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Posts posted by Rabbi

  1. No need to track these things on the web; at financial year end the banks themselves report activity on all accounts (unless exempt) to the tax authorities.

    This is why lying to the tax man can get you in real bother as they have the info from source.

    Sorry you are dead wrong in all the westernised countries that I have ever dealt with [additionally Singapore, Malaysia & even Thailand] there is no such action taken automatically by the banks.

    The tax departments can only request info on particular accounts and it is generally after commencing an audit

  2. After many years in Accounting, International taxation, IT and Para-legal consulting and after living in Thailand for nearly 7 years I could go into lengthy discussion but in summary registering a domain name is quick & easy and generally the annual fee fairly low and can be done over the net with a credit card

    Some countries require you to be registerd as a business to use a Country abbreviation (eg .au .nz .uk etc) This allows them to try and keep you accountable but a straight .com .net, .org, .biz .... etc is available without any country restrictions, the only restriction is getting one that suits you.

    You can then have your website published and if you do it yourself or get it done by a friendly person then generally there is no advertising by 3rd parties unless you specifically want it.

    No matter where you are, you are going to need at least one bank account or facility [either private or business] to receive the funds from your sales whether direct or indirect as from an agency [PayPal, a credit card banker/supplier etc] and this can complicate it especially if your sales are substantial but initially and during a trial period it can generally be treated as a "hobby" and not attract the attention of taxation authorities and in fact in many countries you can elect to be treated as such subject to Total Income.

    If you need a business bank account then you will need to "prove" you are a business and so initially a private bank or even an existing credit card facility can be used during the hobby stage.

    I suppose the question you need to resolve is how big will this get and when do I want to change from a "hobby" to a "business" and at this stage you would be advised to seek professional assistance.

    Remember that in a business scenario you can offset your Income with many expenses to mimimise the tax impact and you need to be conscious of the tax imposts collected and paid [sales tax, VAT, import Tax & duty ..... etc]

    Hope that assists you a bit and you are welcome to email me direct if I can be of further guidance.

    Cheers & good luck.

  3. Not sure where you are but it is quite an easy matter to buy a replacement screen for your laptop or even purchase a seperate monitor and attach it to your laptop - maybe even a seperate keyboard and your old laptop just acts as a computer.


    Just checked your profile and see you are in Ban Chang so where I am in Pattaya would be easy for you


  4. Absolutely!!

    Any person who gains financially and dobs in his fellows is a DOG and should be treated as such.

    I don't care what country - it is fine to report a felony to the authorities but then let them do there own investigations

    There is enough corruption in this country without vistors to the Kingdom increasing it and to be honest I have had enough of some comments on this topic so I am signing out of any further involvement at this time.

    BTW.... unlike some posters I have not "hidden" my identity

  5. Having lived in LOS for some 6 years and running an Aussie bar in Pattaya I have researched this subject in some detail and would summerise what I am certain are the answers to several questions

    1. Australian Network is readily available on Sophin cable but not on True/UBC or you can get a free card for your satellite encoder from the ABC. The programs are fairly restricted to News & Documentaries, Kids programs, repeats of Ozzie soapies and language lessonsbut generally sports are restricted - cricket is not shown except if a test in Australia plently of AFL, NRL, International Rugby during the season and car racing.
    2. True/UBC Satellite Platinum service gets plenty of European & USA sports very rare to get any Australian Sports, maily EPL "Soccer"
    3. I have seen Indian cricket channels in Bangkok and have madecontact to receive via combination of Internet/Satellite but is expensive
    4. Astra services from KL are available but you need sattelite system and apply for service from Malaysis but I understand there are some legal aspects that need to be considered but I have seen the Indian cricket channels in BKK but in Pattay Sophon only show 2 stations which have European Football & tennis.
    5. You can purchase a satellite sytem that gets many Free to Air channels from around the world but OUR sports are generally not FTA so not available
    6. No Australian TV is allowed to be transmitted outside the Australian footprint and that footprint does not cross the equator.
    7. There are some illegal pirate systems that used to work but now that the South African authorities have restricted their footprint to sub-sahraian you can not get in LOS

    I hope this clarifies it for you. I am continually looking and I will let you know if I find anything suitable.

