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Posts posted by luckyluke

  1. I think it should be up to the business owners to decide. If the pub owner does not want people smoking in his pub, then he has to right to stop people smoking in his pub.

    If more people prefer to sit in a smokeless pub then wouldn't the pub owners have already banned smoking?

    (same goes for the business owners of all kind)

    Exactly, I argued on another thread that the bar/restaurant owner is the business person who makes the decision. A particular section of society is targetted and the rules set accordingly. If smoking is permitted and the trade is insufficient to support the business there are two options. Go under or change to a non-smoking venue, but let that be the decision of the businessman with no government interference. Provided the policy is clearly stated outside the establishment then the choice is up to the customer.

    The way it's going in the UK I can forsee a time when smokers will have to have a symbol sewn into their clothing, like a yellow star perhaps?

    PS I have never smoked in my life but defend the rights of others to do so.


    Why a symbol?,you can detect already a smoker by his bad(for me) smell.

  2. zaza or whoever you are

    get a life

    stop trolling :o

    Sorry,I'm new to this forum language(joined today....computer illiterate too....no time before I retired !)..............so........WHAT IS TROLLING ?(controlling?strolling?rolling ts?)

    and why do I see so many "LOLs.".....can somebody write a book on this 'new' language !Forgive my ignorance,I'm sure I can't be alone in my ignorance..........or am I ?Never mind,your'e only as old as the woman you feel.....my wife is young and beautiful but I want to know if she's a Troller !!!!

    Have a nice day ,can't wait to start Troll spotting !!!!!!!!

    Trolling is an Internet forum phenomenon, where someone makes a faux appeal for sympathy or attention. This can be done by asking provocative questions or appealling to people's vanities or sympathies.

    Responses usually vary from hostility to empathy. But seldom last less than 7 whimsical pages of hot air in cyberspace / time you can never recover.... Hope this helps,... :D

    LOL = slang internet word for laugh,in Holland and Belgium LOL = joke

  3. Just a reminder for those going to the UK in the Summer and that is a smoking ban is due to come into force on 1 July. It covers virtually all enclosed public places including offices, factories, pubs and bars. But neither outdoor space nor private homes will be affected.

    When or will it happen here do you think?


    As non smoker i hope as soon as possible ,

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