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Posts posted by Mackerel

  1. Once your attention is focused on a problem that could lead you to getting close with Thai authorities. It's sure to be 'hot' news.

    Throw into the mix Thai prisons, changing visa rules, statements that seemed anti-farang, APEC etc. and you understand how even 1 arrest can flare up a few imaginations.

    I agree there were some very concerned citizens, but I can understand why. You know what? You read, then take the advice with a pinch of salt.

  2. I've used cs and loxinfo cards many times in the past, now they've merged.

    You can buy a 300 hour package called ' webcafe ' or something similar. I have to say the connections seem a lot better with this package as opposed to the 60 hour cards.

    Perhaps you get priority over other surfers when you get the better package? I don't know, but I get the acceptable service now. Before, with low hour cards I had peak time problems, slow surfing etc.

  3. I bought a Creative Labs Mp3 player. Nomad MuVo. It's nice and compact [ large lighter size ] and holds enough Mp3s to pass away some time [ 128meg stick memory] . Problem is it sounds terrible to me. It's ok if you plug it into your computer speakers with sub-woofer, which is what I use it for most. But with headphones, for me anyway, it's lacking. I can explain this way; When I listen to music, I like bass and treble and set the equaliser to a 'smile' shape, high bass, low mid and high treble. I don't like midsound too much and the MuVo sounds like all the bass is gone, the mid and treble are set to max. There's nothing built in to alter the sound. So you have to put up with the generic ' pop noise ' settings . Shame really as it's a useful bit of kit and for 7,000 baht I shouldn't expect too much  ::o:
  4. There's a few travel agents on Soi Post Office. Mr. Boon is one of them and for 2k you get taken to Arranyapratet, cross and come back. They apply for the Cambodian visa while you get a bite to eat. They guide you through the immigration, even filling the forms out for you. I think the leave every Wed and Sun, 7am ish, you get back to Pattaya around 5pm. I used them a lot in the past, because the do everything for you - easy.
  5. I was thinking about the 7/11 stores today and came to the conclusion that if I had to work there, with a siren that sounds everytime someone comes through the door, I'd probably make mistakes counting. Dee-Dur, Dee Dur!

    The new 20 notes do look similar too, I agree. Maybe that explains where all my cash went. Roadside food stalls must think I'm a real good tipper - Giving a 980 baht tip for noodle soup.

  6. I was sickened to read the following in today's Bangkok Post;

    Girls in close escape from kidnap gang

    Surachai Piraksa

    Four girls narrowly escaped abduction by a gang while returning home from school in Buri Ram's Muang district yesterday.

    The girls later told police they had heard children cry for help from a van while running for their own safety.

    Sunan Leummaimit and Suchada Karb-oi, both 14, Sukanya Saikanok, 13, and Sunisa Poonprakhone, 12, all Mathayom 1 students of Pattaraborpit school, said they were walking home when a white van with tinted windows stopped behind them.

    They saw four hooded men dressed in black shirts and trousers in the van. Three of the men got out and started running towards them. The girls ran away. The men chased them for about 500 metres but gave up when the girls got close to houses.

    The girls' parents reported the incident to police.

    The girls told police they believed about 10 other children were inside the van. They had heard them cry when the van door was opened.

    Police immediately set up checkpoints on various routes to intercept the van. Officers in other districts and nearby provinces were also told to be on the lookout.

    Police said child abduction gangs were reportedly active in the Northeast, particularly in Buri Ram and Nakhon Ratchasima provinces.

    Although the story made the frontpage, it wasn't the 'headline'.

    I'm amazed at the condensed reporting  -just a few inches of space- and at the Police remark that child abduction gangs are reportedly active. It all seems to add up to 'regular' news with a limited amount of importance.

  7. Next time you're in Phuket...

    Don's Cafe for a beef steak. He [ Don ] has cold rooms and hangs the beef for 40 days, or so. Tender, sweet.

    After 2 years already in Thailand, I was used to the tough steaks. What a delight to visit his place. Only problem is, I don't live in Phuket.

  8. I've had a few times that cashiers 'forget' 10 or 20 baht from my change. But as I look them in the eye, they suddenly 'realise' their mistake without me telling them. However, this has happened only 3 times in the last 2 years. Not any worse than Europe.

    Amazing this experience happened to you in the 7/11. The way they count the cash, count again and then check again...


  9. This having said, a friend of mine left Thailand September 26 through the Aranyaprathet/Poipet crossing (Cambodian border) with a bunch of other foreigners, and reentered the Kingdom straight away. He told me everybody was allowed to leave right away, but coming back to Thailand all passports were examined quite thoroughly.

    There seems to be no uniformity in this. I passed through the same border around 21st September, there were many farang before me on the way out and on the way back in. I watched carefully - no interest in passport checking on the way out or back in. One guy did catch their attention on the way out, however he wasn't dressed very well for meeting immigration officials, downright scruffy. They quickly flicked through his passport and, I heard the farang say, 'no, I went myself'. He repeated this a few times and they let him through.

  10. You know, Tesco are selling some baked beans for about 30 Baht for large tin. Problem is, the sauce is too sweet IMO. Ayam brand name, I think.

    Cheese, forget the local stuff. It all tastes too much like cheap cheese spread. Give yourself a treat and buy imported NZ cheddar. Foodland sells it at the nice price.

    I bought some 'Thai' mayonaise once, horrible. Why do Thai's love so much to eat sweet? Amazing they're not all diabetic from years of eating sugar.

  11. Those days where you just 'nip out' to BigC or Tesco, but for no particular reason  - Everytime I go to those places, I spend thousands on all kinds of rubbish. The nice cool environment has me browsing in no time. Take the girlfriend and that really pushes up the costs...
  12. But Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said there was "nothing to be worried about".

    I'm sure Thailand will shortly be 'free' of missiles. Just like it's free from drugs, terrorists, stray dogs, garland sellers etc.

  13. Seems to me he could afford to send her to a Japanese finishing school. Then bring her along as a real lady, coming from an elite family in Japan

    Is that it? Just a little more than one line...

    Bud, you're slipping. Where's the essay?

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