    Maybe there is someone out there that has an answer but at this stage I can not find an answer.


  6. Thanks for all the replies so far. Can you use it with any software or is it confined to certain programs?

    I use the older versions for dictating straight into Outlook, MSWord & Excel as well as MYOB. I notice that I loose the use of the number pad but's all. Probably fixed in current versions.

  7. I have been using Dragon naturally speaking for over seven years and I am extremely happy with it.

    I am still using version 9.10 so I can't comment on any later versions. In fact this message was produced by DNS and I use it for most of my correspondence and a lot of my data imput for Excel and MYOB

    One important aspect that makes for a successful application is the training so that it can recognize your voice. It may seem a bit tedious especially once it seems to be working but occasionally misinterpret it just a matter of treating it like you would a Thai employee be patient and continue retraining and even spelling particular words and I am certain you will be extremely happy the same as I am.

    It is also helpful if you speak clearly and slowly.

    If I can be of any other assistance please do not hesitate to contact me

    All the best

  8. Two really helpful answers that even I can understand! It seems that following the manual is the better way to go.

    Many thanks.



    By coincidence this article appeared in TecRepublic this afternoon.

    you may want to look at it by following the link. as it appears it may also enable you to use your existing programs.

    "How do I move my entire Windows XP installation into Windows 7 with Paragon Go Virtual? "



  9. Can't tell you much about the battery life aspects except that I have had the one battery in my Laptop for nearly 5 years and it is plugged into the mains power 99.9% of the time. Only recently have noticed that now I can only get 1 hour whereas before it wass 6 or 7 hours life. Can't complain as generally they only have about 2 years life span.

    With your new machine the data files can easily be copied across using a simple data/flash drive/stick, by CD/DVD, Bluetooth connection or even networking the 2 computers. Your programs I am pretty certain will have to be reinstalled from the original [albeit not authentic] CD's or if they were downloaded and you don't have copies you will have to download again.

    Hope this assists.

  10. I had a similar challenge with the cost of replacement tanks so did a fairly extensive review of printers with external tanks and decided on an Epson TX300F [an MFC model] with dealer added tanks. It cost 4500Bht , 3 months ago from a "shop" in Tucom in Pattaya. I could have spent another 1800 Bht and got a faster machine but for my use the slower model is more than adequate. I use it for menus for my restaurant and financial graphs etc. About 500 pm.

    Canon & HP were close contenders but supose I was influenced a bit by price and availabilty. I think basically those 3 manufacturers are kosher. Wish I could say that about the "shop" I purchased from.[see below]

    I am now looking at buying ink to refill the tanks as after 2 months they are getting low and bottles [100mls] seem to be around 100Bht to 170 Bht. As you will see I will be buying from an authorised agent

    All in all I am happy, but with the tanks I get warnings from the system that an internal cartridge needs to be changed and it is necessary to go through a minor procedure to make the system think that you have replaced the cartridge. It essentially involves pressing a button on the IC Card inside the printer and letting it "recharge". It occurs on each colour cartridge but not regularly so no real hassle.

    So far you'd say OK!!

    BUT BE WARNED...... only buy from an actual authorised dealer/agent and they are listed on the manufacturers websies. Do not believe the sales person!!

    I bought from a "shop" and they added the tanks but it wasn't until I had a hiccup wth the facsimile function [caused by external elecrical surge - I think] that the following situations arose

    • The "shop" could not repair despite me paying highly for the boy to pickup & redeliver, even though they said it was OK but wouldn't install and show me.
    • When I eventually went to an authorised dealer they said straight out mine was not an authorised option and so I had no warranty.
    • They were extremely helpful and agreed that they & Epson would honour the warranty to protect their product name but for me to warn others to ensure any options are supplied & fitted by an authorised Agent
    • Although they fixed it took 2 weeks while they waied for a Motherboard from Singapore and it cost me 600bht for labour, pickup/delivery and installion to show me it worked.
    • They also recommended that only ink recommend & sold from agents be used.

    Hope this helps!!

  11. Oy Veh!!

    Don't come and see me - I can not fathom it or him.

