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Posts posted by BigC

  1. yes must admit iw as proper confused first time i went there. depature arrivels old termianl new termial. suppose it will be sorte out. good or bad when it is finished.

    i hope it turns out good. for first climps for foreign investers. thailand need forang investors badly. now more than ever. my mate had a warning sign on his pass port for going to penang too many times and apply for too many tourist visa's back to back. saying that he might be refused on his next one.

    not only they stopped border bounces but they seem to be limiting tourist visa which are aplllied at the embassies.

    madness. hopefully will be sorted soon. this country needs a proper P.M and quick before it is too late

  2. the only time i would call the police is if i needed a crime number for inssurence.

    they seem to me to be very random. sometimes they nick you for something small like parking on the wrong side of the road. sometime they drive past about 10 parked cars thhat are parked wrong and won't batter an eye lid.

  3. Hi all.

    have just started my doco project.

    no pre-sale, no guarantees.

    maybe will be aired in uzbhekistan at 3 am sometime, anyhow.

    i'd love to get some local samui foreigners on tape,

    just talking about your experiences and opinions.

    pretty low key, let the camera run and have a chat.

    its just me, no production crew or caterers,

    but happily supply some drinks etc.

    if interested please PM me here or phone

    my friends have always joked about making a documentry on me. i would have to balck my face out or spend a few hrs in the sun. had a crazy few months. well a crazy few years.

    i would need my friends to help me explain what i have been up 2.

    but i need my I.D hidden. :o

    that happy face above will do!!

  4. :D

    Alcohol, that is the problem.

    Alcohol leads to nothing but problems most of the time.

    In American, 50% of fatal car crashes are alcohol related. 50%!!!!

    Everyone loves to get hammered at the local bar or a friends porch after a hard days work and then drive home and maybe kill a farang or two on the way.

    Alcohol is a horrible invention. Car crashes are just a part of why drinking is a menace to society.


    you are right. nearly everyone i know who was in a crash was drunk. aprt from one bloke i know who pulled out on his motor bike 6 am new years eve and some F==er cam out of nowehere and put him in hospital for 5 months. not only that he got about 100 000 baht which did not near cover the closer of his business for 5 months and hosital fees. yet the thai's arguemnt was

    you can put me in the monkey house becuase i not have any more money. how can you argue with that. you cannot get bloood out of a stone.

    everyone else i know and i know alot of people who have died or had there eyes taken out all drunk or drug induced.

    people don;t think when they are drunk. it is either drive or get ripped off b y a taxi who is drunk also.

  5. My girlfriend phoned me this morning to tell me a Thai man had been shot dead at Had Rin beach last night. Have you seen or heard anything about this. If true, it just confirms that place is turning into a mafia run shit hole.

    Seems a little harsh without knowing any facts.

    If it's not true what does that confirm?

    It confirms my girlfriend is lying to me to keep me away 555 :o .

    If story is true what does this prove ??? KPN and Samui are becoming bigger ! More people more problems. Now that means more of everything cars, new babes, accidents, CRIME…. This also means shootings . You make like you never heard of this sort of thing. Many of us come from counties that this goes on all day and night. But oh my good a Thai man shoot someone "This must be Mafia" What a very misused word.

    you would be suprised the mafia are here and they are organized and powerful. i won't go into detail. you are right the more money that get plowed into these island will attract mroe crime. just a side affect. thing is if you are not invloved with the mafia. if you don;t make problems then there will be no reason to get shot.

    most of the killings i have seen have been things like gambling debts, drug induced. some like joelously which is a problem. just pick your bird carefully. u can hire a Private invetigater if you want to check out your bird before you sign your self over to them.

  6. This is what i herd. you probably already know but samui is not classed as a province. it is part of surrat thani.

    which means that places like bohput,, natong, lamui. are all in the eyes of the govment just small viallages in surrathani.

    the road are about 7 or 8 years out of date.

    the thing that really annoys me is that had the draines been put in side ways it would have helped some what. the funny thing is that a forang wrote into the news paper and warned them that they were installing them wrong.

    i think the thais just laughed him off as if to say what does he know. he is just a forang. yet who is laughing now. probably the one with the cash.

    also on the cross road at the junction on the ghost road. there is no lights no lines on the road no nothing.. i missed near curtain death by a second about 2 or 3 years ago. where sudddenly i had gone over a cross roads without even realising.

    now i know whee it is but for first time people could be a problem. wonder why it is called ghost road.

    something that a simple sign or flashing ligt could sorte out. was even thinking about doiing it myself. still might.

