiday at the beginning of the month had the Mex heater and it worked well. Thank you to everyone for taking time to contribute. Right now I am but busy with Christmas so I will be back to going out to look for one at the end of this week whilst still considering an online purchase. Merry Christmas all.
  14. I think I am on my 3rd cold only kitchen sink tap/fawcett since I bought my condo 16 years ago so I know quality varies a lot. I was planning to get these: https://nocnoc.com/p/Faucets/EVE-Faucet-LUCA/12463414 https://nocnoc.com/p/Water-Heaters-Water-Boilers/MEX-เครื่องทำน้ำร้อน-MULTIPOINT-รุ่น-CENTRI-6-S-6000W/12107665 and NocNoc which I've never bought from before has the best prices.
  15. Thanks. Might be an idea to have it added to the description on the main page although I see there are a few sub forums of the property forum, somewhere I'd never visited before.
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