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Posts posted by luckyluke

  1. I know Thai logic is different and it equates to " in through the out door " to me.

    I have been going out with this thai lady ( 36 years old two kids boy of 14 and daughter 2 1/2 ). She runs her own hairdressers up Naklua way and I've been seeing her off and on for nearly a month now and told her she must take Monday's off so we can a have a day out ( touristy things ) which she did and we do. This morning she went to open up shop and I went to book a flight to Chaingmai ( going alone ) until Sunday. Oh forgot to mention her english is non existent and my thai very limited ( ok for bar lady talk ) so the book turns into the essential tool.

    So I thought I'd shoot up to the hairdressing salon to explain that I'll be away until Sunday and that she should come to my place after her work on Sunday night and we'll have dinner. As it happens her younger sister was at the salon chatting and she speaks very good english ( married to an american commercial pilot ) and I was frankly quite astounded when she she said Paylor ( name of g/f ) was wondering when I was going to give her some money for her baby. " pardon " was my reply : sister " yes you have to give her some money to send to her baby " me " I'm not in the habit of paying for the upkeep of other men's babies " sister " well you have been boom boom her for a long time now " me " well I didn't know hairdressers were in the same catagory as bar ladies ( I really was giving them up but after this probaly not ) and if I did I would have chosen a younger one " anyway this discussion went on for awhile and I thought b@ll@cks can't be doing with this so I got a baht bus and came back to my apartment. 10 minutes Paylor pitches up I've come to get my kit, ok and here's 4000baht to be getting on with. Declined the money at first then thought better and took it. Then it was all "I love you I care you " tears and me ok I'll phone you when I get back. Yeah right. Now, every time we made love was she thinking is it pay day ? ( Ignoring the fact I bought her an expensive watch, no not from one of the street hawkers and a dear shoulder bag ) and do they EVER buy you a beer even when running a lucrative business? ( she has on average 15 clients a day ).

    'Nuff said . I'm going back to UK 19th April having bought myself a little house out side Pattaya and when I come back in December it's back to the go gos and beer bars for me.


    Oh, disenchantment,and grim reality of the thai live

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