  7. i am sure this has beenn broguht up already.

    but the new man holes they put in the road are at the wrong angle. i knew this along time ago. when they cause traffic chaos installing them.

    i already new that they would break when the lorries dumped there crap onto them. so now you have motor bikes bloking half the raod trying to avoid them and people and cars fallingn down them. when it rains you cannot see them. so u drive along then disopear down the trap doors.

    maybe me fustrated to see the thais do all that work installing them then just doing the simple thing wrong and install them side ways rarther than length ways.

    in dunno T.I.T

    This is Thailand

  8. mate of mine had a problem in penang. they stamped on his tourist visa

    " this person has apllied for multipul tourist visa back to back. might result in disopraval in next aplication"

    bloody hel_l first stop border bounces then stop going to penang and applying. thing is he has only had 3 back to back i had about 20. dunno what will happen to me next time. trying to sorte out my non imergrant B better hurry up

  9. Dan Autos Maenam

    You beat me to it S C

    Where exactly please in Maenam?

    manam something auto's cannot remeber th exact name it is about 100 meter down on moo2.

    it is the place where all the cars go to get there cars fixed on inssurence.

    sorry cannot help. you . there is another chop just before moo1 in maneam that is where i bought my last 1. on the main road.

  10. flow domestic the other day. from the new termial. i must admit. all thoug i do not bangkok airways. they have done a good job on the new terminal.

    the departed lounge makes it a pleasure to wait for your plane. the toilets are in very good condition.

    they have wireless in the lounges and good sofa's

    i was worried i would fall asleep and miss my flight.

    they might not be cheap but they have spent there profit well. just my opinum. dunno what other peoples take is on it,

    though i was confused at first where to park my car. sure that will all be sortes in the future.

  11. yes i would like to know exactly what a T.P police man job involves. what powers they have and what they can do to help. also how to contact them.

    if contacting them is not easy. then there is not much point in having them.

    would like to know the job discription of a forang TP and what there daily work consists of. maybe it would make things mor clear.

    if they want to crack down on crimes. surely they would be better off plane clothes

    so watch the eyes are everywhere

  12. I think I'm going to be sick :o

    Anyway, I cannot believe that no one here doesn't know a TP person and can get us some answers.

    They (the TP) just ran an ad in the Samui Express looking for volunteers to help but of course there is no phone number or any way to contact them if you wanted to help. Real smart.

    After my posting here I got an PM from one USAMAX that said he was willing to answer my questions.

    He noted some ppl here on forum are putting them down without cause, so if you got questions PM USAMAX.

    At least he answered saying they are here and working.

    I opened this topic about "Good experiences" with Police and Tourist Police because a general bashing will led to nothing but to misunderstandings and bad mood. Maybe one of the farang volunteers can explain their job and can give some useful contact phone numbers here in this forum.

    had one experience witht the thai police my crazy neibour asked me to turn my t.v down at 8pm. then he started a fight with me. then he called the old bill. when they came,. they were as confused as i was and left.

    i did hear that the police will not lift a finger unless they are looked after. then i just heard that.

    as for tourist police. they didn;t really do much anyway. just people that had been hear for a long time wanted to do something for the community. maybe they always wanted to be a copper in thier own country but though while they are miles away from home they could be one without having any actual powers.

    if i am a victims of crime i would not have called them. i also do not do things that invlove crime so i would not be arrested by them. so hear or not i don;t care.

    saying that every country people not like police so the forang police must have know that speaking bad about them would go with the job.

  13. I'm a US citizen, age 37, have spent most of the past 3 years in Thailand using 'visa runs', and last year married my Thai girlfriend. I have spent the last 6 months working in the US and am planning to return to Thailand shortly, trying to plan a long stay of up to a year.

    I have enough to live on but am not able to meet the B40,000 p/m income requirement. Therefore, what my research seems to tell me is that my best option for a long stay is a multiple-entry non-immigrant 'O' visa, of the type which requires me to leave and re-enter Thailand every 90 days. My wife recently confirmed with a UK citizen (also married to a Thai) that he has obtained this type of visa, which only required him to sign an affirmation on the application that he had adequate means of support. (It seems to me that the other way, which does require the income proof, is to enter on a 90-day non-Imm 'O' and then apply for the one-year extension...?)

    But the discussion in this forum and elsewhere has left me very confused. So, straight and simple, does this category truly exist? Is it easily obtained from any Thai consulate in the US? (Los Angeles would be my first option).

    If this is true, then one more question - do I need to have advance tickets booked for outgoing travel for each future entry period, before I apply?


    i duno if u can find a thai lawyer in the u.s probably near them embassy or a company that specialises in visas but i sore a thai lawyer in samui for my non immergrant B visa. apperently he told me that i have to go back to england to make it. or sinagpore. due the the heavy influx of people in K.L they have stopped issuing them..

    so u r best off get your shit soreted out in the u.s. save you 2 trips.

    the other option would be the ring a thai lawyer in thailand. maybe through askype phone to stop getting charge throug the nose.

    they are the supposed to be pro's they should help you . for a fee better off paying it and getting what you want than going backwards and forwards and going round in circles.

    there are many adverts on here.

    good luck

  14. my friends flow to penang. got back yesterday. the trip was ok. but in my friends passport. the officer wrote.