    Tried a few google searches and it appears there are severel theories that have been put out by many "Josephs" over the years and over many subjects, but what this character is alluding to and what relevence it has to the forum topic makes no sense

    :jap: :annoyed::sorry::offtopic:

  12. I just want to put a few simple points and will not get involved with the politics

    • This is the lowest low season in 10+ years in Pattaya, and I understand Bangkok as well,in so far as tourist & golfing for general bar, food accomodation sales and green fees.
    • From surveys I have done based on current actual turnover/revenue it appears on average the tourist numbers and spending is down 65-70% on average 5 year High Season and down 45% on average 5 year low season.
    • Individual spending per Expat long termers is down approximately 65% due to caution and Forex rates particularly for Europeans
    • High Season instead of being from November to April [6 months] for 2 years has been mid Dec to Mid Jan [2 months
    • TAT's statistics seem to be based on their budget forecast and I can not see that there is any relevance to actuals
    • 600 Billion expected income from 15.5million expected tourists equates to 38.7 million Baht per toursist !!! - I and every SME [Thai or Foreigner] in this sector would have no complaints if this bore any semblance to the truth

    It seems the age old adage "... well I read it in the paper [or now on the net] or saw it on TV so it must be correct....!!!" When will people ever learn?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this... I know it will not acheive anything expect give you some other figures to ponder while we are Guests in Their Kingdom..

  13. I have been using Skype for over 6 years in Thailand,to all parts of the world mainly Pattaya but occaisionaly from Surin and it is excellent both audio & video so I would question your hardware &/or your ISP. I even use the conference call facility ithout any problems.

    Hope you can sort it as it is a good application.

  14. Hi all

    I think this is a very topical matter. I recently sent this email to some friends outside of Thailand as I am also looking at a replacemnt to my current suppliers here in Pattaa & Surin

    I was following the various threads prior to the 2010WC and it seemed that DSTV in South Africa moved their transmissions to another satellite and the footprint was sub-Saharan. FIFA also had a fiscal hand by licensing the WC transmissions. None the less, in Pattaya we all lost the South African channels but the local Sophon Cable “replaced” them with Astro transmissions some of which appear to be the old DSTV from SA.

    I understand that DSTV will not be obtainable even after the WC. It seems that XXXXX was pirating the cricket in the subcontinent for their millions and this was a major factor in DSTV changing satellite & footprint

    My main concern now is that my/our alternative satellite service, generally in Thailand, is Truevision/UBC and the programs are not really suitable for me and caters mainly for Thais
    so I was wondering if I could get transmission from another supplier even if not in Thailand. Paying a subscription doesn’t worry me – I am paying now for a sub quality service.

    I have heard about Astro, IndoSat and am investigating

    I suppose my questions are

    A. What country/service do I contract with whose transmissions are able to reach Thailand [Pattaya & Surin Province]?

    B. What is the type of content they provide – mainly interested in sports & quality movies & news documentaries in English?

    . What equipment do I need?

    D. Cost and how do I pay?

    <P dir=ltr>I don't want to get into any controversal or anti-forum areas that Richma alludes too but would appreciate constructive & legal ideas that maybe we can all utilse. I have reviewed JVSat website and they seem to be a respectable hardware supplier but I need to find a package subscription whose footprint exteds to Thailand.

    Anybody have some advice or ideas?


  15. Not certain where you are or your Nationality but it appears that you are not aware of the full implications and requirements for getting a Non-Imm O Retirement Visa for the Kingdom of Thailand.

    I am happy to explain if you are in Pattaya otherwise I would suggest you speak to a professional about It as there are several combinations to achieving the 800K of assets [bank] &/or Income [Pensions, interest etc]

    Cheers &Good Luck

  16. True has a history of lying to its customers, it has got many people to upgrade for sporting events before only to just show one game then pull the feed. My local Pub 'The Crossbar' in Bangkok has got a slingbox installed from the UK for the world cup with BBC or ITV commentary so i'll be heading down there for the England games.

    Thai internet depending :)

    G'Day - I'm in Pattaya and would love to be able to watch the WC

    What is a "slingbox" Crossbow is a friend of the CBB's [our international cricket fellowship] but I don't have a contact for them. Do you reckon he could help me? Probably left it too late!!


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