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Posts posted by brain150

  1. 1. All taxes are theft !

    2. Governments don't need taxes to finance anything ! They issue bonds to do so !

    3. No Government has any right to collect any data on its citizens unless they are criminals.

    4. Socialism never worked and never will ... so much to the Government stealing money from some to give it to others. A well fare system has to be based on free will not on theft by violence


    The poor are poor because the powerful make and keep them poor !

    The propaganda above is just this: Propaganda !


    Governments are there to SERVE and not to CONTROL [even though the word "govern" actually means "to control" - "ment" comes from "mind" ... so, Government actually means: To control the mind !!!]

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, faraday said:

    Oh yes, tell us more please.



    What you think what 25 GHz do to your body ?

    2.4 GHz make you infertile according to many physicians all over the world.


    Scientists requested the total shutdown of ALL microwave technology in the US as early as 1971 due

    to the well known dramatic health issues in both humans and animals !


    Going to 25-100 GHz is an assault on every being in the range of the network !

    That's proven science and available to anybody who wants to know anything about it.


    ... but it's just so much fun to use your fancy iPhone or iPad or what ever mobile device.

    They are just all killing you [and all of us] - slowly but steadily !!!

  3. 32 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

    If you support banning smoking, you should be more

    concerned with banning alcohol.

    Alcohol is the No. 1 killer globally, but that's ok, yes?

    It's people killing themselves or others with Alcohol or under the influence of Alcohol !!!


    The gun does not kill !!! Who ever is pulling the trigger is the murderer !
    [something to think about for all those pulling the trigger - it's not the one giving the order who is the murderer - 

    it's the one pulling the trigger !!!]


    The number 1 killer globally are Governments !!!

    Alcohol can't kill as many people as [for example] the US Government did over the last 300 years !!!

    [Or 50 Mio in the Sowjet Union, 60 Mio in Mao China ... Germany, France, Vietnam, Cambodia .... the list is longer

    then any amount of Alcohol that can ever be distilled]

  4. I just love to read all the nonsense ????


    Brainwashed people justifying the nonsense they get from the controllers via the brainwash media.

    I would really like to see the science about this ...


    And if we are on the science already we might look into the science of microwave technology [mobile networks] also

    and find out why nobody wants to make WiFi illegal [which is way more harmful than smoking ...]


    Maybe the controllers just want people to know anything about anything and just talk nonsense

    about everything ???

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Liverpudlian said:

    Valentines was a product invented Uk to cheer up there loved ones dying in trenches far from home. FULL STOP.

    You couldn't be more wrong !!!

    It has nothing to do with the UK or with cheering anybody up.


    It's historically very dark and all about perversion ... and stupid people celebrate it !!!



    • Thanks 1
  6. Just wonder how much environmental damage such a battle ship produces ... or a "Cobra Gold" exercise.

    They are hopefully not running any diesel engines or setting anything on fire.


    ... but as these are the good guys they surely don't do such things.

    [Apart from killing millions of people and bombing anybody into the stone age that has a different opinion]


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  7. What exactly is environmental "friendly" in all this elektro-anything-nonsense ?

    [Like solar or wind or electric cars ...]

    None of it has a positive energy balance and as such they are all NOT sustainable !!!

    Just because you don't see the pollution does not mean there is none.


    The result of this nonsense to the environment will be devastating !!!

    It's the wrong technology !!!


  8. 17 minutes ago, rebo said:

    Goggle is your friend, brain ...

    I did but it only gives nonsense ...


    So I looked into the report of the IPCC and found out that they actually state that the"climate" is unpredictable !!! [it's THEIR wording not mine !!!]


    ... the whole discussion is so brainwashed and full of nonsense and fairy telling that ANYBODY who takes part in it becomes the laughing stock of humanity !

    When did humanity become so stupid that they just repeat what any idiot tells them without ever questioning any of the data given ???


    Well, thew answer seems quite easy:

    When they started to believe that nature does not exist ...

  9. 5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


    Yes. There is alot of scientific data on this subject.