    " this user has applied for many tourist visa's back to back. maybe a denial in the future"

    how made is that. not only stopping border bounces but controlling the people that go to the embassy.

    does this country want our money.


  15. since i have been here i have herd about 50 rumers of curtain things beging built or changed. about 80 per cent never went through.

    who knows.

    i would have thought that they would have started already to be ready for august. or they might start after august but then u have the rainy season.

    but that would be to organized to think like that

  16. With raja you can book a return ticket and usually get on the next ferry - but they only have a limiyed number of places for this option so you may still have to wait for an hour or so - As already stated it is much better to book with seatran - You have to arrive around 30 minutes before departure and can ammend your ticket up to 3 hours before departure - You can phone to book and then pay by ATM or at the bank . Operators speak english - easy ! You can also have a foot massage in a nice chair .

    do u have a number at all.

    cheers :o

  17. hit and miss with me. sometimes i can drive straight on. the last time though. i got to the ferry at 11 am got the ferry at 7pm.

    best thing to do. if you want to go to surrathani for the day then book the last ticket back. or if you want to go anywhere. work out the day u r coming back and pre book the last ticket.

    saves you waiting in a que. u can mess about in suratthani if you are early. big C is alot cheaper there. stock your car up. save you the jopurney to tescos in samui the next day.

  18. good clean massages,

    classic 1 and 2 on chweng beach road.

    there is a very proffesional 1 on the ring road in lamui. special healing massage where they put pins in you and sh+t.

    there is a bloke that does it. he said that it felt as if the man was pushing his weight on his cheat yet when he opened his eyes. the man was not even touching him.

    for i nice sexual bost massage then a good oil massage is the best where the ladies are sexy. look but don't touch them.gives you alot of engery doing that.

    never go to massage where they have tv screen. they more attension to the tv,.

    for good oil massage the best places are where they have more than 1 selction of oil.

    i know i cannot talk about the other massages on here but the massage places where the women where uniforms are usually more clean. "usually".

    depending on what u want. if you want to come out with engery or engry drained. :o

  19. mac.wheeler seems to know what he wants ... and these small Kawas are crap by the way ... not even a manual clutch

    But don't buy the bike here ... you are better off buying in Surat Thani / BKK.

    Or think about buying second hand in BKK or Phuket, for the price of a new 150cc you could get a 400cc or 600cc in good condition.

    Phangan's Streets improved a lot in recent years, most of the island is easy accessible, even with a street bike.

    you don't know what u r talking about. u can easily have a clutch fitted and how much would it cost you to go all the way to phuket to hbring one back. there are loads of bike dealers on samui.

    kawaski, trail bike is not crap.

  20. can only go with experience. the bank tried to charge me 30 percent becaus the amount was over20 000 us dollors

    they let me off that time but i asked them if i can do many trannfers under 20 000 us dollor but say for example 20 times. they said yes.

    so far no problems but maybe different if you tranfer to a company account.

    you get a refund of the 30% in 1 year. which if you do get stung. it would hlp pay for you taxes.

    that is just my experience. mess up and stupid but this is where i live so i shouln;t comlain too much. more head aches at hoe tha here

  21. i woul advise you not to buy one. the right tool for the right job. cbr's are good for good road's where you can realy openthem up but phangyan and samui. a scooter woud over ake you. if u have the money you are better off with those small kawaski 110 forget the name. you know what i mean when u se one. they are perfect for the island can go over anything even race them.

    can buy up grades easily aswell.

    i also like cbr's but i had one before it was like being surround by beautiful women. being able to go with them but not able because you are with your bird.

    in other words a bi tease. that is just my advise.

    up to you though

  22. i am also looking for clean water. the water from my ell is filthy.i trid to get the company to come back and dig deeper but they don;t want to know. are there any good water filters. make ? and company that supplies them or are they too much maintance to even bother buying one.

    any help appricated.

  23. Which boxing stadium holds the best fights

    out of :


    chaweng stadium

    Puu Yai now Stadium ( lamui )

    Lamui Bar

    Or temples fights in genral.

    for me it is still chaweng stadium. if you want to see good fighting with Thai on thai. then for me i reckon chaweng stadium makes better fights. thais like it there more also.

    petchbuncha have a alot of forang vs thai fights which i find disopinting. i normally see a large forang well built against a small thai old and fat with a forang calling him the champian of the south. I think yes that is right about 50 years ago.

    Temples fights can be really interesting. i went to one where all the fights were for about 60 000 baht up to 400 000 baht.

    mainly a thai crown and not expensive.

    then u can go to normal temple fights about 100 baht to watch or you can put your name down and fight the next night.

    lamui bar have some good fight sometimes. normally good boxers who don't train and run out of puff early and need the money. not bad becuase it free. wel sorte of.

    Poo yai now. ( lamui stadium ) haves some good fights. not too expensive.

    i reckon chaweng stadium is best if you like to see blood and strong hard fights

    You answered your own question......

    ok i will refraze the question. In your opiumon which is the best stadium in samui?

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