    We know that long-term exposure to nitric oxide can significantly increase the risk of respiratory problems, and so these emissions have been regulated for some time. The fine particulate matter (PM) that diesel engines produce also causes cancer and can have acute respiratory effects. Particulate filters in car exhausts can reduce PM emissions by more than 90%, but they require good operating conditions and regular maintenance. They can also produce more nitrogen dioxide, making diesel one of the main sources of this toxic gas.




    The real issue is twofold. While diesel motors are very efficient on the highway, at low RPM, they produce alot of noxious fumes in an urban environment. And second, it is about maintenance. The oil in a diesel vehicle becomes black very quickly, and that leads to more emissions. Many here are not exactly famous for their willingness to maintain their vehicles, and keep them up. Without regularly changed oil, and maintenance, a diesel vehicle quickly becomes very toxic to the environment. This is science. It has nothing to do with fashion, or your concept of PC, nor your denial, or defense of diesel. Facts are facts, regardless of what Rudy says.  


    And we have little control over the world's cruise ships. Fortunately, they do not operate in metro Bangkok or Chiang Mai, do they? 



    How do your diesel fine particle emissions compare to a simple candle ?

    [If you want to talk Science !]

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Something needs to be done. Thailand could start by doing everything in it's power to discourage the purchase of new diesel vehicles. This is happening all over the world, but as usual, Thailand is in last place, when it comes to anything the slightest bit progressive or innovative. 

    What exactly is the problem with Diesel cars ?

    ... any science behind it ??? Or just a world wide agenda by some financial interests ???


    And if it is Diesel - why don't you want ALL ships to stop running as they are all running on Diesel

    and causing way more pollution than any car could ever do ?

    Like Ferries to the Islands, Cruise Liners, Fishermen, Cargo ships .... ALL of them !!!


    Or are you in fact just jumping on the band wagon of nonsense because it's just fashion these days ?

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, ebean001 said:

    can someone tell me of 1 person...just 1...who has a diesel car and has decided not to drive it into the city. I seriously doubt people will stop driving their diesel cars.


    If you could give me just one reason why I would do so ? [one that is actually based on evidence]
    Just because everybody "says so" is just not good enough for me !!!

  12. 4 hours ago, GarryP said:

    This new attack on smoking is part of the plans for reduction of air pollution. It is hilarious. Just how effective will this effort be? Instead of going after the chief causes they are going after smokers - an easy target. And no, I am not a smoker.  

    No it is not !


    It is just testing to what degree the slaves agree on being enslaved even more !

    The air pollution is just for stupid people who believe it has anything to do with cigarettes or diesel cars.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Puchaiyank said:

    The war is on all airborne pollutants.  Smoking is hazardous to everyone breathing smoke polluted air.  Do everyone a favor...

    Do you have any scientific evidence to back this up or

    do you just repeat what they say on TV ???



    100 Lung Doctors in Germany just wrote an open letter to the Government saying that there is not a single piece of

    evidence that fine dust particles in the air cause any health problems ... but that's just the people who know - or do they not ?

    • Haha 1
  14. 4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Good news,anything that maybe prevents new smokers and

    also make smokers cut consumption is a good thing,smoking

    really is a filthy habit,and the health issues it causes,they should

    be banned completely ,that could never happen i know,expect

    the smuggling of cigarettes from neighbouring countries to boom.  


    regards worgeordie

    A slave calling for more slavery !


    Just wait until somebody comes and tells you what to eat, look on TV or what to think ...


    ups ... sorry: they told you what to think already - and it's pretty much all wrong

    • Haha 1
  15. 18 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    I watched in silence as the Allies bulldozed the pitiful bodies at Auschwitz into pits

    That's when I stopped reading this piece of propaganda shit !


    The "Allies" never were in Auschwitz ! The red army "liberated" Auschwitz and raped every woman they could get their hands on. That's historical fact !!!


    If you see any photo with GIs in Auschwitz you know it's fake ... unless the photo was taken AFTER 1989 !!!

    There was NEVER an Investigation about the Holocaust unless you want to talk about the Holocaust done to the German people in Dresden in 1945 - women, children and old people - no soldiers were in Dresden at that time !!!


    Get your history straight !



    The swastika is a very ancient symbol - you will find it all over the world in many temples.

    The brainwashing sits so deep it's unbelievable - and the teachers are the most brainwashed of all !!!




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